Kiko - 輝け! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kiko - 輝け!

上手くいかない事ばっかで 溜め息まじり君の声
You only talk about the things that go wrong in your life
僕もそう 一人じゃどこにも踏み出せなかった
I understand because I was like that too
君の話を聞かせて 99の失望でも
Let me listen to your story. Even if you've lost hope 99 times,
We'll find a reason to hope again.
どれだけ胸を張っても 今日も不安と背中合わせ
Even if you face your fears, you're still insecure every day
そいつを振りほどきたくて 僕らは明日へ 明日へ
You want to throw those anxieties away, that's why we're moving forward, looking ahead
止まらないよ 止まらないよ 溢れるその涙は
You can't hold back your tears
諦めきれない強い気持ち だからそのままでいいよ
Your strong will won't give up, so it's okay to let it be as it is.
怖くないよ 怖くないよ 僕らのこの世界に
You're not scared
必要とされない人なんて 一人もいないんだ
There's no one in our world who's unnecessary.
君が両手で抱えてる 理想を全部手放せば
If you let go of all your dreams
Maybe it'll bring you some relief,
But with those same hands that have lost their power to believe,
What else will you be able to grasp?
どんな暗闇の中でも 目指していた場所は覚えてる
Even in the darkest of times, you remember the place you were aiming for
破れた夢のすき間から 何度も輝け 輝け
Bloom again and again through the cracks of your broken dreams
弱くないよ 弱くないよ 震えるその心は
You're not weak
言葉にならない熱い想い だから抱きしめていいよ
Your trembling heart has unspoken thoughts
君だけじゃない 共に歩く 僕らのこの世界は
So, it's okay to hold on tight
悪い事ばかりじゃない 君のこと誰も見捨てないさ
You're not alone. We're all walking together in our world
Your smile today is the future that you believed in from the past
また出会えるから まだ間に合うから
We can meet again. It's not too late.
行こうよ 行こうよ 行こうよ ほら
Let's go, let's go, let's go, come on
止まらないよ 止まらないよ 溢れるその涙は
You can't hold back your tears
諦めきれない強い気持ち だからそのままでいいよ
Your strong will won't give up, so it's okay to let it be as it is.
怖くないよ 怖くないよ 僕らのこの世界に
You're not scared
必要とされない人なんて 一人もいないんだ
There's no one in our world who's unnecessary.

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