Kali - Jazda - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kali - Jazda

The Ride
Jeau, jeau
Yo, yo
Akože, netrvalo to dlho,
Like, it didn't last long,
Ale... bolo fajn
But... it was nice
Písal sa rok 2010
It was the year 2010
A nás hudba do vesmíru vyniesla,
And that music took us to space,
vtedy mi dochádzalo, že minie sa,
Even then I realized it would pass,
Ten čas toho sna, ktorý vydrel sa,
That time of the dream that had worked its way out,
Lietame v tých časoch vo vesmíre,
We fly in those times in space,
Aj keď iní idú spať, my nespíme,
Even though others go to sleep, we don't sleep,
žijeme, jak keby ďalší deň nepríde,
We live as if the next day won't come,
Začína sa jazda a dlhý príbeh
The ride and the long story begins
Hej, hou,
Hey, ho,
Nemám slov,
I have no words,
Tisícky rúk pod oblohou,
Thousands of hands are under the sky,
život je job, zrazu deň je tmou,
Life is a job, suddenly the day is dark,
Vítajú na stagei nových psov
They welcome new dogs on the stage
Hej, hou,
Hey, ho,
Plnenie snov,
Fulfilling dreams,
Benger za bengrom a tip top show,
Banger after banger and a tip-top show,
Backstage, ou, bez predsudkov,
Backstage, yeah, without prejudice,
Každý klub je ako náš domov
Every club is like our home
Bola to jazda všeckých jázd,
It was the ride of all rides,
Dokonca života ostane v nás,
It will remain in us until the end of our lives,
Ten pocit kráľovský, yeah, yeah,
That royal feeling, yeah, yeah,
Bohužiaľ, sa mi stráca hlas,
Unfortunately, I'm losing my voice,
A hodiny tikajú, sa nám míňa čas,
And the clock is ticking, we're running out of time,
Nedá sa zápasiť s ním, yeah, yeah
You can't fight it, yeah, yeah
Víkend za víkendom stále na cestách,
Weekend after weekend still on the road,
Z mesta do mesta na miesta kde dnes hrám,
From city to city to places where I play today,
Nespal som pár nocí, ne, ani dneska,
I haven't slept for a few nights, no, not even today,
Bo idem dať big up zas bratom a sestrám,
Because I'm going to give a big up to my brothers and sisters again,
Za tie roky, ktoré idú so mnou non-stop,
For the years that go with me non-stop,
Za tie ruky, ktoré ťahajú sa po strop,
For the hands that reach for the ceiling,
Za tie časy, keď tie masy prekričali basy,
For the times when the masses shouted over the bass,
Tak že stavali nám vlasy a brnel nám rozkrok
So that our hair stood on end and our crotch tingled
A sloboda lieta tam nad nami, každú noc,
And freedom flies above us, every night,
Chceme sa poriadne zabaviť, nemáme nikoho,
We want to have a good time, we have no one,
Pome za babami, párty neni párty,
Let's go for the girls, party is not a party,
Keď tu zábrany,
When there are barriers,
Preto sme do davu bezhlavo skákali,
That's why we jumped into the crowd headfirst,
Neriešili sme tých divných, nechápavých,
We didn't care about the weird, uncomprehending ones,
Ktorí nad nami len krútili hlavami,
Who just shook their heads at us,
žili sme, pili, zhrešili, zarábali, jeau
We lived, drank, sinned, earned, yo
Bola to jazda všeckých jázd,
It was the ride of all rides,
Dokonca života ostane v nás,
It will remain in us until the end of our lives,
Ten pocit kráľovský, yeah, yeah,
That royal feeling, yeah, yeah,
Bohužiaľ, sa mi stráca hlas,
Unfortunately, I'm losing my voice,
A hodiny tikajú, sa nám míňa čas,
And the clock is ticking, we're running out of time,
Nedá sa zápasiť s ním, yeah, yeah
You can't fight it, yeah, yeah
Týmto sa chcem poďakovať šeckým,
I want to thank everyone,
Ktorým hrajem z auta, alebo z tých deckých,
Who I play from the car, or from those kids,
Každej, ktorá došla si podpísať svoje cecky,
Every one who came to sign their breasts,
Každému našému, ktorý rozskákal kecky na pecky,
Every one of ours who smashed their sneakers to the beats,
Nejsom legenda ako ten Gretzky ja,
I'm not a legend like that Gretzky,
Nemám ego snoba né, preč s níma
I don't have a snob's ego, no, get rid of it
Dajme všetci hore svoje decky a
Let's all put our decks up and
Pripime si na jazdu poslednýkrát
Let's drink to the ride one last time
Neľutujem ani jeden moment, ktorý prežili sme,
I don't regret a single moment we lived,
V klube, ktorý zhorel, keď sme sa dostali hore,
In the club that burned down when we got to the top,
Je vás more, čo nás držíte keď padneme do kolen,
There are so many of you who hold us up when we fall to our knees,
žádny strom by nevyrástol, keby nemal dobrý koreň,
No tree would grow if it didn't have good roots,
Na obzore vidím konec, každy raz bude musieť ísť dole, neboj, ešte v tvojom dome urobíme bordel, more, zahráme tie legendárne, prepijeme všecky lóve
I see the end on the horizon, everyone will have to go down sometime, don't worry, we'll still make a mess in your house, sea, we'll play those legendary ones, we'll drink all the dough
A budeme spomínať aká bola jazda - ČO JEEE?!
And we'll remember what that ride was like - WHAT JEEE?!
(Bola to jazda všeckých jázd)
(It was the ride of all rides)
Dokonca života ostane v nás,
It will remain in us until the end of our lives,
Ten pocit kráľovský, yeah, yeah,
That royal feeling, yeah, yeah,
Bohužiaľ, sa mi stráca hlas,
Unfortunately, I'm losing my voice,
A hodiny tikajú, sa nám míňa čas,
And the clock is ticking, we're running out of time,
Nedá sa zápasiť s ním, yeah, yeah
You can't fight it, yeah, yeah
Ten pocit kráľovský, yeah, yeah
That royal feeling, yeah, yeah
Bohužiaľ, sa mi stráca hlas,
Unfortunately, I'm losing my voice,
A hodiny tikajú, sa nám míňa čas,
And the clock is ticking, we're running out of time,
Nedá sa zápasiť s ním, yeah, yeah
You can't fight it, yeah, yeah
(Ten pocit kráľovský, yeah, yeah)
(That royal feeling, yeah, yeah)

Авторы: Kali, Stevie Vie

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