Bro, it doesn't matter, sis, it doesn't matter, it just doesn't matter.
Tento deň mi neako nevyšiel život je Bigboss
This day didn't go my way, life is the Bigboss,
Niekedy sa proste zachová k nám ako zlý hosť
Sometimes it just treats us like a bad guest.
Dík moc, nič moc deň tak dáme Xbox,
Thanks a lot, not much, so let's fire up the Xbox,
Celý deň bol naopak dnes idem criss cross.
The whole day was backwards, today I'm going criss-cross.
Mám v piči čierne dni idem si stále hore nos,
I don't give a damn about bad days, I still hold my head high,
Stále úsmev nosím zo sebou a stále ho mám dosť.
I always carry a smile with me, and I still have plenty.
Pre seba, pre radosť, pre to srdce, čo je zmrznuté na kosť,
For myself, for joy, for the heart that's frozen to the bone,
Dávám bozk tomu, čo mi núti zlosť.
I give a kiss to what makes me angry.
Prešiel som už toho tolko, že dnes viem, čo je fakt blbý deň a čo len blbý sen.
I've been through so much that today I know what a really bad day is and what's just a bad dream.
Čo je fakt problém a čo môžem pustiť z hlavy ven, takže nepodstatné veci podte sem, nech vás zjem.
What's a real problem and what I can let go of, so insignificant things come here, let me eat you.
Další deň dojde potom, čo stál za tu milú minž,
Another day will come after this one that was worth a million,
Preto málo kedy stane sa, že tvárim sa jak Grinch,
That's why it rarely happens that I look like the Grinch,
Treba byť tak mimo ako prci prci finč,
You have to be as out of it as a prci prci finch,
A zahrať si s tým životom ten vyjebaný pinčes.
And play that damn pinches with life.
Není každý deň nám hej, ale to neznamená, že musíš volať mayday, starý o nič nejde, sestra o nič nejde.
Not every day is a good day, but that doesn't mean you have to call mayday, bro, it doesn't matter, sis, it doesn't matter.
Treba vedieť predýchať hejt a po stopke začať od znova, a dať play, však kurva o nič nejde, pochop už o nič nejde.
You have to know how to breathe through the hate and after the stop sign, start again, and press play, because damn it doesn't matter, understand it just doesn't matter.
Dnes som sa dal do porádku zas jak čurák,
Today I messed up again like an idiot,
Zas doma dostanem hip hip hurá.
I'll get a hip hip hooray at home again.
Zlato ja som potreboval iba trocha vypnúť, to skypnúť, pretože mi dal život po gulách.
Honey, I just needed to switch off for a bit, to skype, because life kicked my ass.
Nerieš, o nič nejde niekedy si sluha, tá situácia je paní, ktorá došla ku nám, teraz
Don't worry, it doesn't matter, sometimes you're the servant, the situation is the lady who came to us, now
Neboj zajtra bude u suseda a já si budem celý deň zasa všímať iba teba.
Don't worry, tomorrow she'll be at the neighbor's and I'll be paying attention to you all day again.
Jebať! Aj tak nevidím nám do kariet,
Fuck it! I can't see our cards anyway,
Ten najvyšší na kríži, najbližší plán je,
The highest one on the cross, the closest plan is,
Postaviť sa isť dalej, bo súdené nám je býť šťastný, teda pokým bude slúžiť zdravie. (nazdravie)
To stand up, move on, because we are meant to be happy, that is, as long as our health serves us. (cheers)
Pretože to je to podstatné, aj keď milujem tie peniaze,
Because that's what matters, even though I love that money,
Tak sú nepodstatné.
So it doesn't matter.
Keby si ochorela, tak jebem všetko ostatné a
If you got sick, I'd fuck everything else and
Dám ti život svoj, nech tu ďalej ostať smieš.
Give you my life, so you could stay here.
Není každý deň nám hej, ale to neznamená, že musíš volať mayday, starý o nič nejde, sestra o nič nejde.
Not every day is a good day, but that doesn't mean you have to call mayday, bro, it doesn't matter, sis, it doesn't matter.
Treba vedieť predýchať hejt a po stopke začať od znova, a dať play, však kurva o nič nejde, pochop už o nič nejde.
You have to know how to breathe through the hate and after the stop sign, start again, and press play, because damn it doesn't matter, understand it just doesn't matter.
Není každý deň nám hej, ale to neznamená, že musíš volať mayday, starý o nič nejde, sestra o nič nejde.
Not every day is a good day, but that doesn't mean you have to call mayday, bro, it doesn't matter, sis, it doesn't matter.
Treba vedieť predýchať hejt a po stopke začať od znova, a dať play, však kurva o nič nejde, pochop už o nič nejde.
You have to know how to breathe through the hate and after the stop sign, start again, and press play, because damn it doesn't matter, understand it just doesn't matter.
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