Kazi Ploae - Povestea Lui - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kazi Ploae - Povestea Lui

Povestea Lui
His Story
Oh, muzica mai încet
Oh, turn the music down
Cineva a zis a auzit nu ştiu check
Someone said they heard I don't know check
Am văzut un şobolan în gară
I saw a rat at the station
România-i o mică-mare mafie muzicală
Romania is a small-big musical mafia
Mizerie morală, toate cele
Moral filth, all of it
E dezgustător ca un cerşetor care nu cere
It is as disgusting as a beggar who does not beg
Încep să-l înţeleg pe Hitler
I am starting to understand Hitler
Oameni atât de slabi nu merită, adică -
People so weak do not deserve, that is -
Ştii că, trebuie multă forţă de muncă
You know, it takes a lot of manpower
Scria cât zece emcee, făcea cât o sută!
He wrote as much as ten emcees, he did as much as a hundred!
Mulţi nu erau de acord cu domnul Gol-Gol (Gorgon)
Many did not agree with Mr. Gol-Gol (Gorgon)
Îi rămâneau eforturi de forfot, în formol
He had efforts left for trouble, in formaldehyde
Nu înţelegrau, deci ziceau că-i arogant
They did not understand, so they said he was arrogant
În plus, rapul e uşor, atâta timp cât te prefaci
Besides, rap is easy, as long as you pretend
Şi vezi aia nu-i depresie
And see that's not depression
Nu-i pasă nimănui cât mai ai tu până la pensie
Nobody cares how much longer you have until you retire
muzica mai încet
Turn the music down
Cineva a strigat vrea cumpere fier
Someone shouted that they wanted to buy iron
O veveriţă a lipsit de acasă două zile
A squirrel was away from home for two days
Reporterii au tras concluzia nu era gravidă
Reporters concluded that she was not pregnant
Şi moartea doare tot timpul
And death always hurts
Roade tot simţul, uite-ţi argintul!
It gnaws at every sense, look at your silver!
Om de nimic, o faci un gest de nimic
Good-for-nothing man, you will make a good-for-nothing gesture
E ca şi cum ai părăsi un om depresiv
It's like leaving a depressed person
În fine, taică-miu n-a ştiut mai bine
Well, my father didn't know better
A trebuit învăţ fiu-bărbat de la mine
I had to learn to be a man from myself
Şi n-am găsit vreodată ce am căutat la nimeni
And I never found what I was looking for in anyone
Am paişpe' ani acum, aşa vând heroină!
I am fourteen now, so I sell heroin!
Raper idiot, simplu consumator
Idiot rapper, simple consumer
Dă-i şi lui, consumă tot!
Give it to him, consume it all!
Sunt obligat vreau chestii costisitoare
I am obliged to want expensive things
Şi tot ce îmi doresc e obligat omoare
And all I want is obliged to kill me
Povestea ei, povestea lui
Her story, his story
Povestea lor, povestea cui?
Their story, whose story?
Iar ai văzut, iar ai auzit
You have seen again, you have heard again
Ştiai tu ceva, dar ştiai ceva greşit
You knew something, but you knew something wrong
Povestea ei, povestea lui
Her story, his story
Povestea lor, povestea cui?
Their story, whose story?
Iar ai văzut, iar ai auzit
You have seen again, you have heard again
Ştiai tu ceva, dar ştiai ceva greşit
You knew something, but you knew something wrong

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