Killa Fonic feat. Super Ed - Iti Scriu Inapoi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Killa Fonic feat. Super Ed - Iti Scriu Inapoi

Iti Scriu Inapoi
I am Writing You Back
O simt cum danseaza cu inima mea
I feel it dancing with my heart
Da da simt cum danseaza cu inima mea
Yes yes I feel it dancing with my heart
Noi nu ne calcam pe picioare
We don't step on each other's feet
Ritmul e al nostru suntem in sincronizare
The rhythm is ours, we are in sync
Naaahh Dar te vad prea rar si traim separat
Naaahh But I see you too rarely and we live separately
Naaah Dar te vad prea rar si nu-I simplu sa tac
Naaah But I see you too rarely and it's not easy to remain silent
Acasa la mine cica e soare
They say it's sunny at my place
Dar geamurile mele-s aburite si e racoare
But my windows are fogged up and it's cool
Io de 3 Luni nu dorm si ma doare tot mai tare
I haven't slept for 3 months and it hurts more and more
Sirop cu codeina pufai tot nu imi ies din stare
I puffed codeine syrup, but I can't get out of my state
Ea e departe noaptea in alta casa doarme
She is far away at night, sleeping in another house
Oh my God
Io vreau s-o ating atat de mult da-s ca Iisus in palme
I want to touch her so much, but I'm like Jesus in my hands
Si vad cum trece lumina prin ele
And I see the light passing through them
Lumina ta baby vreau macar o mangaiere
Your light baby, I want at least a caress
Sunt bagabont dar am si eu un suflet si te cere
I'm a tramp, but I have a soul too, and it asks for you
Sunt bagabont dar sufletul nu poa sa stea in tacere
I'm a tramp, but my soul can't keep silent
O simt cum danseaza cu inima mea
I feel it dancing with my heart
Da da simt cum danseaza cu inima mea
Yes yes I feel it dancing with my heart
Noi nu ne calcam pe picioare
We don't step on each other's feet
Ritmul e al nostru suntem in sincronizare
The rhythm is ours, we are in sync
Ma duci asa de sus vad totu mic e periculos
You take me so high, I see everything small, it's dangerous
D-asta nu te intreba pasarica mea de ce vreau doar sa te pun jos
That's why don't ask me, my little bird, why I just want to put you down
Si simt cum ma umple mierea pana-n os
And I feel the honey filling me to the bone
Vreau sos vreau sos din marul tau copt si frumos
I want sauce, I want sauce from your ripe and beautiful apple
Dasta nu mi pare rau pasarica ca te tin jos
That's why I don't feel sorry, little bird, for keeping you down

Авторы: killa fonic

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