Kinto Sol - Perros de las Calles - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kinto Sol - Perros de las Calles

Perros de las Calles
Street Dogs
Toda mi familia son los perros de las calles
My whole family are the street dogs
No sabes lo que sufro es mejor que te calles
You don't know what I'm suffering, it's better if you keep quiet
Los perros(los perros) las calles (las calles)Bienvenido al mundo de juanito
The dogs(the dogs) the streets (the streets) Welcome to Juanito's world
Con solo 10 años ya lo ven como un maldito
At only 10 years old, they already see him as a curse
Su único delito el no tener a sus padres
His only crime is not having his parents
Fue abandonado y bautizado por las calles
He was abandoned and baptized by the streets
Con la panza vacía vende chicles todo el día
With an empty stomach, he sells chewing gum all day
Su fe y la esperanza es lo que lo guía
His faith and hope are what guide him
El calor lo llena de fojasos
The heat fills him with blisters
Sus pies descalzos, su futuro en pedazos
His bare feet, his future in pieces
Con escasos años tiene la piel maltratada
At such a young age, his skin is abused
Sus ojos rojos de tanta desvelada
His red eyes from so much sleeplessness
Su cara asoleada demuestra su dolor
His sun-drenched face shows his pain
No a tenido caricias no conoce el amor
He hasn't had any caresses, he doesn't know love
Lleno de temor ve a la noche llegar
Full of fear, he sees the night approaching
Se refugia en lo oscuro y se pone a soñar
He takes refuge in the darkness and starts to dream
En su sueño ve a su madre que lo viene ha abrazar
In his dream, he sees his mother coming to hug him
Pero el ruido de los carros lo vuelve a despertar
But the noise of the cars wakes him up again
Toda mi familia son los perros de las calles
My whole family are the street dogs
No sabes lo que sufro es mejor que te calles
You don't know what I'm suffering, it's better if you keep quiet
Los perros(los perros), las calles (las calles)
The dogs(the dogs), the streets (the streets)
Respirando sementó en una bolsa de papel
Breathing cement in a paper bag
Al ver al judicial se pone a correr
When he sees the police, he runs
Así es Joaquín un pobre adolescente
This is Joaquin, a poor teenager
Esta traumado por tanto problema en su mente
He's traumatized by so many problems in his mind
No tiene un brazo lo perdió de un balazo
He doesn't have an arm, he lost it from a bullet
Por su apariencia ninguno le hace caso
Because of his appearance, no one pays attention to him
Sus ojos han visto todo en este mundo
His eyes have seen everything in this world
Su pobre corazón guarda algo muy profundo
His poor heart holds something very deep
Mato a su padre por abusar de su madre
He killed his father for abusing his mother
Su conciencia no lo deja se siente culpable
His conscience doesn't leave him, he feels guilty
Corrió de su pueblo para esconderse en la ciudad
He ran from his town to hide in the city
Bajando por las calles su triste realidad
Walking down the streets, his sad reality
Escuche por las noticias hoy en este día
I heard on the news today
Que ha un joven sin un brazo lo mato la policía
That a young man without an arm was killed by the police
Como un criminal lo mataron
They killed him like a criminal
Sin cruz ni flores como un perro lo enterraron
Without a cross or flowers, they buried him like a dog
Toda mi familia son los perros de las calles
My whole family are the street dogs
No sabes lo que sufro es mejor que te calles
You don't know what I'm suffering, it's better if you keep quiet
Los perros(los perros), las calles (las calles)
The dogs(the dogs), the streets (the streets)
Mientras todos duerme julia esta llorando
While everyone is sleeping, Julia is crying
Lo frió de la noche su piel esta quemando
The cold of the night, her skin is burning
La casita de cartón se esta desbaratando
The cardboard house is falling apart
Sigue así llorando en silencio rezando
She keeps crying silently, praying
Todavía es una niña no sabe ni leer
She's still a girl, she doesn't even know how to read
Hay días enteros que no tiene que comer
There are whole days when she has nothing to eat
No puedo entender que algunos tengan tanto
I can't understand how some people have so much
Cuando eres pobre ninguno escucha tu llanto
When you're poor, no one listens to your cry
Su cara triste ahogada en lágrimas
Her sad face, drowned in tears
La historia de una niña que no puede más
The story of a girl who can't take it anymore
Sin descanso alguno trabaja muy duro
Without any rest, she works very hard
La igual que juanito no tiene futuro
Like Juanito, she has no future
Insegura de si misma sale a trabajar
Unsure of herself, she goes out to work
Sin la garantia que pueda regresar
Without the guarantee that she can return
Su única familia son Joaquín y juanito
Her only family are Joaquin and Juanito
Joaquín era su primo juanito su hermanito
Joaquin was her cousin, Juanito her little brother
Toda mi familia son los perros de las calles
My whole family are the street dogs
No sabes lo que sufro es mejor que te calles
You don't know what I'm suffering, it's better if you keep quiet
Los perros(los perros), las calles (las calles)
The dogs(the dogs), the streets (the streets)
Siente mi coraje siente mi dolor
Feel my courage, feel my pain
Viviendo en las calles se necesita valor.
Living on the streets takes courage.

Авторы: Javier Garcia Garnica, Eduardo Garcia Garnica, Manuel Garcia Garnica

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