Kombo the X Writer - Distancia y Tiempo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Kombo the X Writer - Distancia y Tiempo

Distancia y Tiempo
Distance and Time
Soy una ecuacion buscando distancia y tiempo
My dear, I am an equation searching for distance and time,
Si esperabas algo mas de mi lo siento
If you expected something more from me, I'm sorry
Honestamente no es mi mejor momento
Honestly, this is not my best moment,
Y no creo que sea cuestion de tiempo
And I don't think it's a matter of time.
No me jodan mas
Don't fuck with me anymore
Ya no quiero estar
I don't want to be here anymore
No me jodan mas
Don't fuck with me anymore
Ya no quiero estar
I don't want to be here anymore,
Ya no quiero estar
I don't want to be here anymore.
Quiero volar no virar como un boomerang
I want to fly, not turn around like a boomerang
Quiero matar lo que conmigo quiere acabar
I want to kill whatever is trying to kill me
Quiero sentirme vivo otra vez debajo del sol
I want to feel alive again under the sun
Quiero volver a querer a ser, yo
I want to love again, to be myself
Dias buenos, dias malos to′s pesan igual
Good days, bad days, they all weigh the same
Y esta soledad no se lleva con nadie mas
And this loneliness cannot be shared with anyone
Dice que me ama y que nunca me va a dejar
She says she loves me, always will, and never leave my side
Pero estar no es sinonimo de amar, no
But being there doesn't mean loving, it doesn't
Me ahogo en mis pensamientos
I'm drowning in my thoughts
Juro que ya nada siento
I swear I don't feel anything anymore
Murio una parte de mi cuando por miedo deje de sentir
A part of me died when I stopped feeling because of fear
Soy una ecuacion buscando distancia y tiempo
My dear, I am an equation searching for distance and time,
Si esperabas algo mas de mi lo siento
If you expected something more from me, I'm sorry
Honestamente no es mi mejor momento
Honestly, this is not my best moment,
Y no creo que sea cuestion de tiempo
And I don't think it's a matter of time.
No me jodan mas
Don't fuck with me anymore
Ya no quiero estar
I don't want to be here anymore
No me jodan mas
Don't fuck with me anymore
Ya no quiero estar
I don't want to be here anymore,
Ya no quiero estar
I don't want to be here anymore.
Tengo cadenas, de cero kilates pero me desvelan
I have chains, zero karats, but they keep me awake
Mi sueno en cadenas y yo reaccionando en cadena
My dream in chains, and I'm reacting in chains
Dios dice que es una prueba y que estas presiones te elevan
God says it's a test and these pressures elevate you
Pero no importa cuanto el viento sople si el barco no tiene vela
But no matter how hard the wind blows, the boat won't sail without a sail
La vida no tiene no secuela pero cada acto lleva una precuela
Life has no sequel, but every act has a prequel
Por las fachadas se cuela, lo que sufro en silencio mis ojos revelan
It seeps through the facades, my silent suffering revealed in my eyes
Me aman pero no se quedan
They love me but don't stay
Me hundo y ninguno me eleva
I'm sinking, and no one lifts me up
Otro dia en la esfera, que me visto de mi para salir alla afuera
Another day on Earth, where I dress in my own skin to go out there
Total, soy otro sujeto sujeto al dolor
After all, I'm just another subject to pain
Sujeto al lean, sujeto al alcohol
Subject to lean, subject to alcohol
Sujeto al olvido mejor
Subject to oblivion, even better
Sujeto a ser la pesquisa, Sujeto a la prisa
Subject to being questioned, subject to haste
Sujeto a querer sonreir y olvidar como se dibuja una sonrisa
Subject to wanting to smile and forgetting how to draw a smile
Soy una ecuacion buscando distancia y tiempo
My dear, I am an equation searching for distance and time,
Si esperabas algo mas de mi lo siento
If you expected something more from me, I'm sorry
Honestamente no es mi mejor momento
Honestly, this is not my best moment,
Y no creo que sea cuestion de tiempo
And I don't think it's a matter of time.
No me jodan mas
Don't fuck with me anymore
Ya no quiero estar
I don't want to be here anymore
No me jodan mas
Don't fuck with me anymore
Ya no quiero estar
I don't want to be here anymore,
Ya no quiero estar
I don't want to be here anymore.

Авторы: Eli Rivera Ferrer

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