KHANS - Stereo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни KHANS - Stereo

Vyberáme, ktorým ísť smerom
We choose which way to go
V dome horia naše ústa smädom
In the house, our mouths burn with thirst
Sme to len my
It's only us
Poznám cesty, na ktorých som nebol
I know roads I've never been on
Poznám všetky krátery pred sebou
I know all the craters ahead
Sledujem dym, každú noc sme zahalení šerom
I watch the smoke, every night we are covered in darkness
Moja posteľ voniava za medom
My bed smells like honey
Sme to len my
It's only us
Vaše duše špinavé, chce to Dettol
Your souls are dirty, it needs Dettol
Démonov ukladám do kvetov
I place demons in flowers
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
Nepočítam noci ani dni
I don't count nights or days
Idem dvesto, chytáme úsvit
I'm going 200, we're catching the dawn
V tvojej izbe múzeum, oh shit
In your room, there's a museum, oh shit
Vaše pohľady mám dávno v pi
I've long since had your looks in the toilet
Čí je to drink?
Whose drink is this?
Dejte mi klid
Give me peace
Nechcem počuť nič
I don't want to hear anything
Nechcem počuť nič
I don't want to hear anything
Točím to jak lynch
I'm spinning it like Lynch
Všetok ten krik
All that screaming
My nemáme čas
We don't have time
Nepočítam dni
I don't count days
Nepočítam noci ani dni
I don't count nights or days
Idem dvesto, chytáme úsvit
I'm going 200, we're catching the dawn
V tvojej izbe múzeum, oh shit
In your room, there's a museum, oh shit
Vaše pohľady mám dávno v pi
I've long since had your looks in the toilet
Zo zeme som práve dopadol na Mars
I've just landed on Mars from Earth
Neni tu voda, na sebe mám ice
There's no water here, I have ice on me
Ona je tak dobrá, oh Jesus Christ
She's so good, oh Jesus Christ
Vidím len dolu, hotel paradise
I see only down, Hotel Paradise
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Žiarim von aj dnu
I shine inside and out
My sme way-way-way
We're way-way-way
High [?]
High [?]
Nevolám mayday-ay
I'm not calling mayday-ay
Drž ma za ruku
Hold my hand
Ty pozor dej, dej, dej
You pay attention, pay attention, pay attention
Keď vchádzame dnu
When we come in
Cítim ako do pľúc mi prichádza vzduch
I feel the air coming into my lungs
Zelený vzduch prúdi v žilách cez ľad
Green air flows through my veins over ice
Kreslím na stenu ceruzkou v jeho mysli
I draw on the wall with a pencil in his mind
Asi na mňa prišli
They must have come for me
Nikdy nebudem hrať vašu hru
I will never play your game
Cítim vaše oči keď som s mojou crew
I feel your eyes when I'm with my crew
Stiahni sa doprava, blokuješ nám pruh
Move to the right, you're blocking our lane
Ja nevidím ťa, si pre mňa iba duch
I don't see you, you're just a ghost to me
Cítim ako do pľúc mi prichádza vzduch
I feel the air coming into my lungs
Zelený vzduch prúdi v žilách cez ľad
Green air flows through my veins over ice
Kreslím na stenu ceruzkou
I draw on the wall with a pencil
V jeho mysli
In his mind
Asi na mňa prišli
They must have come for me
Nepočítam noci ani dni
I don't count nights or days
Idem dvesto, chytáme úsvit
I'm going 200, we're catching the dawn
V tvojej izbe múzeum, oh shit
In your room, there's a museum, oh shit
Vaše pohľady mám dávno v pi
I've long since had your looks in the toilet
Nikdy nebudem hrať vašu hru
I will never play your game
Cítim vaše oči keď som s mojou crew
I feel your eyes when I'm with my crew
Stiahni sa doprava, blokuješ nám pruh
Move to the right, you're blocking our lane
Ja nevidím ťa, si pre mňa iba duch
I don't see you, you're just a ghost to me
Si pre mňa iba duch
You're just a ghost to me
Pre nás len duch
Just a ghost to us
Nekradni nám vzduch
Don't steal our air

Авторы: khans

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