Klubbhopping (Lisa Marie Sequential Dub Experience)
Klubbhopping (Lisa Marie Sequential Dub Experience)
No quiero mirar para atras porque eso me hace recordarte, y lo peor esque me brinda placer si es necesario caminar y de espaldas hacia adelante y asi pensando en ti sabre que todo estara bien
I don't want to look back because it makes me remember you, and the worst thing is that it gives me pleasure if it is necessary to walk with my back to the front and so thinking about you I will know that everything will be fine
Tengo que rogarte mas (tengo que rogarte mas) ¿Para que?
I have to beg you more (I have to beg you more) Why?
Si eso hara sentirme menos, aun menos con quien estas?
If it will make me feel less, even less with whom are you?
Y donde estas?
And where are you?
No lo se pero si se que vuelves conmigo habra momentos buenos
I don't know but I do know that if you come back with me there will be good times
Tal vez no tengas tiempo de escuchar esta cancion pero era necesario desahogarme, de sacar esta impotencia queda desesperacion desde aquel dia que se te ocurrio dejarme
Maybe you don't have time to listen to this song but it was necessary to vent, to get this helplessness out that has been desperation since that day you decided to leave me
No sabes como se pusieron las cosas aqui con decirte que olvide como hacer para ser feliz, si no me queda mas que desearte buena suerte y agradecerle a dios por dejarme conocerte
You don't know how things got here with telling you that I forgot how to be happy, if I have nothing left but to wish you good luck and thank God for letting me meet you
Alfred Cave
Alfred Cave
Noooo, hoy me muero sin ti, a cada paso que doy estoy pensando y me pongo a recordar lo que fuiste para mi y lo seeeee que esto ya termino...
No, today I die without you, with every step I take I'm thinking and I start to remember what you were to me and I know that this is over...
Pero tus besos son los que me maaataaan y me ponen mal, tu ausencia y saber que alguien ocupa mi lugar
But your kisses are what kill me and make me feel bad, your absence and knowing that someone else is taking my place
Las cosas no son asi, quizas...
Things are not like that, maybe...
Y te fuiste porque no eras para mi, quizas...
And you left because you were not meant to be for me, maybe...
Y fue porque regresaras despues o quizas y nunca te volvere a ver, quizas...
And it was because you will come back later or maybe and I will never see you again, maybe...
El destino no nos quiso ayudar mas, quizas...
Destiny didn't want to help us anymore, maybe...
Y sere yo el que no querra regresar, quizas...
And I will be the one who doesn't want to come back, maybe...
El tiempo nos hara recapacitar o quizas esto va a quedarse en un
Time will make us reconsider or maybe this will remain an
Alfred Cave
Alfred Cave
Y por mas que pase el tiempo yo...
And no matter how much time passes I...
Busco la manera de arreglar lo de los dos tratando de encontrar por algun lado mi valor que te haga sentir otra vez aquel amor
I'm looking for a way to fix the two of us trying to find somewhere my value that makes you feel that love again
Y poderte daaaaaar!!!, lo que mereces y mucho mas... (O quizas nunca te volvere a ver)
And be able to give you what you deserve and much more... (Or maybe I'll never see you again)
Noooo, hoy me muero sin ti, a cada paso que doy estoy pensando y me pongo a recordar lo que fuiste para mi y lo seeeee que esto ya termino...
No, today I die without you, with every step I take I'm thinking and I start to remember what you were to me and I know that this is over...
Pero tus besos son los que me maaataaan y me ponen mal, tu ausencia y saber que alguien ocupa mi lugar
But your kisses are what kill me and make me feel bad, your absence and knowing that someone else is taking my place
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