Kinderzimmer Productions - Back - Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kinderzimmer Productions - Back - Live

Back - Live
Back - Live
Doch es kam alles ganz anders
But everything turned out quite differently
Doch es kam alles ganz anders
But everything turned out quite differently
Doch es kam alles ganz anders
But everything turned out quite differently
Doch es kam alles
But everything turned out
Doch es kam alles
But everything turned out
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin' for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
It's a new thing, check out this I bring
It's a new thing, check out what I bring
Back, caught you lookin' for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
It's a new thing, check out this I bring
It's a new thing, check out what I bring
Neue Zeilen auf frischem Papier
New lines on fresh paper
Was ich denke und fühle das sage ich hier
What I think and feel, I say it here
Doch das hatten wir schon und es ist jetzt an der Zeit
But we already had that and it's time now
Für die Post-Rüben-Ära, seit ihr bereit?
For the post-beet era, are you ready?
Manche sprechen lieber vom Post-Rübismus
Some prefer to speak of post-beetism
Simultanität des Klangs, wie damals im Kubismus
Simultaneity of sound, like back in Cubism
Von Kubismus zu den Kuben,
From Cubism to the cubes,
Von den Kuben zu den Würfeln und die Würfel sind gefallen
From the cubes to the dice and the dice have fallen
Hier ist Hip-Hop von uns allen
Here is hip-hop from all of us
Von uns allen beiden. Dem Duo!
From both of us. The duo!
You all know how the story goes
You all know how the story goes
Aller Anfang ist schwer, so auch dieser
Every beginning is hard, so is this one
Ich blick auf all die Zeit zurück
I look back on all the time
Und jetzt wirds besser und nicht mieser
And now it gets better and not worse
Reduziert und deformiert, jetzt wirds langsam kompliziert
Reduced and deformed, now it's getting complicated
Ummmstrukturiert, wir hoffen, dass es funktioniert
Restructured, we hope it works
Ahh, da fällts mir ein und eh ich′s vergesse
Ahh, it occurs to me and before I forget
Hmm, Rrrr, verdammt, ich habe Haare in der Fresse
Hmm, Rrrr, damn, I have hair in my mouth
Wir haben fettige, fettige Beats, fett die ganzen Jahre
We have fat, fat beats, fat all the years
Die fettigen, fettigen Beats sind fast so fett wie meine Haare
The fat, fat beats are almost as fat as my hair
Alle Leute meinen, wenn sie mich gehen sehen
Everyone thinks when they see me walking
Ich sei der Doppelgänger von Nirvanas Kurt Cobain
I'm the double of Nirvana's Kurt Cobain
Drei kleine Rüben, die waren schwer dabei
Three little beets, they were hard at it
Die Dritte ging nen anderen Weg, da waren's nur noch zwei
The third one went a different way, then there were only two
Ich weiss, ich kann nicht singen, konnt ich noch nie
I know, I can't sing, I never could
Aber immer noch bessert als Vanessa Paradis
But still better than Vanessa Paradis
Bekannt radikal bei der Sampleauswahl
Known radical in the sample selection
Rein rationale Auswahl wäre hier fatal normal
Purely rational selection would be fatally normal here
Egal - oder sind wir doch zu auf Zack?
Whatever - or are we too on point?
