Keed - Ghicitoare - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Keed - Ghicitoare

Intru-n viata ta ca un cutit in spate
I enter your life like a knife in the back
Tu poti sa dormi ca io cotrobai zi si noapte
You may sleep as I search night and day
N-am forma, n-am varsta, n-am somn, n-am moarte
I have no form, no age, no sleep, no death
N-ai cum sa fugi sau sa te-ascunzi ca sunt in toti si-n toate
There's no way to run or hide because I'm in everyone and everything
Sa te feresti de mine chiar nu poti
You can never escape me
Doar dac-alegi sa traiesti singur sau printre morti
Unless you choose to live alone or among the dead
Pe mine nu poti sa m-arati cu degetul
You can't point a finger at me
Timpurie frumusetea mea si zambetul
My beauty and smile are premature
Cea mai perversa tarfa dintre toate
The most perverse whore of all
Intorc la 180 de grade frate contra frate
I turn brother against brother by 180 degrees
Clientii mei fiinte lacome si slabe
My clients are greedy and weak
Pierdute sau nu, in cautare de salbe
Lost or not, in search of necklaces
Iti resetez mentalu', moralu' si buzunaru'
I reset your mind, morals, and pocketbook
Sufletul ti-l golesc Nu ti-l umplu ca Dan Spataru
I empty your soul, I don't fill it like Dan Spataru
Sunt lautaru care canta
I am the musician who sings
La inmormantare nu la nunta
At the funeral, not the wedding
Te urmaresc si te pandesc
I follow and stalk you
Si cand ti-e lumea mai draga ma furisez si te izbesc
And when your world is most precious, I sneak up and hit you
De realitate ca de-un zid de piatra
Of reality like a stone wall
Las urme ca nuielele
I leave marks like floggings
Pe dos te dau, iti iau mau' ca ielele
I turn you on your back, I take you like the fairies
Ma duc cum ma cara omu cu gandu
I go as a man carries his thoughts
Sunt blestemata, nu ma haleste nici pamantu
I'm cursed, not even the earth will eat me
Minciuna, sora mea de sange
Lies, my sister in blood
Am realizat multe-mpreuna gen razboaie sau Iisus pe cruce
Together we have accomplished many things - like wars or Jesus on the cross
Inceputul sfarsitului stralucirii chipului
The beginning of the end of the face's brilliance
Dusmanul duhului ce tine garda spiritului
The enemy of the spirit that guards the spirit
Eu o sa dau si o sa plec, dupa ce-ti iau tot
I will give and I will go, after I take everything from you
Da' eu nu plang si nu sufar fiindca nu pot
But I do not cry or suffer because I cannot
Da' stii ce pot?
But do you know what I can do?
Sa iti distrug relatie, familie, cariera
I can destroy your relationship, family, career
Stiu ca ce-auzi zic ti se pare telenovela
I know what you hear sounds like a soap opera
Dar asta-i viata, asa ca simte-i putoarea!
But that's life, so feel the stench!
N-ai descifrat ghicitoarea? Ba, sunt eu...
You haven't figured out the riddle? Baby, it's me...

Авторы: Bogdan David Ioniță

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