Kla.TV-Hits - Bill Gates is in the Light - перевод текста песни на английский

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Bill Gates is in the Light
Bill Gates is in the Light
R. F. Kennedy jr., der Neffe von JFK
R. F. Kennedy jr., the nephew of JFK
Ist kein Fan von Bill Gates' Impf-Wahn in der Welt
Is no fan of Bill Gates' vaccine mania in the world
Denn mit großzügigen Gesten und gespieltem Wohlwollen
For with generous gestures and feigned benevolence
Verdient Gates mit dem Gift das große Geld
Gates makes big money with the poison
Wenn Microsoft im Monopol die Impf- ID kontrolliert
If Microsoft controls the vaccine ID in a monopoly
Und diktatorisch die Gesundheit übernimmt
And dictatorially takes over health
Dann weiß Gates mit Sicherheit, trotz Millionen von Spenden
Then Gates knows for sure, despite millions of donations
Der Milliarden-Gewinn ganz am Ende stimmt
That the billions in profits are right in the end
So riss er schon die Kontrolle der NTAGI an sich ran
So he already grabbed control of the NTAGI
Indiens Beratungsgruppe für Immunisierung
India's Immunization Advisory Group
Das Ergebnis war irre, man verpflichtete jedem Kind
The result was crazy, they obligated every child
50 Dosen Polio-Impfstoff der Regierung
50 doses of polio vaccine from the government
490 000 Kinder bekamen schwere Lähmungen
490,000 children were severely paralyzed
NPAFP wird diese Krankheit genannt
NPAFP is the name of this disease
Es war so klar, dass sogar Ärzte den Impfstoff kritisierten
It was so clear that even doctors criticized the vaccine
Und so schmissen die Inder Gates aus dem Land
And so the Indians kicked Gates out of the country
Seltsamerweise sank ganz plötzlich die Krankenzahl rapide
Strangely, the number of cases suddenly dropped rapidly
Dass 2017 sogar die WHO
That in 2017 even the WHO
Zugab, dass die Polio-Explosion nur vom Impfen kommt
Admitted that the polio explosion only comes from vaccination
Epidemien folgten weltweit bis zum Kongo
Epidemics followed worldwide up to Congo
2014 Finanzierte die Gates-Stiftung Tests
In 2014 the Gates Foundation funded tests
Von experimentellen HPV-Impfstoffen
Of experimental HPV vaccines
GSK und Merck hatten sie in Indien getestet
GSK and Merck had tested them in India
23 000 Mädchen waren betroffen
23,000 girls were affected
1200 Von ihnen litten unter schwerer Störung
1200 of them suffered from severe disorder
Und sieben Mädchen waren schließlich tot
And seven girls were finally dead
Indiens Regierung warf den Forschern Schwerverbrechen vor
The Indian government accused the researchers of serious crimes
Der Fall ging hoch bis zum obersten Gerichtshof
The case went up to the Supreme Court
2010 Finanzierte Bill Gates 'nen Versuch
In 2010, Bill Gates funded a trial
Mit dem Malaria-Impfstoff von GSK
With the malaria vaccine from GSK
151 Kinder starben, viele hatten Nebenwirkungen
151 children died, many had side effects
Trotzdem blieb Gates weltweit ein Star
Nevertheless, Gates remained a star worldwide
This is for the people, who have a righteous heart
This is for the people, who have a righteous heart
These people who can separate the truth from the lies
These people who can separate the truth from the lies
The new time has come and the monsters have to fall
The new time has come and the monsters have to fall
Bill Gates is in the light and his power's doomed to die
Bill Gates is in the light and his power's doomed to die
Durch die MenAfriVac Kampagne aus 2002
Through the MenAfriVac campaign from 2002
Wurden tausende Kinder zwangsgeimpft
Thousands of children were forcibly vaccinated
Bis zu 500 der Kinder erkrankten danach schwer
Up to 500 of the children fell seriously ill afterwards
Sodass die Presse über diesen Wahnsinn schimpft
So that the press scolds about this madness
Auch Mandelas Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Professor Patrick Bond sagt