Für diesen Loop reissen uns die Stranglers noch die Eier ab
For this loop, the Stranglers are gonna rip our balls off
Noch einmal ein Blick auf Vergangenes
One more look at the past
Auf unwiderruflich Begangenes
At the irrevocably committed
Ich hab ein Band hier vor mir liegen, natürlich von den Rüben
I have a tape here in front of me, of course from the Beets
Ich hör es mit gemischten Gefühlen, alles andere wäre Lügen
I listen to it with mixed feelings, anything else would be a lie
Auf alle Fälle jetzt ein Neubeginn
In any case, now a new beginning
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Zuviel hat sich verändert an Musik und unserer Haltung,
Too much has changed in music and our attitude,
Um nicht mit nem leisen Lächeln auf den Anfang zu sehen
Not to look at the beginning with a slight smile
Back, caught you lookin' for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin' for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
It's a new thing, check out this I bring
It's a new thing, check out what I bring
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin' for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
It′s a new thing, check out this I bring
It's a new thing, check out what I bring
So jetzt zum Textor, zu mir,
So now to the Textor, to me,
Ein paar Zeilen zum Namen, die gönn ich mir hier
A few lines about the name, I'll treat myself to them here
Ich heisse Textor, bürgerlich Henrik,
My name is Textor, my real name is Henrik,
Manche meinen Henrik, das Hemd aus meinem Namen den Realitätsbezug
Some think Henrik, the shirt from my name, represents reality
Hemd steht als Metapher für mein ektomorphes Wesen
Shirt stands as a metaphor for my ectomorphic being
Was ektomorph ist, könnt ihr beizeiten dann im Duden nachlesen
You can read up on what ectomorphic is in the dictionary later
Vom Hemd zum Stoff, Stoff enspricht Textil
From shirt to fabric, fabric corresponds to textile
Textil ohne il gibt Text ziemlich diffiziler Stil,
Textile without il gives text, quite a sophisticated style,
Ich weiss, doch auch wenn ihr's nicht begreift
I know, but even if you don't get it
Wir sind soweit beim Test, wenn das verstanden ist, dann reichts
We're at the point of the test, if that's understood, then it's enough
Text plus Instrumental dringen da in euer Ohr
Text plus instrumental penetrate your ear
Aus der Masse tret ich vor, Henrik, das Hemd oder der Textor
I step out of the crowd, Henrik, the shirt or the Textor
Vorm definitiven Ende der Zeile ringe ich immer noch nicht nach Luft
Before the definitive end of the line, I still don't gasp for air
Some times I rhyme slow, some times I rhyme quick
Sometimes I rhyme slow, sometimes I rhyme quick
Some times I rhyme bull, some times I rhyme shit
Sometimes I rhyme bull, sometimes I rhyme shit
Wie ich schon sagte,
As I said,
Ich schreib meine Zeilen mal sinnvoll, mal sinnlos,
Sometimes I write my lines meaningfully, sometimes meaninglessly,
Wie Kuli Ramsamsa (???) Zurück zum Anfang,
Like Kuli Ramsamsa (???) Back to the beginning,
Zu meinem Partner, meinem Partner meinem Kumpel
To my partner, my partner, my buddy
Ich bin nicht mit ihm verwandt oder
I'm not related to him or
Verschwägert, aber ich bin mit ihm verkoppelt und verkuppelt
In-laws, but I'm coupled and paired with him
Und auch wenn er nicht humpelt,
And even if he doesn't limp,
Kommt er von seiner Haltung an den Glöckner ran,
He comes close to the bell ringer in his posture,
An den von Notre Dame.
To the one from Notre Dame.
Ich nenn ihn deshalb schlicht und
That's why I call him simply and
Einfach Quickediquasie Modo Klammt, dabei sieht
Simply Quickediquasie Modo Klammt, even though he looks
Er mehr aus, wie Glenn Gould am Klavier.
More like Glenn Gould at the piano.
Doch wir waren bei Quasi Modo und das lassen wir auch hier
But we were with Quasi Modo and we'll leave it at that
Sechs Takte sind zu füllen, Worte zu schreiben
Six bars to fill, words to write
Der leptosome Leghastheniker wird reimend sich die Zeit vertreiben
The leptosome dyslexic will pass the time rhyming
K I N D E R Z I Doppel M E R ausgesprochen
K I N D E R Z I double M E R pronounced
Kinderzimmer und es kommt noch viel, viel mehr
Kinderzimmer and there's much, much more to come
P R O D U C T I O N S,
P R O D U C T I O N S,
Productions aus dem Kinderzimmer, Zeit fürn neues Ungewohntes
Productions from the children's room, time for something new and unfamiliar
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin' for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
It's a new thing, check out this I bring
It's a new thing, check out what I bring
Back, caught you lookin' for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
It's a new thing, check out this I bring
It's a new thing, check out what I bring
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin' for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
Back, caught you lookin′ for the same thing
Back, caught you looking for the same thing
It's a new thing, check out this I bring
It's a new thing, check out what I bring
Back in the days when I was a teenager
Back in the days when I was a teenager
Before I had status and before I had a pager
Before I had status and before I had a pager
Back in the days when I was a teenager
Back in the days when I was a teenager
Before I had status and before I had a
Before I had status and before I had a
Doch es kam alles ganz anders
But everything turned out quite differently
Doch es kam alles ganz anders
But everything turned out quite differently
Doch es kam alles ganz anders
But everything turned out quite differently
Doch es kam alles
But everything turned out
Doch es kam alles
But everything turned out
Theres no easy way out
There's no easy way out
Baby, oh Baby, yeah,
Baby, oh Baby, yeah,
Baby, oh Baby, oh Baby,
Baby, oh Baby, oh Baby,

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