Taklaya geldi feryad kim eyler ki ruhu azad rengi kara kesemde biriken her murad nefesi tut birak erişememki heves düğüm ucunu çek birak omuzlarda uyurgezersin hala öcünü aldi önüne bak etini satti etiğe bak kanini katti katira bak bir kamyon dayak ve bir leğen suyla aşaği aldi beni hayat ayni düşlerdeki ayni sokak kağidi kardi hirsa bak evini aldi vale bacak
The cry came to the deck, who seeks a free soul? The color black, every desire accumulated in my being, hold your breath, let go, I can't reach it, pull the end of the desire knot, let go, you still sleepwalk on shoulders, revenge is taken, look ahead, flesh sold, look at ethics, blood mixed, look at the mule, a truckload of beating and a basin of water took me down, life, the same streets in the same dreams, the paper turned white, look at the greed, the house was taken, valet legs
Mazi ve kayip anilarimin getirisi hususi her hayat hulusi her ruh kirlenir sonradan bu mudur gelinen noktam bu mudur yahu duyargan
The past and the proceeds of my lost memories are private, every life is sincere, every soul gets dirty later, is this the point I've reached? Is this what I am, sensitive?
Yüzüm sarkmamişti kimsenin cebinde gözüm kalmamişti gözü olanin gözü çiksin bereketim sonunda kaçti bir damla su gibiyim kiyafete hiç merakim olmamişti kiyafetleşince iskeletim gözler nazarladi hanemi kirana geçiren bir parça muskamiydi kirilan hayaller mi eline batti hak korkusu olmayanlar ak alinla dolaşamazdi yoktan varim varini yoğunu alir hayat mütabikim senden içeri senle konuşur benden içeri ben artik rehber olsun diline her hecem bir filizdi kayayi delip geçen susarak büyüdü benden içeri ben hatirlamakla hakki tatlanirdi sohbetim günüm gecem
My face hadn't sagged, my eyes hadn't remained in anyone's pocket, may the eyes of those who have eyes come out, my blessing finally ran away, I'm like a drop of water, I never cared about clothes, when I dressed up, my skeleton, eyes looked at my house, was it a piece of my musk that moved me to the slum? Broken dreams? The fear of the right stuck in your hand, those who have no fear of the right could not walk with a white forehead, I exist from nothing, life takes your belongings, I agree with you, you talk from within you, I from within me, now let every syllable be a guide to your tongue, it was a sprout that pierced the rock, it grew silently from within me, I, remembering, my right would be sweetened, my conversation, my day, my night
Olmadi boşa koydum dolmadi doluya koydum almadi çok dolu olduğunu sandi kof yürekler içini satmiş senin gibi binlercesi var binlercesi var
It didn't happen, I put it in vain, it didn't fill up, I put it in the full, it didn't take it, it thought it was too full, hollow hearts have sold their insides, there are thousands like you, thousands
Asi (verse)
Rebel (verse)
Geldim işte kapina mevsim gibi gözlerimde bulut saçlarinda çiğ
Here I am at your door, like a season, with clouds in my eyes and dew in your hair
Kirpiklerim kurumaz olmuş her sabah umut doğmuş içime
My eyelashes have become dry, every morning hope is born within me
Gün batimi dişima defnedilecek bu aşkin mabedini kazidim
The sunset will be buried in my teeth, I have dug the temple of this love
Kalbim mağlül ayrilir bu maneviyatsizin katre kanida kalmamiş
My heart is despondent, separated from this spirituality, not even a drop of blood remains
Damarlarinda fettanin bu etten istediği esaretin bir asaletide olmamiş
There was no nobility in the slavery that this harlot in your veins wanted from this flesh
Asma bir kamiş hislerime saplanmiş azap çekerim
Don't hang a reed, it's stuck in my feelings, I'm suffering
Yalnizliğim iyi huylu olamamiş ve her şair ki çirkefliği barindirir
My loneliness has not been good-natured, and every poet who harbors filth
Içinde bence damitarak arindirir bu kağita hayalgücünde
He purifies it by distilling it in his mind, on this paper, in his imagination
çift tarafli düşünüp tek tarafli yansitir rastgele kelime olmaz anla
He thinks bilaterally and reflects unilaterally, random words do not make sense
Her günüm bir dasitan kanimi isitan duygu yüklü vasitanin vanasi kirik
Every day of mine is an epic, the valve of the emotion-laden vehicle that heats my blood is broken
Dinle alik kabalik etmek istemem bilinci yerinde olmayan dilenciye
Listen, fool, I don't want to be stupid, to a beggar who is not conscious
Kelimeler de fazlalik, anlat brother...
Words are also superfluous, tell me, brother...
Mic-rop (verse)
Mic-rop (verse)
Tariz eder bu dil de anlamazsin tasvir yoluyla mi denesek acaba?
This tongue mocks, you won't understand, should we try it by description?
Tasalara tasma takmanin bir ilmi var mi
Is there a science to putting a leash on sorrows
Hangi zaman dilimine prim vermiş göz yaşim
To which time zone has my tear given premium
Akarken bile silme yüzüme sirdaşim
Even when it flows, don't wipe it on my face, my confidant
Zamaninda kahirdan bir portre yapmişim
I once made a portrait of doom
şimdi bakiyorum da çok güzelmiş
Now I look at it, it was very beautiful
1-0 öndesin hayat
You're 1-0 ahead, life
ödülünü aciyla kaplamakta dayattin ve
You forced me to cover my reward with pain and
Davya ile çekersin kanirtarak günahlarimi
You draw with a lawsuit, making me believe my sins
Ben ilk adimi sebepsiz attim
I took the first step for no reason
Sonra baktim herkes parmak ucunda yürür olmuş
Then I looked, everyone started walking on tiptoe
Sinsilik kimlik kazanir her beyin müsait park et bu ayibi
Sneakiness gains identity, every brain is available, park this shame
Fark ettirmedende olsa faraşlarsin hali altina
Even if you don't notice it, you sweep it under the rug
Musubetin küçüğü olmaz
There is no such thing as a small misfortune
Taşlidir bu taş kürenin yüzeyi
The surface of this stone sphere is stony
Taş kafalara takilipta düşmeyesin ey çocuk
Don't get caught up in stone heads and fall, hey kid
Saat 4: 30 hava soğuk olur şimdi
It's 4:30, the weather will be cold now
Aile bir gocuk görevi üstlenir
The family takes on the role of a nest
Betinde hirçinlik mi belirir neden?
Why does ferocity appear in its concrete?
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