Killa Hakan feat. Summer Cem - Ghetto - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Killa Hakan feat. Summer Cem - Ghetto

Der Chief hat 'ne kranke Botschaft
The Chief has a sick message, girl
Jeden Tag Meetings in 'ner andren Großstadt
Meetings every day in a different city
Schieß', so wie Humphrey Bogart
Shoot, like Humphrey Bogart
In aller Munde, so wie Dunkin Donuts
On everyone's lips, like Dunkin Donuts
Kein Cash für die Miete in 'ner Junkie-Wohnhaft
No cash for the rent in a junkie apartment
Dicker Blunt und mehr Gramm vom Koka
Fat blunt and more grams of coke
Nie wieder chill'n auf verranzten Sofas
Never chillin' on dirty sofas again
Bin der Mann des Jahres, nicht der Mann des Monats
I'm the man of the year, not the man of the month
Renn, denn die Cousengs sind Hardcore
Run, because the cousins are hardcore
Bang-Bang wie der Terminator
Bang-bang like the Terminator
Viele kommen sich am Handy hart vor
Many people think they're tough on the phone
Bring'n frischen Wind wie ein Ventilator
Bringing fresh wind like a ventilator
Killa in der City, jeder weiß, dass
Killa in the city, everyone knows that
Unsere Geschichte ihren Preis hat
Our story has its price
Von zwei Zimmern, mitten in der Kleinstadt
From two rooms, in the middle of a small town
Zum Hype, heute sitz'n wir im Maybach
To the hype, today we're sitting in a Maybach
Überall hört man tausend Gerüchte
Everywhere you hear a thousand rumors
Unser Lebenslauf ist Geschichte
Our resume is history
Crime-Time in der Naunyn Ritze
Crime-Time in the Naunyn Ritze
Heute bau' ich mir ein Haus an der Küste
Today I'm building a house on the coast
Willkomm'n im Paradies
Welcome to paradise
Ich checke wieder einmal ein in einer Suite
I'm checking into a suite again
Waldorf Astoria, fick auf das Maritim
Waldorf Astoria, fuck the Maritim
Hier oben seh' ich keinen, außer mein Team
Up here I don't see anyone, except my team
Jahrelang geackert und ich hab' es mir verdient
Worked for years and I've earned it
Heut in Wien, gestern war ich noch in Berlin
Today in Vienna, yesterday I was still in Berlin
Wenn es nicht Gucci ist, dann ist es Louis-V
If it's not Gucci, then it's Louis-V
26k Cash in meinen Jeans
26k Cash in my jeans
Ich schwör' auf alles, Mann, ich hab' es mir verdient
I swear on everything, man, I've earned it
Yaşadım hep sokaklarda
I've always lived on the streets, girl
Zorluklarla ve de sorunlarla
With difficulties and problems
Keyif yapamadım çoğu zamanlarda
I couldn't enjoy myself most of the time
Hep kovaladı beni sürekli yaşam, paşam
Life always chased me, my dear
Genelde durmadım, hep yürekli
I usually didn't stop, always brave
Amca, polis, sokak peşimde sürekli
Uncle, police, the street always after me
Kurşunlar biter mi ki ata ata?
Will the bullets ever run out, firing and firing?
Hapiste zaman geçer mi hiç yata yata?
Does time ever pass in prison, lying down and lying down?
Bazen zaman oldu bat de batlar
Sometimes it happened, I sank and sank
Ağzında kaldı geri pis pis tatlar
Nasty, nasty tastes remained in my mouth
Geil işte bu gördüğü, her boka atlar
He sees this horny thing, jumps on every shit
Biz de adam dediğin demiri ikiye katlar
And the man we call folds iron in half
Hep pusu kurdu kıskanç kıllar
Jealous hairs always ambushed
Ben karşı koydukça pes etti yıllar
As I resisted, years gave up
Ekmek diyeceksin sokaklar yesin
You'll say bread, let the streets eat
İlk önce sokaklar "Tamam ben doydum" desin
First let the streets say, "Okay, I'm full"
Zamanla yok oldu, kayboldu aslar
Over time, the aces disappeared, lost
Killa şahlandıkça döküldü paslar
As Killa rose, the rusts fell off
Açıldı yollar, sıvandı kollar
Roads opened, arms were plastered
"Killa, Summer Cem rap", herkesi sollar
"Killa, Summer Cem rap", overtakes everyone
Hakettim bunu ben, istemesen de sen
I deserve this, even if you don't want it, girl
Hakettik bunu biz, Ghetto'dan ikimiz
We deserve this, both of us from the Ghetto
Hakettik bunu biz, hakettik ikimiz
We deserve this, both of us deserve it
Rahatsız olan biri varsa, ağzına girsin sikimiz
If someone is uncomfortable, they can suck our dick
Hakettim bunu ben, istemesen de sen
I deserve this, even if you don't want it, girl
Hakettik bunu biz, Ghetto'dan ikimiz
We deserve this, both of us from the Ghetto
Hakettik bunu biz, hakettik ikimiz
We deserve this, both of us deserve it
Rahatsız olan biri varsa, ağzına girsin sikimiz
If someone is uncomfortable, they can suck our dick
Willkomm'n im Paradies
Welcome to paradise
Ich checke wieder einmal ein in einer Suite
I'm checking into a suite again
Waldorf Astoria, fick auf das Maritim
Waldorf Astoria, fuck the Maritim
Hier oben seh' ich keinen, außer mein Team
Up here I don't see anyone, except my team
Jahrelang geackert und ich hab' es mir verdient
Worked for years and I've earned it
Heut in Wien, gestern war ich noch in Berlin
Today in Vienna, yesterday I was still in Berlin
Wenn es nicht Gucci ist, dann ist es Louis-V
If it's not Gucci, then it's Louis-V
26k Cash in meinen Jeans
26k Cash in my jeans
Ich schwör' auf alles, Mann, ich hab' es mir verdient
I swear on everything, man, I've earned it

Авторы: Gennaro Frenken, Cem Toraman, Hakan Durmus

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