That no one compares to the one who is with me today
él es el feo de la calle
He is the ugly one on the street
Con su estilo funky
With his funky style
Es el feo de la calle
He is the ugly one on the street
Con su estilo funky
With his funky style
Con su pelo tan desaliñado con su andar despreocupado lo que nunca habia buscado él es el mismo que hoy anda conmigo
With his hair so messy, with his carefree walk, what I had never looked for, he is the same one who walks with me today
- Asi esta mija, ninguno de ellos se busca andar conmigo-
- That's right, my girl, none of them wanted to be with me-
"Anda conmigo"
"Be with me"
- Digan lo que digan yo soy el elejido-
-"Whatever they say, I'm the chosen one-"
Quien pensaria que detras
Who would have thought that behind
De sus palabras iba a estar
His words would be
Esa creación del cielo que hoy toma mi mano
That creation of heaven that holds my hand today
Algunas le dijeron no por eso cuando dije si me ha sido fiel y mucho mas que lo soñado yo se muy bien que este amor durará para siempre creo que nunca yo fui tan feliz
Some said no, that's why when I said yes, he has been faithful to me and much more than I ever dreamed, I know very well that this love will last forever, I don't think I have ever been so happy
él es el feo de la calle
He is the ugly one on the street
Con su estilo funky
With his funky style
Es el feo de la calle
He is the ugly one on the street
Con su estilo funky
With his funky style
Con su pelo tan desaliñado con su andar despreocupado lo que nunca habia buscado él es el mismo que hoy anda conmigo
With his hair so messy, with his carefree walk, what I had never looked for, he is the same one who walks with me today
Anda conmigo
Be with me
-Oye niña que probaste y me pelaste con el que nunca vaya de pelo lacio, que lo nuestro es todo aca no en el gimnasio, y que la ceja no me saco, que ando contigo porque tu quisiste estar conmigo esto no le agrada ni a tus enemigos pararte en seco pocas hacen eso por eso ná más te respeto, cuando uno cree se ve que no es como parece y lo que aprendiste son estupideses que los prejuicios son pá los que se fijan por eso soy el feo de la nena linda
-Hey girl, you tried me and peeled me with the one who never wears his hair straight, that our thing is all here, not in the gym, and that I don't pluck my eyebrows, that I'm with you because you wanted to be with me, this doesn't even please your enemies, to stop short, few do that, that's why I only respect you, when you believe it seems that it's not as it appears and what you learned is nonsense that prejudices are for those who notice that's why I'm the ugly one of the pretty girl
El es el feo de la calle
He is the ugly one on the street
Con su estilo funky
With his funky style
- Ese soy yo tego calderon
- That's me, Tego Calderon
Es el feo de la calle
He is the ugly one on the street
-Ven a bailarte
-Come and dance
El es el feo de la calle
He is the ugly one on the street
Con su estilo funky
With his funky style
-La legacia ves
-Legacy you see
Es el feo de la calle con su estilo funky
He is the ugly one on the street with his funky style
Con su pelo tan desaliñado con su andar despreocupado lo que nunca habia buscado él es el mismo que hoy anda conmigo
With his hair so messy, with his carefree walk, what I had never looked for, he is the same one who walks with me today
- Esta bien
- It's okay
Anda conmigo
Be with me
Anda conmigo
Be with me
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