Kiroro - Shiawaseno Tane - Winter Version - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kiroro - Shiawaseno Tane - Winter Version

Shiawaseno Tane - Winter Version
Shiawaseno Tane - Winter Version
ある日 突然現れた私の中小さな命
Suddenly, a tiny life has emerged within me.
幸せと不安が 交互に訪れる 心をどうか強く支えて
Happiness and unease alternate, please strengthen my heart.
人はみんな臆病で 強がって何も怖くないふり
We are all timid and pretend not to be afraid of anything.
そっと夢に見てた 幸せはもう手が届くほど近くにあるのに
I dreamt quietly of this happiness, which is now so close, I can almost reach it.
明日があること 生きているってこと それは奇跡なんだよ
That tomorrow exists, that we are alive, is a miracle.
誰もがみんな 幸せになれる 種を持っていて
We all have the seed of happiness within us.
旅を続けてる 雨に打たれながら
As we continue our journey, being beaten by the rain,
悲しみや 絶望に 負けたりしないように
We must not give in to sadness or despair.
大切に 大切に ただただ 祈るよ
I cherish and protect it, and simply pray.
愛することをおそれないで 涙流すこともあるけれど
Do not be afraid to love, even if it makes you cry.
その経験や人を想う気持ちが あなたの事を育てていくから
Those experiences and thoughts of others will help you grow.
つらく苦しい時だって どこにいても心つながってる
Even in difficult and painful times, our hearts are connected wherever we are.
あなたの為に 私は歌うよ 人じゃないから あきらめないでね
I will sing for you, my baby. I won't give up on you, though I'm not human.
今ここに生まれて歩きだす未来を 共に信じ生きてゆこう
Having been born here, let us believe in the future that we will walk together and live our lives.
誰もがみんな幸せになれる 種を持っていて
We all have the seed of happiness within us.
旅を続けてる 雨に打たれながら
As we continue our journey, being beaten by the rain,
悲しみや 絶望に 負けたりしないように
We must not give in to sadness or despair.
大切に 大切に ただただ 祈るよ
I cherish and protect it, and simply pray.
命の営みは 今までもそしてこれからも 同じように 続いてくよ
The cycle of life has continued and will continue in the same way, both before and after now.
それは変わらぬ真実で 君もそうやって生まれてきた 大切に
This is an immutable truth, and it is how you were born, my precious one.
誰もがみんな幸せになれる 種を持っていて
We all have the seed of happiness within us.
旅を続けてる 雨に打たれながら
As we continue our journey, being beaten by the rain,
悲しみや 絶望に 負けたりしないように
We must not give in to sadness or despair.
大切に 大切に ただただ 祈るよ
I cherish and protect it, and simply pray.
ただただ 祈るよ
I simply pray.

Авторы: Chiharu Tamashiro

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