Koffee el Kafetero - Los Billeticos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Koffee el Kafetero - Los Billeticos

Los Billeticos
Yo sabia que Dios una señal me daba,
I knew that God was giving me a sign,
Ella llego a mi cuando me resignaba,
She came to me when I was giving up,
Siempre fue tan sorda y ese dia por fin yo
She was always so deaf and that day finally,
Vi que escuchaba a su corazón,
I saw that she listened to her heart,
Siempre fue tan ciega y ese dia me vio
She was always so blind and that day she saw me,
Ella no creía y ese dia creyó
She didn't believe and that day she did,
Luego le gusto como era yo.
Then she liked me for who I was.
Y hoy esta conmigo por que yo...
And today she is with me because I...
No soy aquel que presume ser rico
I'm not the one who pretends to be rich,
No tuve que sacarle los billeticos
I didn't have to take her tickets,
Yo solo tuve que pedirle permiso a Dios y a su corazón
I just had to ask God and her heart for permission
No soy aquel que presume ser rico
I'm not the one who pretends to be rich,
No tuve que ser mago pa' tener truquitos
I didn't have to be a magician to have tricks,
Yo no soy brujo pero mantengo un hechizo en su corazón...
I'm not a witch, but I have a spell on her heart...
Y ahora quien lo dijera, quien lo creyera que de mi se enamoro
And now, who would have said it, who would have believed it, that she fell in love with me,
De tanta gente que hay en la tierra, a mi ella fue quien miro
Of all the people on earth, she was the one who looked at me.
Y es que me llena mucho de orgullo porque yo tengo su amor
And it fills me with pride because I have her love,
Y es tan real, esto que crece y esto que tengo es por que yo...
And it's so real, this that grows and this that I have is because I...
No soy aquel que presume ser rico
I'm not the one who pretends to be rich,
No tuve que sacarle los billeticos
I didn't have to take her tickets,
Yo solo tuve que pedirle permiso a Dios y a su corazón
I just had to ask God and her heart for permission
No soy aquel que presume ser rico
I'm not the one who pretends to be rich,
No tuve que ser mago pa tener truquitos
I didn't have to be a magician to have tricks,
Yo no soy brujo pero mantengo un hechizo en su corazón
I'm not a witch, but I have a spell on her heart
Y ella me contesta siempre que le marco a su celular
And she always answers me when I call her on my cell phone,
No importa el lugar, porque siempre esta pa' mi
No matter where she is, because she is always there for me,
Y si no hay señal, hace lo que sea,
And if there's no signal, she'll do whatever it takes,
Se monta a un techo, se sube a un muro
She'll climb on a roof, climb a wall,
Yo me caso con ella, te lo juro
I'm going to marry her, I swear,
Si ella esta conmigo porque sabe que yo la tengo feliz
If she is with me because she knows that I make her happy,
Todos me preguntan cual es el motivo, por que sera y es que yo...
Everybody asks me what's the reason, why would it be, and it's because I...
No soy aquel que presume ser rico
I'm not the one who pretends to be rich,
No tuve que sacarle los billeticos
I didn't have to take her tickets,
Yo solo tuve que pedirle permiso a Dios y a su corazón
I just had to ask God and her heart for permission
No soy aquel que presume ser rico
I'm not the one who pretends to be rich,
No tuve que ser mago pa' tener truquitos
I didn't have to be a magician to have tricks,
Yo no soy brujo pero mantengo un hechizo en su corazón
I'm not a witch, but I have a spell on her heart
Yo sabia que Dios una señal me daba,
I knew that God was giving me a sign,
Ella llego a mi cuando me resignaba,
She came to me when I was giving up,
Siempre fue tan sorda y ese dia por fin yo
She was always so deaf and that day finally,
Vi que escuchaba a su corazón,
I saw that she listened to her heart,
Siempre fue tan ciega y ese dia me vio
She was always so blind and that day she saw me,
Ella no creía y ese dia creyó
She didn't believe and that day she did,
Luego le gusto como era yo.
Then she liked me for who I was.
Y hoy esta conmigo por que yo
And today she is with me because I,

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