Also Mandela's economist Professor Patrick Bond says
"Das war unmoralisch und hemmungslos"
"That was immoral and unrestrained"
2010 stellte Gates der WHO noch 10 Milliarden
In 2010, Gates gave the WHO another 10 billion
Was bezweckt der reiche Mann denn damit bloß
What is the rich man aiming for with this
"Wir müssen dieses Jahrzehnt zum Jahrzehnt der Impfung machen"
"We have to make this the decade of vaccines"
Sagte Gates und erklärt dann unverblümt
Gates said and then bluntly explains
Wie man durch Impfkampagnen einfach ganze Völker reduziert
How to simply reduce entire nations through vaccination campaigns
Doch blieb er weiterhin beliebt und berühmt
But he remained popular and famous
2014 Impfte man dann Millionen von Frauen
In 2014, millions of women were vaccinated
Unter Zwang gegen Tetanus und dann?
Under duress against tetanus and then?
Es kam heraus, dass man all die Frauen damit sterilisierte
It turned out that they were sterilizing all the women with it
Sogar die WHO erkannte dies dann an
Even the WHO acknowledged this then
This is for the people, who have a righteous heart
This is for the people, who have a righteous heart
These people who can separate the truth from the lies
These people who can separate the truth from the lies
The new time has come and the monsters have to fall
The new time has come and the monsters have to fall
Bill Gates is in the light and his power's doomed to die
Bill Gates is in the light and his power's doomed to die
Die Studie Mogensen und andere aus dem Jahr 2017
The Mogensen et al. study from 2017
Zur DTP-Impfung der WHO
On WHO DTP vaccination
Belegte klar dass diese Impfung viel mehr Tote brachte
Clearly showed that this vaccination caused far more deaths
Als die eigentliche Krankheit irgendwo
Than the actual disease anywhere
Trotz allem hielt die WHO an diesem Giftcocktail fest
Nevertheless, the WHO stuck to this poison cocktail
Zwingt ihn heute noch Millionen Kindern auf
Still forces it on millions of children today
Tja, wen wundert es, weiß doch mittlerweile jedes Kind
Well, who wonders, every child knows by now
Bill Gates hat die WHO gekauft
Bill Gates bought the WHO
Weltweit bekannt ist doch heute, dass Gates sie kontrolliert
It is well known worldwide today that Gates controls it
Und spielt nach außen den lieben Philanthrop
And plays the dear philanthropist to the outside world
Aber tausende von Quellen auf der ganzen Welt belegen
But thousands of sources around the world prove
Wo er hinkommt, sind viele plötzlich tot
Wherever he goes, many are suddenly dead
Es ist sehr leicht zu durchschauen, was er wirklich will
It's very easy to see through what he really wants
Bill Gates geht über Leichen und das stur
Bill Gates walks over dead bodies and stubbornly
Denn das Ziel ist nichts Geringeres, als ein Impfzwang überall
Because the goal is nothing less than mandatory vaccination everywhere
Und ne totale Überwachungs-Diktatur
And a total surveillance dictatorship
This is for the people, who have a righteous heart
This is for the people, who have a righteous heart
These people who can separate the truth from the lies
These people who can separate the truth from the lies
The new time has come and the monsters have to fall
The new time has come and the monsters have to fall
Bill Gates is in the light and his power's doomed to die
Bill Gates is in the light and his power's doomed to die
This is for the people, who have a righteous heart
This is for the people, who have a righteous heart
These people who can separate the truth from the lies
These people who can separate the truth from the lies
The new time has come and the monsters have to fall
The new time has come and the monsters have to fall
Bill Gates is in the light and his power's doomed to die
Bill Gates is in the light and his power's doomed to die

Авторы: Mathias E

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