Konex feat. Logic, Robin Zoot & Cassius Cake - Ready (feat. Logic, Robin Zoot & Cassius Cake) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Konex feat. Logic, Robin Zoot & Cassius Cake - Ready (feat. Logic, Robin Zoot & Cassius Cake)

Ready (feat. Logic, Robin Zoot & Cassius Cake)
Ready (feat. Logic, Robin Zoot & Cassius Cake)
Ready, sme ready na cokoli co příde,
Ready, we are ready for whatever comes,
Ready, ready na cokoli co příde hoe,
Ready, ready for whatever comes hoe,
Ready, ready na cokoli co příde,
Ready, ready for whatever comes,
Ready sme ready na cokoli co příde boy,
Ready we are ready for whatever comes boy,
Sme ready na kretény,
We are ready for the idiots,
Sme ready na kretény,
We are ready for the idiots,
Sme ready na kretény,
We are ready for the idiots,
Ready a sme ready na ty kurvy,
Ready and we are ready for those bitches,
Sme ready na ty kurvy,
We are ready for those bitches,
My sme ready na ty kurvy.
We are ready for those bitches.
Boy my sme ready,
Boy we are ready,
Připravený to řešit,
Prepared to deal with it,
Mažou ti medy kolem huby,
They butter you up,
Pak končej kudly v zádech,
Then you end up with a knife in your back,
Přečti si védy, začneš myslet jinak,
Read the Vedas, you will start thinking differently,
Sme ve středu, vzadu a i vpředu,
We are in the middle, back and front,
Ale nesereme se nikam
But we don't give a shit about anything,
A ty víš píču co sem prožil,
And you don't know shit about what I've been through
Furt dávám góly jak Zlatan
I'm still scoring goals like Zlatan
A boys nedělaj nic
And my boys don't do anything
A stejně sou před váma,
And they're still ahead of you,
ti nebo ti nedá,
She'll give it to you or she won't,
Ale určitě hoe mi,
But she'll definitely give it to me hoe,
Nejsou to dámy,
They're not ladies,
Sou schopný dát frajera za 2 tácy,
They're capable of giving a man for 2 thousand,
Pořád nechodim do práce,
I still don't go to work,
24/7 hustle, chodim po ulicích
24/7 hustle, I walk the streets
A furt čekám kdo mi napraví fasádu
And I'm still waiting for someone to fix my facade
A sem smířenej s tim,
And I'm fine with that,
Následky každej čin,
There are consequences for every action,
Píčo mi nestiň když zářim,?
Why are you shading me when I'm shining?,
Řekni kde by si byl,
Tell me where you would be,
Kdyby sme nebyli my,
If it weren't for us,
V prdeli ready na debily sme,
We're ready for the idiots in the ass,
Bang, bang se kryjte
Bang, bang take cover,
A kde by si byl,
And where would you be,
Kdyby sme nebyli my,
If it weren't for us,
V prdeli ready na debily my sme,
We're ready for the idiots in the ass,
Bang, bang se kryjte.
Bang, bang take cover.
Ready, sme ready na cokoli co příde,
Ready, we are ready for whatever comes,
Ready, ready na cokoli co příde hoe,
Ready, ready for whatever comes hoe,
Ready, ready na cokoli co příde,
Ready, ready for whatever comes,
Ready sme ready na cokoli co příde boy,
Ready we are ready for whatever comes boy,
Sme ready na kretény,
We are ready for the idiots,
Sme ready na kretény,
We are ready for the idiots,
Sme ready na kretény,
We are ready for the idiots,
Ready a sme ready na ty kurvy,
Ready and we are ready for those bitches,
Sme ready na ty kurvy,
We are ready for those bitches,
My sme ready na ty kurvy.
We are ready for those bitches.
Pár zásad, nikdy nebejt čůrák bez čůráka
A few rules, never be a dick without a dick
A brzo legend jako? pak hoes si leštěj připínák
And soon a legend as? then hoes will polish pin
A do sloky, kluci sorry,
And into my verse, boys sorry,
Neměl sem v plánu to práskat,
I didn't plan to blow it,
Mám ten pocit, že jsme bozi,
I have the feeling that we are gods,
Právě tvoříme tu Ráj 2,
We are creating Ráj 2 right now,
Děravý Vans na stole
Hole Vans on the table
Na co je ti tvoje vyjebaná póza,
What is your fucked up pose for,
Když pak příde vyjebanej Pouzar
When then a fucked up Pouzar comes
A vysměje se ti do ksichtu,
And laughs in your face,
Neni to ani rok a boys mi nosej CD′s k poslechu,
It's not even a year and boys bring me CDs to listen to
Aspoň mám si utřít prdel čim, když se někde poseru,
At least I have something to wipe my ass with when I shit myself,
4 tapy za mnou a neni to ani rok,
4 stacks behind me and it's not even a year,
Kdybych jim neprcal děvky bylo by jich klidně 100,
If I didn't fuck their girls around there would be 100 of them,
Kdyby nebyloby kokotů kolem tolik tak to ani nebaví,
If there weren't so many idiots around it wouldn't even be fun,
Sem ready, ready na ty vyjebaný Čechy,
I'm ready, ready for those fucked up Czechs,
Každej je sweet jako Nelly v prdeli
Everyone is sweet like Nelly in the ass
A nebo měli v sobě penis svýho dědy,
Or they had their grandfather's penis inside them,
Hledat vinu tam kde neni mrdne vaše životní příběhy,
Looking for guilt where there is none your life stories suck,
Sme ready, ready na kretény,
We are ready, ready for the idiots,
Ready, ready na ty zmrdy,
Ready, ready for those assholes,
Ready, ready na co-koli, na cokoli co příde,
Ready, ready for anything, anything that comes
sem ready salutuj k nebi,
I'm ready salute to the sky,
sem ready salutuje mi, vyprodanej klub,
I'm ready saluting me, sold out club,
Tobě hnusná ségra jen když svítí do ksichtu.
Your nasty sister only when she's shining in her face.
Ready, sme ready na cokoli co příde,
Ready, we are ready for whatever comes,
Ready, ready na cokoli co příde hoe,
Ready, ready for whatever comes hoe,
Ready, ready na cokoli co příde,
Ready, ready for whatever comes,
Ready sme ready na cokoli co příde boy,
Ready we are ready for whatever comes boy,
Sme ready na kretény,
We are ready for the idiots,
Sme ready na kretény,
We are ready for the idiots,
Sme ready na kretény,
We are ready for the idiots,
Ready a sme ready na ty kurvy,
Ready and we are ready for those bitches,
Sme ready na ty kurvy,
We are ready for those bitches,
My sme ready na ty kurvy.
We are ready for those bitches.

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