Katty - バトン - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Katty - バトン

その命が走り出す為に 数えきれない程の
That your life starts running, for that, countless
走者達が繋いできてくれた 一本のバトンには
Runners connected and passed on a single baton, which has
握りしめて窪んだ跡や 何度も落とした傷
Indents from gripping, and scars from dropping many times
生き抜いた その証を受け取って
I receive that proof of having survived
この坂道を 駆け上がるんだ
And run up this slope
いつかは君も 誰かに手渡す時が来る
Someday you too, the time will come for you to pass it on
まだ何も見えない 小さな手のひらに
Into a small palm, still unable to see anything
振り向かなくて良いように ゆっくりと渡すよ
I'll pass it on slowly, so that you won't need to look back
真っ直ぐ 力一杯 走り出せるように
So that you can run straight and at full force
何百周も昔 このカーブを曲がった走者が
Hundreds of laps ago, around this bend, a runner
つまずきそうな時に吹いた 一陣の強い風が
When about to stumble, had a gust of strong wind blow
向かい風で良かった 苦しかっただろうけど
A headwind would have been good, even though it must have been painful
体を立て直して 走り続けてくれたから
Because they corrected their posture and kept running
I am alive now
いつかは君も 誰かを愛する時が来る
Someday you too, the time will come for you to love someone
まだ誰も知らない 二人だけの色になる
Two people who no one knows yet, will become their own color
巡り合い ぶつかり合い 混ざり合い 進もう
Let's meet, collide, mix, and move forward together
生まれる新しい道に コースなど要らない
There's no need for a course on the path we're creating
追い越される度 息が切れそうで
Each time I'm overtaken, I feel like I'm going to run out of breath
肩落とし 空を見上げた
I slouch my shoulders and look up at the sky
少し前の自分 追いかけても
My old self from a moment ago, even if I chase after myself
There's no way to backtrack, so
前に 前に進む My aim is true
Forward, forward, my aim is true
いつかは君も 誰かに手渡す時が来る
Someday you too, the time will come for you to pass it on
まだ何も見えない 小さな手のひらに
Into a small palm, still unable to see anything
振り向かなくて良いように ゆっくりと渡すよ
I'll pass it on slowly, so that you won't need to look back
真っ直ぐ 力一杯 走り出せるように
So that you can run straight and at full force
何度でも バトンを支えに 立ち上がれるように
So that you will be able to stand up with the baton as your support

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