Kapitán Demo - Party - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kapitán Demo - Party

Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Trička roztrháme
Let's rip our shirts apart
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Celej dům zbouráme
Let's tear down the whole house
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Trička roztrháme
Let's rip our shirts apart
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Celej dům zbouráme
Let's tear down the whole house
Slyšíš ten rock, slyšíš ten hit
Do you hear that rock, do you hear that hit
Loupe se strop, třese se byt
The ceiling is peeling, the apartment is shaking
Slyšíš ten huk, slyšíš ten tlak
Do you hear that bang, do you hear that pressure
Takovej hluk jako když zabrzdí vlak
It's as loud as when a train brakes
Bordel a hype
Chaos and hype
Při každým refrénu všichni skákaj ze střechy nahý do bazénu
Every chorus, everyone jumps off the roof naked into the pool
Skáčou i skleničky, flašky lítaj z ledničky
Glasses jump, bottles fly out of the fridge
Nádobí samo zapadlo jak moje Bentley do myčky
The dishes washed themselves, like my Bentley in the dishwasher
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Trička roztrháme
Let's rip our shirts apart
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Celej dům zbouráme
Let's tear down the whole house
praskaj zrcadla, padaj umyvadla
Mirrors are cracking, sinks are falling
Sousedka zvonila ale potom radši vypadla
The neighbor called, but then she left
Benga nám tykali a pak se přidali
The cops pointed their guns at us and then joined in
A celá ulice frčí na muzice
And the whole street is jamming to this music
Celej náš neighborhood zaplavil tenhle mood
Our whole neighborhood is amped up with this mood
A všichni sousedi dupou jako medvědi
And all the neighbors are stomping like bears
Celá naše street paří na náš beat
Our whole street is partying to our beat
Důchodci i kojenci chovaj se jak šílenci
Pensioners and babies are acting like madmen
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Trička roztrháme
Let's rip our shirts apart
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Celej dům zbouráme
Let's tear down the whole house
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Trička roztrháme
Let's rip our shirts apart
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Celej dům zbouráme
Let's tear down the whole house
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Trička roztrháme
Let's rip our shirts apart
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Celej dům zbouráme
Let's tear down the whole house
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Trička roztrháme
Let's rip our shirts apart
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Celej dům zbouráme
Let's tear down the whole house
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Trička roztrháme
Let's rip our shirts apart
Dáme party dáme
Let's party, let's party
Celej dům zbouráme
Let's tear down the whole house

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