Kary Ng - 歸宿 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kary Ng - 歸宿

熟悉的 討厭我嗎
My familiar, do you hate me?
願你尚會問暖 再見的話
Do you ever still ask me how I am when we say goodbye?
陌生的 想擁抱我嗎
My stranger, do you want to hold me?
但我在微笑裡 還未被軟化
But I am still smiling, I have yet to be softened
人事變 場地轉 情在喧嘩之中起變化
People change, places change, emotions change amidst the clamor
Too hoarse
祝福我找到依靠 倦了便有歸宿
Bless me with finding a place to lean on, when I am tired, I will have a destination
年月過去 忘掉那裡 所有約束
Years have passed, forgetting that place, all the promises
只知我不惜一切 任性就已心足
I only know that I spared no effort, and being willful is enough for me
遊歷世界 時候到了 總有接送
Traveling the world, when the time comes, someone will always pick me up
用心的 聽見我嗎
My dear, can you hear me?
位置是變舊了 哪有高下
The location has changed, how can there be high and low?
自私的 稱得上愛嗎
My selfishness, can it be called love?
問你何曾看到 誰被定了格
Ask you, have you ever seen anyone who has been frozen in time?
人事變 場地轉 情在喧嘩之中起變化
People change, places change, emotions change amidst the clamor
明月照 雲霧笑 緩步跑出這心裡籬笆
The bright moon shines, the clouds laugh, slowly running out of this mental prison
迎合你 溶掉我 提煉出幾多心血來花
迎合你 溶掉我 提煉出幾多心血來花
那種相愛 太過沙啞 太過虛假
That kind of love, too hoarse, too fake
祝福我找到依靠 倦了便有歸宿
Bless me with finding a place to lean on, when I am tired, I will have a destination
年月過去 忘掉那裡 所有約束
Years have passed, forgetting that place, all the promises
只知我不惜一切 任性就已心足
I only know that I spared no effort, and being willful is enough for me
遊歷世界 時候到了 總有接送
Traveling the world, when the time comes, someone will always pick me up
But along the way, with the feeling of jumping and bumping, I feel the cool breeze
明白到半個我渴望自由 半個我害怕失寵
Understanding that half of me yearns for freedom, half of me fears losing favor
終於我得到解脫 覓到下個歸宿
Finally, I am free, finding my next destination
年月過去 忘掉那裡 所有建築
Years have passed, forgetting that place, all the buildings
好比那煙花璀璨 亮過就已心足
Just like those fireworks, they are brilliant when they shine
遊歷世界 時候到了 總有接送
Traveling the world, when the time comes, someone will always pick me up

Авторы: chen yu neng imagines, fu chuan yi

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