方大同 - 每個人都會 (Live版) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 方大同 - 每個人都會 (Live版)

每個人都會 (Live版)
Everybody Will (Live Version)
愛是兩人一張綿被 也是一人一瓶清水 都說對
Love is two people under one sheet It is also one bottle of water for each person It is all right
愛是送一百支玫瑰 也是讓赤地開花蕊 OK
Love is sending one hundred roses It is also making barren land bloom and blossom That is OK
人間的青草地 需要澆水 內心的花園 就不會枯萎
The green grass patch in the mortal world Needs watering The garden in the heart Will not wither away
把最甜最好的滋味 散播到 東南西北
Spread the best and sweetest sensations To the southeast, northwest, southwest, and northeast
甚麼比 luv luv luv luv luv 更美 愛讓人安心在夢中 熟睡
What is more beautiful than luv luv luv luv luv Love makes people feel safe and fall asleep Soundly
luv luv luv luv luv 最美 美在每一個人都會
Ah luv luv luv luv luv The most beautiful Beauty lies in the fact that everyone will
愛是讓人感動流淚 也是停止製造傷悲 都答對
Love makes people shed tears of emotion It also stops producing sorrow You are all right
愛是為好朋友解圍 也是為陌生人破費 OK
Love is helping good friends get out of trouble It is also spending money for strangers That's OK
人間的青草地 需要澆水 內心的花園 就不會枯萎
The green grass patch in the mortal world Needs watering The garden in the heart Will not wither away
把最甜最好的滋味 散播到 東南西北
Spread the best and sweetest sensations To the southeast, northwest, southwest, and northeast
甚麼比 luv luv luv luv luv 更美 愛讓人安心在夢中 熟睡
What is more beautiful than luv luv luv luv luv Love makes people feel safe and fall asleep Soundly
luv luv luv luv luv 最美 美在每一個人都會
Ah luv luv luv luv luv The most beautiful Beauty lies in the fact that everyone will
愛肯付出的汗水 愛小王子的薔薇 愛旅途上的兄弟姊妹
Love is willing to pay the price in sweat Love is the Little Prince's rose Love is brothers and sisters on the journey
愛所有青山綠水 愛所有難忘約會 愛上對愛的體會
Love is all the blue mountains and green water Love is all the unforgettable dates Love is the understanding of love
只有 luv luv luv luv luv 最美 它會建成最安全的堡壘
Only luv luv luv luv luv is the most beautiful It will build the safest fortress
甚麼比 luv luv luv luv luv 更美 美在只要有心都會 學會
What is more beautiful than luv luv luv luv luv Beauty lies in learning as long as you are willing
不用甚麼智慧 只要用心體會 愛讓每人都有機會
No need for wisdom As long as you are willing to understand Love gives everyone a chance
Love gives everyone a chance

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