Kobukuro - WHITE DAYS - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kobukuro - WHITE DAYS

永い一瞬の人生に どれだけの拍手が送れるかな
How many moments of applause will my brief life bring?
一人で歩いた道なんて どこにも無いんだって
There is no such thing as walking alone.
君を見てると そう思うよ
I realize this when I look at you.
身勝手な僕のわがままも 笑顔にくるんで飲み込んでくれる
You smile and accept my selfish whims.
空気の様に 穏やかな君だから
Like the air around me, you are always there.
そばに居ないと 息苦しくなるのかな
My breath catches when you're not near.
いつか必ず連れてゆくよ 真っ白な愛と希望が寄り添う日々へ
One day, I will take you with me. Together, we will build a life filled with hope and love.
僕が 現実の風に向かい 絶望の崖を乗り越え 投げやりの海に潜って
I will face the storm, climb the cliffs of despair and dive into the unforgiving ocean.
喜びの空を飛ぶ日も この手につかまっていて
And when the sky clears, you will be by my side.
ただ それだけを願うよ
All I ask is that you stay with me.
淡い 立春のそよ風に どれだけの人が吹かれてるのかな
How many people feel the gentle breeze of early spring?
誰もが感じる 幸せが降り注ぐ
A happiness we all share,
場所が この世界のどこかにあるのなら
If there is a place where we can find it.
いつか涙とその笑顔が 手をつなぎ もっと人は優しくなれるさ
One day, our tears and smiles will intertwine and we will become kinder.
か弱き心が 閉じ込めてる SOSに気付いて ただ耳を澄ませばいい
We just need to listen to those who are hurting.
心の壁 つたう雨 誰もが傷を負ってる
The walls of our hearts are battered by rain. We all bear wounds.
Hidden deep within, out of sight.
僕等 必ず辿り着ける 真っ白な愛と希望が寄り添う日々へ
Together, we can reach a place of love and hope.
だから 瞳を閉じないで 真っ直ぐな夢が 眩しすぎるこの世界に
So don't close your eyes, my love. In this dazzling world, our dreams will guide us.
いつか必ず 報われると 信じれば どんな悲しみにも負けはしない
If we believe that our efforts will be rewarded, no sorrow can defeat us.
人は 現実の風に向かい 絶望の崖を乗り越え 投げやりの海に潜って
Like you, I face the storm, climb the cliffs of despair, and dive into the unforgiving ocean.
喜びの空を飛ぶ日も 大切な人の傍にいて
And when the sky clears, I will be with you.
ただ それだけで良いんだよ もう見えているんだ 僕には
All that matters is that we are together. I can see it clearly now.
You feel it too,
Don't you?
さぁ 手を繋ごう
Let's join hands.

Авторы: 小渕 健太郎, 小渕 健太郎

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