Kazuya Yoshii - 母いすゞ - Remastered 2013 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kazuya Yoshii - 母いすゞ - Remastered 2013

母いすゞ - Remastered 2013
Mother Isuzu - Remastered 2013
モネの絵みたいな港町 いつもの母の朝
A harbor town like a Monet painting. Mother's usual morning.
長男の部屋は物置きに 次女とは会話が無い
The eldest son's room is a storage room. I don't talk to my second daughter.
光る煮物の芋 誰かから電話
Shining simmered potatoes. Someone is on the phone.
大事なさんまが焦げるわ あら箸が無い
The important mackerel is burning. Oh, no chopsticks.
母いすゞは 母いすゞは
Mother Isuzu is. Mother Isuzu is.
果物にたかるハエ追っ払って 誰ともなく呟く
Chasing away the flies that gather on the fruit. Someone mutters,
「一度でも愛した人のこと けなすもんじゃないよ」
“Don't badmouth someone you have loved, even once.”
一雨来るかも 雷鳴るかも
There might be a rain. There might be a thunderstorm.
It has been more than ten years since we last heard from him.
父ジャンとは 父ジャンとは
Father Jean is. Father Jean is.
エンヤー船が出た エンヤー水揚げだ
Oh, the boat has left. Oh, the catch.
変な空模様だ 変な鳥の群れだ
What a strange sky. What a strange flock of birds.
変な海の色だ 変な風向きだ
What a strange color of the sea. What a strange direction of the wind.
今夜は荒れそうだ 長男元気かな
It's going to be rough tonight. I wonder if my eldest son is doing well.
She mispronounced "Patriot missile" as "Apricot missile".
She mispronounced "Nazca Lines" as "Nazi Lines".
She mispronounced "steamed rice in a bowl" as "rice in a coffin".
母いすゞは 母いすゞは 母いすゞは
Mother Isuzu is. Mother Isuzu is.

Авторы: 吉井 和哉

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