Kobukuro - Summer rain - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kobukuro - Summer rain

Summer rain
Summer rain
夜空を揺さぶる 夏の稲光 动摇着夜空的 夏天的闪电
The lightning of summer rocks the night sky The lightning of summer rocks the night sky
怯える君を 青く照らす summer rain 将胆怯的你 明亮地映照出来 夏之雨
Summer rain, illuminate you in blue as you tremble Summer rain, illuminate you in blue as you tremble
无意味な伞に隠れ 立ちすくむ二人 隐藏在无意义的雨伞中 惊呆的二人
Two people hiding under a meaningless umbrella, standing still Two people hiding under a meaningless umbrella, standing still
ごった返す人ごみ 掻き分け走り出す 在杂乱无章的人群中 用手推着奔跑
Pushing through the crowded crowd, running Pushing through the crowded crowd, running
プラスチックの取っ手に 塑料所制成的伞把上
On the plastic handle On the plastic handle
ぎゅっと手と手を重ねてた 紧紧地重叠着你我的手
Hands overlapped tightly Hands overlapped tightly
雪が轰く度に こわばる指 当雷云轰响时 手指便僵硬
Fingers stiffen with each thunderclap Fingers stiffen with each thunderclap
君と雨に打たれ あの夏を洗い流す 现在 与你被雨水淋湿着 将此夏天冲洗而去
Now, being beaten by the rain with you, washing away that summer Now, being beaten by the rain with you, washing away that summer
仆の中 积もる 砂のような想い出 我心中 积累着 宛如沙石般的回忆
The memories that have piled up in me, like sand The memories that have piled up in me, like sand
君は雨に打たれ 谁の事 思い出しているの? 现在 你被雨水淋湿着 究竟将谁 回想起来呢?
Now, who are you thinking of as you are beaten by the rain? Now, who are you thinking of as you are beaten by the rain?
二人の伞に流れる summer rain 流动在我们两人雨伞上的 夏之雨
Summer rain, flowing on the umbrella of the two of us Summer rain, flowing on the umbrella of the two of us
恋をする度に 全てを脱ぎ去り 当在热恋中时 将所有抛之脑后
Every time I fall in love, I shed everything Every time I fall in love, I shed everything
新しい自分に 着替えてたつもり 并且打算去寻找 那全新的自己
Pretending to change into a new me Pretending to change into a new me
そんな器用なもんじゃない 気まぐれ 这并不是什么巧妙的事情 只是心血来潮
My heart is not that skillful, it's just a whim My heart is not that skillful, it's just a whim
たった三秒前も 怪しげな言叶で君を 仅仅三秒前 才对你说过形迹可疑的话语
Just three seconds ago, I spoke to you with suspicious words Just three seconds ago, I spoke to you with suspicious words
怒らせては慰めてた 「违うよ¨!」って 掻き回す 惹怒你后就安慰道 「不是这样的...!」 捣乱一番
After angering you, I comforted you, saying, "It's not like that!" After angering you, I comforted you, saying, "It's not like that!"
コーヒカップに 吸い込まれそう 身体 好像快要被吸进 咖啡杯里去了
My body seems to be sucked into the coffee cup My body seems to be sucked into the coffee cup
七色の虹が架かった この街で君と出逢い 七色的彩虹出现了 在这条街道上与你相遇
In this city where a seven-colored rainbow appears, I met you In this city where a seven-colored rainbow appears, I met you
几つの季节に 染まるのだろう? 在哪几个季节中 泪水 曾被染上色彩呢?
Through how many seasons will tears be stained? Through how many seasons will tears be stained?
夕暮れの风に任せ 髪ほどく 惯れた仕草 托付者黄昏的风 头发散乱 这已是熟知的身影
Letting the wind at dusk loosen your hair, a familiar gesture Letting the wind at dusk loosen your hair, a familiar gesture
また君に惹かれてる サダメ 然而这是依然会被你所吸引的 命运
Yet, I am still drawn to you, fate Yet, I am still drawn to you, fate
満月さえ 沈みそうな水平线 满月鲜明 宛如快沉落的水平线
Even the full moon seems like it's about to sink below the horizon Even the full moon seems like it's about to sink below the horizon
灯りの无い夜を探し カーブ抜けたなら 如果此曲线脱落了 就去寻找没有光线的黑夜
Let's find a night without light, if this curve falls away Let's find a night without light, if this curve falls away
一人 裸になって 过ぎた夏 海に流す 现在 一人 赤裸全身 让逝去的夏天 向着大海流走
Now, strip naked alone, let the past summer flow into the sea Now, strip naked alone, let the past summer flow into the sea
まだ君は服来たままで 星拾う 浜辺のフェアリー 然而你仍旧穿着衣服 彷如拾取星星的 海滨仙女
You are still dressed, like a fairy on the beach picking up stars You are still dressed, like a fairy on the beach picking up stars
君と 雨に打たれ あの夏を洗い流す 现在 与你被雨水淋湿着 将此夏天冲洗而去
Now, being beaten by the rain with you, washing away that summer Now, being beaten by the rain with you, washing away that summer
仆の中 消えた 砂のような想い出 我心中 已消失的 宛如沙石般的回忆
The memories that have disappeared within me, like sand The memories that have disappeared within me, like sand
8月の雨に打たれ 踊る 伞も放り投げて 被8月的雨打湿了 连跳动的 雨伞都抛向远处
Being beaten by the August rain, dancing, throwing away the umbrella Being beaten by the August rain, dancing, throwing away the umbrella
濡れた体 寄せて 背中にキスをした 夏の梦 润湿的身体 互相靠近 悄悄地接吻 在夏之梦中
Wet bodies, leaning in close, a kiss on the back, a summer dream Wet bodies, leaning in close, a kiss on the back, a summer dream
柔らかな summer rain 柔弱的 夏之雨
Gentle summer rain Gentle summer rain
覚めない 夏の梦 不会觉醒的 夏之梦
A summer dream that never ends A summer dream that never ends


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