Keri - Tibet (feat. Butch, Nimeni Altu’ & Freakadadisk) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Keri - Tibet (feat. Butch, Nimeni Altu’ & Freakadadisk)

Tibet (feat. Butch, Nimeni Altu’ & Freakadadisk)
Tibet (feat. Butch, Nimeni Altu’ & Freakadadisk)
S-au scurs zorile peste frumos, ma inec in maracini
Dawn broke over beauty, I'm drowning in thorns
Nu ca n-ar durea cand esti singur printre straini
Not that it doesn't hurt when you're alone among strangers
Nimeni nu ne invata sa zambim, e doar de eticheta
No one teaches us to smile, it's just etiquette
Sinceritatea are gluga pe cap, cine-o respecta
Sincerity wears a hood, who respects it?
Nimeni nu te-ajuta, poate primesti o mana
No one helps you, maybe you get a hand
Traiesti aceiasi gluma, nori de piatra s-aduna
You live the same joke, stone clouds gather
Noroc ca inca ma-ntreb cand lumea-i prea nebuna
Luckily I still wonder when the world is too crazy
Orice furtuna sa ne prinda ca lupii la stana
May any storm catch us like wolves at the sheepfold
Am stat langa oameni orb
I stood next to people, blind
Ei surzi si inca rad cand zic ca nu mai pot
They're deaf and still laugh when I say I can't take it anymore
E acru ca macrisul, frunzele-mi plang, e toamna
It's sour like sorrel, my leaves are crying, it's autumn
E rece ca ma simt singur si vremea nu e calma
It's cold like I feel alone and the weather isn't calm
As tine un strop de sprit, dar l-am impartit de mult
I'd hold a drop of spritzer, but I shared it long ago
Curgand, zicand, vezi ce mai faci ca timpu-i scurt
Flowing, saying, see how you're doing, time is short
Pe cat de rece, pe atat de greu sa inteleg
As cold as it is, it's that hard to understand
Cum altii cred ca nu-i defect cand bate grav in piept
How others think it's not a flaw when it beats heavily in the chest
Degeaba vrem, degeaba zen
In vain we want, in vain zen
Becuri stinse-n beci, in ce fel suntem
Lights out in the basement, what are we like?
Degeaba vrem, degeaba zen
In vain we want, in vain zen
Cand nu mai putem, asta-i tot ce avem
When we can't anymore, this is all we have
Degeaba vrem, degeaba zen
In vain we want, in vain zen
Becuri stinse-n beci, in ce fel suntem
Lights out in the basement, what are we like?
Degeaba vrem, degeaba zen
In vain we want, in vain zen
Cand nu mai putem, asta-i tot ce avem
When we can't anymore, this is all we have
Se zice ca iti da doar cate poti sa duci
They say it only gives you what you can carry
Si munti abrupti doar daca poti sa-i urci
And steep mountains only if you can climb them
Ca dupa noptile prea lungi la rasarit ajungi
That after long nights you reach sunrise
Ca toate au un sens si d-aia tre' sa lupti
That everything has a meaning and that's why you have to fight
Zambesc cand tu imi zici ca am versu' trist
I smile when you tell me my verse is sad
Eu desenez tot ce traiesc, asta m-ajuta sa rezist
I draw everything I live, this helps me resist
Am un tibet interior, imi caut pacea ca un lamaist
I have an inner Tibet, I seek my peace like a Lamaist
Nevoia sufletului vindecat ma face sa exist
The need for a healed soul makes me exist
Ti-am zis in multe feluri
I told you in many ways
Sa fie rezistent, trebuie calit otelul
To be resistant, steel must be tempered
Plecati din saracie se simte la fel cartierul
Leaving poverty, the neighborhood feels the same
Si la necaz toti ne rugam sa ne ajute cerul
And in trouble we all pray for heaven to help us
Si poate tot ce faci e apa buna-i setea ta
And maybe everything you do is good water, it's your thirst
Satui de zgomot, visam linistea
Saturated with noise, we dream of silence
Nu suntem altceva
We are nothing else
Spice de grau pana cand vant divin va bate si va secera
Ears of wheat until the divine wind blows and reaps
Degeaba vrem, degeaba zen
In vain we want, in vain zen
Becuri stinse-n beci, in ce fel suntem
Lights out in the basement, what are we like?
Degeaba vrem, degeaba zen
In vain we want, in vain zen
Cand nu mai putem, asta-i tot ce avem
When we can't anymore, this is all we have
Degeaba vrem, degeaba zen
In vain we want, in vain zen
Becuri stinse-n beci, in ce fel suntem
Lights out in the basement, what are we like?
Degeaba vrem, degeaba zen
In vain we want, in vain zen
Cand nu mai putem, asta-i tot ce avem
When we can't anymore, this is all we have
Vulcane adormite de veacuri si treburi
Volcanoes dormant for centuries and chores
Cand cerul se aprinde, e rosu si negru
When the sky lights up, it's red and black
Din vale pana-n drumul taberei si balta alba
From the valley to the camp road and the white puddle
Cat mai cantam lumea ne-asteapta ca pe apa calda
As long as we sing, the world waits for us like warm water
Rap romanesc, noi batalion disciplinar
Romanian rap, we're a disciplinary battalion
Caii salbatici fara ham injurati de-un birjar
Wild horses without harnesses cursed by a cabman
Doar un pustan printre golani mai mari, copil sarman
Just a kid among bigger thugs, poor child
Scriam romante ca marin voican
I wrote romances like Marin Voican
Satul de neintelegeri si de timp pierdut
Tired of misunderstandings and wasted time
In prezent, inca ma bucur de cum am crescut
In the present, I still enjoy how I grew up
Noi am facut dintr-o povara, har
We made a burden into a gift
Dintr-un bar de pe maidan, pace batrane carciumar
From a bar in the wasteland, peace, old bartender
Ramanem ca metal si folk, suntem acasa in vama
We remain like metal and folk, we're home in Vama
Cand verii-s aproape nici o drama nu ne mai destrama
When cousins are close, no drama tears us apart
Restu' fiti mai cu bagare de seama
The rest of you be more careful
Ca multe semne voi inca nu stiti ce inseamna
Because you still don't know what many signs mean
Degeaba vrem, degeaba zen
In vain we want, in vain zen
Becuri stinse-n beci, in ce fel suntem
Lights out in the basement, what are we like?
Degeaba vrem, degeaba zen
In vain we want, in vain zen
Cand nu mai putem, asta-i tot ce avem
When we can't anymore, this is all we have
Degeaba vrem, degeaba zen
In vain we want, in vain zen
Becuri stinse-n beci, in ce fel suntem
Lights out in the basement, what are we like?
Degeaba vrem, degeaba zen
In vain we want, in vain zen
Cand nu mai putem, asta-i tot ce avem
When we can't anymore, this is all we have

Авторы: Talpos Andrei

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