Kobukuro - 42.195km - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kobukuro - 42.195km

ほな行ってくるで! 大阪城 今日は己との戦いや
Well, I'm off! Osaka Castle! Today is a battle against myself.
絶対負けられへんのやって ほんまに
I can't lose, no way!
夢の御堂筋逆走 誰に頼んだかてこんな事
Who'd ask you to run the Midosuji in reverse? They only allow this today.
今日しか許されへんのやって ほんまに
I can't lose, no way!
うまい事いかん事がぎょうさん 毎日の様にあんねんけど
There are a lot of things that don't go well, every day.
がむしゃらに 走るだけで 大概の事どうでも良くなんねん
But when I just run like a fool, most things don't matter.
なんぼなんでもそろそろ もう半分は来たやろ?
I should be halfway done, right?
嘘や? まだそんなもんかい? ほんまどんだけ長いねん!
No way! Is it still that little? How long is it, really!
しんどいんはみんな一緒 そんな時はもう笑ろといたらええねん
Everyone gets tired. When that happens, just laugh it off.
諦めへん人にだけ ゴールはやってくる
The goal will only come to those who don't give up.
When people ask, "Why do you like running so much?" I'm stumped for an answer.
自分でもよう分かれへんのよ ほんまに
I don't really understand it myself.
大人になって見つけた わりと辛抱強い自分が
I found out as an adult that I'm quite patient.
いったい何処までいけるか 知りたいねん
I want to know how far I can go.
あちこちにガタが来るたび もうやめてしまおうか迷ったけど
I've thought about throwing it in, every time something goes wrong.
がむしゃらに なれるものに 次いつ出逢えるかわかれへんから
But I don't know when I'll find something that drives me as much.
水の都 大阪を 流れる虹になって
Like a rainbow shining over Osaka, the city of water,
思い思いの 夢を胸に 未来へと渡ろう
Let's carry the dreams in our hearts and set out for the future.
最後に待ちうけている 地獄の砦 南港大橋
The castle of hell that awaits at the end is the Nanko大橋.
這いつくばってでも良いから 超えよう 今日は 一人じゃない
Even if I have to crawl on my hands and knees, I will get over it. I'm not alone today.
なんぼなんでもそろそろ 3分の2は来たやろ?
I should be three-quarters done, right?
嘘や? まだそんなもんかい? ほんま どんだけ長いねん!
No way! Is it still that little? It's really long!
しんどいんはみんな一緒 そんな時にも うつむいたらアカン
Everyone gets tired. When that happens, don't get discouraged.
栄光のゴールテープは 笑って 切るんやで
Smile when you cut the glorious finish line.
そんな僕の人生は いま何処らへんなんやろ?
Where am I in my life right now?
嘘や? まだそんなもんかい? ほんま どんだけ長いねん!
No way! Is it still that little? It's really long!
しんどいんはみんな一緒 そんな時はもう 笑ろといたらええねん
Everyone gets tired. When that happens, just laugh it off.
諦めへん人にだけ 明日は やってくる
Tomorrow will only come to those who don't give up.

Авторы: 小渕 健太郎, 小渕 健太郎

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