Kaspars Dimiters - Oda Ģitārai - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kaspars Dimiters - Oda Ģitārai

Oda Ģitārai
Ode to a Guitar
Jau kuro ziemu es vairs neesmu ieziemietis
For many a winter I no longer see myself as a hibernator
Caur sirdi dzejoļi kvēlojoši mieti
Through my heart, poems burn brightly like stakes
Un skudru pāri tek tik uzticīgā gaitā
And steadfast ants march in a faithful gait
Velk lielus kāpurus uz pili kur tos maitā
Dragging large caterpillars to a castle to poison them
Es tikai vēroju un lūdzos nedzirdami
I merely watch and pray silently
Lai tiek no avota man pēdējie simts grami
That I may receive the last hundred grams from the spring
Un viena karote tik lielu melno ikru
And just one spoonful of the large black caviar
kurkuļi... un projāmceļam mikriņš
Like tadpoles... and a van for the journey home
Man darbu nevajag es jūtos pastrādājis
I have no need for work, I feel that I have already labored
Kad mostos acīm ciet tad prasiet man gājis
When I wake up with my eyes closed, then ask me how I have fared
Ir nomods ieelpa vai atspirgšana sniegā
Awakening is an inhalation or a refreshment in the snow
Lai zelta raktuvēs es dziļāk dotos miegā
So that I may venture deeper into the golden mines to sleep
No visa lasītā jau sen trūkst man vārdu
From all that I have read, I have long since lost my words
Vēl bērni uzsmaida mūžībai ar bārdu
Even children smile at me with eternity in their beards
Ar notīm caurumots sīkiem dzīru iesmiem
Perforated with notes like small spits for feasts
Tiem gribu nodziedāt vēl pamošanās dziesmu
To them I want to sing a song of awakening
Jūk visa pasaule no visa sacerētā
The whole world is in chaos from all that has been written
Un nogrimst īsviļņos un nenonāk līdz rētām
And it drowns in shortwaves and never reaches the scars
Man tajos peldoties ir visi pirksti stīvi
When I swim in them, my fingers are all stiff
Par kaifu dziesmas skan tik neskan vairs par dzīvi
Songs of pleasure sound, but they no longer sound of life
Jau kuro ziemu es vairs neesmu ieziemietis
For many a winter I no longer see myself as a hibernator
Caur sirdi dzejoļi kvēlojoši mieti
Through my heart, poems burn brightly like stakes
Un skudru pāri tek tik uzticīgā gaitā
And steadfast ants march in a faithful gait
Velk lielus kāpurus uz pili kur tos maitā
Dragging large caterpillars to a castle to poison them
Tu sieva ģitāra ar vidukli fejai
My wife, my guitar, with a waist like a fairy
Tev ticu vēl ledū orhidejai
I still believe in you like an orchid in the ice
Tu arī laiva man un šķirsts ja pienāks brīdis
You are also my boat and my ark when the time comes
Mēs (abi) esam laimes invalīdi
We (both) are disabled by happiness

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