Konex feat. Hasan - CHIPS - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Konex feat. Hasan - CHIPS

Skladáme chips na chips
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chipsy
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chips
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chipsy
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chips
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chipsy
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chips
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chipsy
Pile up the chips on the chips
Budeme bi-bi-bi-bi-big čúza
We'll become bi-bi-bi-bi-big dicks
Dip my dick in lean
Dip my dick in lean
Nefajčím ale dneska si s tebou dám, vyfukujem dym
I don't smoke, but today I'll do it with you, I'll blow out the smoke
Chceme auto čo robí Drop top
We want a car that does Drop top
Čo robí Drop top
What does the Drop top
Čo robí...
What does...
Musím ísť ďalej ja nemôžem pauza
I have to move on, I can't pause
Na obed Corretto na obed pasta
Corretto at noon and pasta at noon
Nechcem Casia Vintage, ja chcem Patek Phillipe bust down
I don't want Casia Vintage, I want Patek Philippe bust down
Skenujete nás jak Shazam
You scan us like Shazam
Vrana ku vrane sadá, potkan si potkana hľadá
Birds of a feather flock together, a rat looks for a rat
Diabol ten nenosí prada
The devil doesn't wear Prada
Polmo alebo Plata, chceš pomôcť alebo plakať
Polmo or Plata, do you want to help or cry
Ste na zlom mieste, ako keď si ideš kúpiť Corretto do Starbucks
You are in the wrong place, like when you go to Starbucks to buy Corretto
Byť broke alebo mať guap?
To be broke or to have guap?
Byť broke alebo mať guap?
To be broke or to have guap?
Byť broke alebo mať guap?
To be broke or to have guap?
Byť broke alebo mať guap?
To be broke or to have guap?
Byť broke alebo mať guap?
To be broke or to have guap?
Byť broke alebo mať guap?
To be broke or to have guap?
Byť broke alebo mať guap?
To be broke or to have guap?
Byť broke alebo skladať?
To be broke or to stack up?
Skladáme chips na chips
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chipsy
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chips
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chipsy
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chips
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chipsy
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chips
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chipsy
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skládame chips na sebe
We pile up chips on top of each other
Skládame nepřestaneme
We pile up and never stop
Nakupujem co chcem lidem kolem sebe
I buy what I want people around me
Prachy tu budou a my nebudeme
Money will be here and we won't be
Jednou začnou padat z nebe
One day it will start falling from the sky
Tak půjdu a koupím si za deštník
So I'll go and buy an umbrella for it
Jednou začnou padat z nebe
One day it will start falling from the sky
A budu trochu nasranej protože víc času stejně nekoupím
And I'll be a little pissed because I can't buy more time anyway
Nekúpim čas ale kúpim ho na ruku
I won't buy time but I'll buy it on my wrist
Dali nás na zem ale bez návodu tak veľa chýb
They put us on earth but without instructions so many mistakes
Chyba rad za radom
One mistake after another
Crazy jak peniaze ti menia náladu
Crazy how money changes your mood
O peniazoch píšeme balady
We write ballads about money
Chceme mať v garáži Gallardo
We want to have a Gallardo in our garage
Aj keď dnes nemáme na benzín
Even though we don't have for gas today
Učia nás kukať sa na love škaredo
They teach us to look at money in an ugly way
Za to že oni ich nemajú- paradox
Because they don't have them - a paradox
Aj keď máš málo aj tak máš dosť
Even if you have little, you still have enough
Učím sa kukať sa na tie ich názory tak trochu s nadhľadom
I'm learning to look at their opinions with a little bit of detachment
Byť broke alebo mať guap
To be broke or to have guap
Byť broke alebo byť za vodou 
To be broke or to be in the clear 
Skladáme chips na chips
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chipsy
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chips
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chipsy
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chips
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chipsy
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chips
Pile up the chips on the chips
Skladáme chips na chipsy
Pile up the chips on the chips

Авторы: Hasan, Konex

Konex feat. Hasan - VOILÀ
дата релиза

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