Killa Fonic - Moscova - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Killa Fonic - Moscova

Formează-mi numaru doar dacă e grav rău
Call me only if it's really bad
Ăștia n-au coaie dacă nu se droghează, no
These guys got no balls unless they get high, no
Lupii mei balamuc fac dacă ii chem vine un stadion, hah
My crazy wolves will show up if I call them, a whole stadium will come, hah
Lupii meu balamuc fac dacă ii chem vine un stadion, hah
My crazy wolves will show up if I call them, a whole stadium will come, hah
Cărămida de bani pe o pizdă am rupt, gang, gang
I burnt a brick of money on a bitch, gang, gang
Cărămida de bani pe o pizdă am rupt
I burnt a brick of money on a bitch
Formează-mi numaru doar dacă e grav rău
Call me only if it's really bad
Chem acum două dube oagării ăștia ne fac bot
I'll call two vans, these dogs are gonna do us in
Fut elementul meu in club ca in fan club, gang, gang
I'm fucking my element in the club like in a fan club, gang, gang
Cărămidă de cox un, doi, trei, a dispărut, oops!
Brick of coke one, two, three, it's gone, oops!
Io nu bag, io nu dau nici nu ridic degetul
I don't take, I don't give, I don't even lift a finger
Ai mei nu ii vezi nu știi cum ii cheamă au feţele blur, junglă
You can't see mine, you don't know their names, their faces are blurred, jungle
Înseamnă sunt regele junglei
That means I'm the king of the jungle
N-am făcut trafic io n-am dat curve
I didn't traffic, I didn't run hookers
Crucile astea zic am Steaua in frunte
These crosses say I've got the Star on my forehead
Legea e a lor dar nu mai sperie
The law is their's but it doesn't scare me anymore
Au sperat o ajung o mizerie
They hoped I'd end up a mess
N-au știut eu nu sunt de serie
They didn't know I'm not a regular
Cravatele astea se ceartă se perie
These ties are fighting and brushing
(Stai așa sunt alergic la rasism)
(Wait, I'm allergic to racism)
Poate am prea mult sânge în palme fata mea spală-ma, hah
Maybe I've got too much blood on my hands, my girl, wash me, hah
Poate am prea mult (tum! tum! tum!), dar nu mai vreau în NATO
Maybe I've got too much (pop! pop! pop!), but I don't want NATO anymore
Oricum România e o țara prea curvă o fut ăștia toată
Anyway, Romania is a country that's too much of a whore, everyone's fucking it
Dă-ne nouă jumate dacă tot e ca pe strada, yeah
Give us half if things are like on the street, yeah
Poate am prea mult sânge în palme fata mea spală-mă, hah
Maybe I've got too much blood on my hands, my girl, wash me, hah
Poate am prea mult (tum! tum! tum!), dar nu mai vreau în NATO
Maybe I've got too much (pop! pop! pop!), but I don't want NATO anymore
Oricum România e o țara prea curvă o fut ăștia toată
Anyway, Romania is a country that's too much of a whore, everyone's fucking it
Dă-ne nouă jumate dacă tot e ca pe strada, yeah
Give us half if things are like on the street, yeah
Formează-mi numaru doar dacă e grav rău
Call me only if it's really bad
Ăștia n-au coaie dacă nu se droghează, no
These guys got no balls unless they get high, no
Lupii mei balamuc fac dacă ii chem vine un stadion, hah
My crazy wolves will show up if I call them, a whole stadium will come, hah
Lupii meu balamuc fac dacă ii chem vine un stadion, hah
My crazy wolves will show up if I call them, a whole stadium will come, hah
Cărămida de bani pe o pizdă am rupt, gang, gang
I burnt a brick of money on a bitch, gang, gang
Cărămida de bani pe o pizdă am rupt
I burnt a brick of money on a bitch
Formează-mi numaru doar dacă e grav rău
Call me only if it's really bad
Chem acum două dube oagării ăștia ne fac bot
I'll call two vans, these dogs are gonna do us in

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