Kid milli feat. Superbee - Oppa 범고래 Bumgorae - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kid milli feat. Superbee - Oppa 범고래 Bumgorae

Oppa 범고래 Bumgorae
Oppa 범고래 Bumgorae
너의 오빠가 되기로
Yo, I'm your oppa to be
너가 서른 넘어도 떠받들어 인마
Even when you're in your thirties, you'll earn for me
연봉 1억 밑인 랩퍼 기준 미달
I'm below the standard for rappers with my salary of less than 100 million won
그렇다고 좆까지마 오빠라니까
But that doesn't mean you can disrespect me, I'm your oppa
간지나지 RAF 쟤네꺼 fake이고 내꺼가 real
My RAF is dope, yours is fake, mine's real
있는 털어 tag
I spent all my money on tags
거지 되면 생겨 cash
If I'm broke this month, I'll make more cash next month
왜냠 오빠니까 오빤 동생보다 많아
Of course, as your oppa, I have more money than you
동생보다 경험 많어 동생보다 앨범
I have more experience than you, I write better albums than you
오빤 그런 거야 원래 달러
That's just how I am, oppa
Livin 나는 앨범 만들어
Livin' I make albums
랩은 이미 another level 옷은 욱이형이 최고
My rap is already on another level, Wooki hyung is the best for clothes
인디고뮤직 해요 대성 가사에 개소리나 쓰고
I do Indigo Music, Daesung's lyrics are full of nonsense
상의에 코바야시 새겨 명품옷 조금 섞어 입어
Engraved Kobayashi on my suit, wear some designer clothes
옛날엔 도배 그건 질렸어 쇼미더머니 족가라해
I used to be a painter, but I got sick of it, Show Me The Money is a rip-off
내가 없는 쇼미 시즌엔 변해
In the Show Me season I wasn't on, I changed
5월부터 9월 나는 코홀트 유치해 돈도
From May to September, I do Kohort, it's childish and doesn't make money
아침에 나와 밤에 들어가고
I go out in the morning and come back at night
10분만에 도끼형 목례 받고 다시 나와버렸지
Got woodworking lessons from Dokki hyung for 10 minutes and left
오늘은 연결고리 틀지 말어
Don't play Connecting Link today
옆집부터 코쿤사거리까지 아프니까 배려해
From the house next door to Kokunsa Street, I feel bad so I'm being considerate
그래도 오빠 my bank account
Yeah, but I'm still your oppa, my bank account
매일 새로 파지 행사 돈이 필요가 별로 없어
Keeps getting hacked, I don't really need money for events
사업 돈이 두개야 회사가
I have a lot of business money, two companies
오빠는 사장님 랩을 하지
I'm the boss, I rap
랩으로만 계좌를 채우려 하는 랩퍼 아냐
I'm not a rapper who only tries to fill his account with rap
모르는 애들이나 이런 fake이라 하지
Only kids who don't know anything call this fake
걔네 어차피 알바 끝나고 보지 구직 사이트
They're probably looking at job search sites after their part-time job anyway
그래 우린 만나 ONLY 알바몬 에이
Yeah, we only meet on Alba Mon
태국 누나들이 팔로우 박아줘
Thai noonas, follow me
일본 누나들이 팔로우 박아줘
Japanese noonas, follow me
한국 누나들이 팔로우 박아줘
Korean noonas, follow me
그러니까 오빠 오빤
That's why your oppa your oppa
사실 오빠 아냐 세상 그런 거야
Isn't really your oppa, that's just how it is
남자가 랩퍼라면 나를 모른단
If your boyfriend is a rapper, him not knowing me
거짓말 이라고 걔네 들은
Is a lie, that's what they've heard
바보야 바보야
Fools, fools
너의 오빠가 되기로
Yo, I'm your oppa to be
너가 서른 넘어도 떠받들어 인마
Even when you're in your thirties, you'll earn for me
연봉 1억 밑인 랩퍼 기준 미달
I'm below the standard for rappers with my salary of less than 100 million won
그렇다고 좆까지마 오빠라니까
But that doesn't mean you can disrespect me, I'm your oppa
간지나지 RAF 쟤네꺼 fake이고 내꺼가 real
My RAF is dope, yours is fake, mine's real
있는 털어 tag
I spent all my money on tags
거지 되면 생겨 cash
If I'm broke this month, I'll make more cash next month
왜냠 오빠니까 오빤 동생보다 많아
Of course, as your oppa, I have more money than you
동생보다 경험 많어 동생보다 앨범
I have more experience than you, I write better albums than you
오빤 그런 거야 원래 달러
That's just how I am, oppa
I was nobody, oh, I was nobody, aye
I was nobody, oh, I was nobody, aye
이제 그녀와도 썸타지 because I′m somebody
Now I'm getting intimate with her because I'm somebody
Yeah, I'm somebody 너는 팔지 나는 사지
Yeah, I'm somebody, you sell phones, I buy phones
싸서 많이 H & M 청바지
I bought a lot of them cheap, H&M jeans
두른 벨트는 그냥 200만원 하지
The belt I wear is just 2 million won
이걸 그냥 얻었다니 오우 천만에
I got this for free, wow, it's worth a million
그냥 그냥 시계는 5000만
Just like that, my watch is worth 50 million
그냥 그냥 얻었다니 오우 천만에
Just like that, I got this for free, wow, it's worth a million
그냥 몰라 시계는 5000만
Just like that, you don't know, my watch is worth 50 million
하루 일삯을 벌어 5초만에 oh
I make your daily wage in 5 seconds, oh
데뷔 내가 늦었지만 man, god, dang
My debut was late, but man, god, dang
수퍼비 신곡에 얘넨 man, god, dang
Superbee's new song, they're like man, god, dang
우린 같은 말을 듣고 살아 근데 너무 다른 말이야
We listen to the same words and live, but it's such a different story
이게 뭐야 그래 man, god, dang
What is this? Come on, man, god, dang
어쩌면 인생은 game같애 끊임없이 이어지는 행같애
Maybe life is like a game, a line that continues endlessly
노래 제목 oppa 근데 내가 오빠라기엔 너무 어려
The title of this song is oppa, but I'm too young to be your oppa
이게 god, dang 그냥 마구 벌어버려
This is so god, dang, just earn as much as you want
이걸 보니까 귀걸이 놈들이
After doing this for a few years, the guys with earrings
주관성에 숨어버려 what, so 100m 달리기나
Hide behind subjectivity, what, like a 100m dash?
통장 잔고로 checking해 facts
Checking with the bank balance
숫자나 초에 너넨 닥치게
You'll have to shut up about numbers and seconds
너무 객관적이여 빡치게
You're too objective, it makes me mad
분에 휩싸여 거울 치게
Surrounded by minutes, you'll hit yourself in the mirror, bang
그게 계획이지
That's my plan, right?
니네 거울 전부 깨버리기
To break all your mirrors, right?
그니까 남을 비교하고 판단하지 말아
So don't compare and judge others
그럼 얘기가 버리지요
It'll just make you like me

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