Karel Gott - Sochy v dešti (Crying In The Rain) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Karel Gott - Sochy v dešti (Crying In The Rain)

Sochy v dešti (Crying In The Rain)
Statues In The Rain (Crying In The Rain)
Snad znáš ten divný pár, ona jak nevěsta a on tak stár.
Do you know that peculiar couple, she is like a bride and he so old.
Pro její smích, jak my známe to z knih - Píseň lásky hrál a teď tu pláčou v dešti dál
For her laughter, as we know it from storybooks - He played for her love songs and now they're still crying in the rain
Proč ten Faun v očích pláč, vždyť je to jen kámen, tak řekněte nač pláče ten bloud, že se nemůže hnout, že se zamiloval a tak tu pláčou v dešti dál
Why does the Faun have tears in his eyes, he's just stone, so tell me why is that fool crying, that he can't move, that he fell in love and so they're still crying in the rain
Ona pláč věčně svléká, což nikdy nikdy se nezdaří a on sní o dámě jak nabídne rámě a osuší slzy ze tváří
She eternally sheds tears, which will never, never succeed and he dreams of that lady how he will offer her his arm and dry the tears from her face
Ten Faun a ta Athéne - jak možno srdce vložit do kamene a kdo asi moh vložit cit do těch soch,
That Faun and that Athena - how is it possible to put heart into stone and who could have put feelings into those statues,
Kdo to duši jim dal, že ti dva pláčou v dešti dál.
Who gave them soul, that these two are crying in the rain.
A on sní o dámě, jak nabídne rámě,
And he dreams of that lady, how he will offer her his arm,
A osuší slzy ze tváří.
And dry the tears from her face.
Ten Faun a ta Athéne- jak možno srdce vložit do kamene, a kdo asi moh vložit cit do těch soch,
That Faun and that Athena- how is it possible to put heart into stone, and who could have put feelings into those statues,
Kdo to duši jim dal, že ti dva pláčou v dešti dál.
Who gave them soul, that these two are crying in the rain.

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