Konex - Noc - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Konex - Noc

Mal som sen boy
I used to be a quiet boy
Robiť tracks, iba nahrávať
Making tracks, just recording
Keď stála si tam niekde v tme
When you were standing there somewhere in the dark
V daždi nevidím kde sme
In the rain, I can't see where we are
Príliš veľa kvapiek je z toho záplava
Too many drops that it's a flood
Občas sa to stáva, že len tak postávam
Sometimes it happens, that I just stand
A neviem kam živote ďalej, hm
And don't know where to go with life, hm
Vždy ver v seba a svoj talent
Always believe in yourself and your talent
Čiernobiely svet schováva najviac farieb
A black and white world hides the most colors
Len ich zatiaľ nevidíš
You just don't see them yet
Neboj, o to budú krajšie
Don't worry, that's how they will be more beautiful
Začína noc
Night begins
Mesiac svieti mi do tváre, ďalšia noc
The moon shines into my face, another night
Ďalšia noc kedy nevieme kade ísť
Another night when we don't know where to go
Ale kdekoľvek sme tak to stojí za to
But wherever we are, it's worth it
Chcel by som schopnosť premieňať, všetko na zlato
I wish I had the ability to turn everything into gold
Ale na život nemám patent
But I don't have the formula for life
Keby hej na ruke Patek
If I did, I'd have a Patek on my wrist
A pre celý svet fucker
And would be a fucker to the whole world
Keď netečie, aspoň kvape
When it doesn't flow, at least it drips
Zuby mám ale lepšie keď zlaté
I have teeth, but they are better when they're golden
Lepšie keď mi klameš ale nehovor mi brat
Better when you lie to me, but don't call me brother
Naháňame celý život love
We chase love all our lives
Čím viac chceš tak tým viacej to bude bolieť
The more you want it, the more it will hurt
To čo viem to ma nenaučili v škole
What I know, I didn't learn in school
Na sebe drip, nemáme oblek
Drip on me, we don't wear suits
Naháňame celý život love
We chase love all our lives
Čím viac chceš tak tým viacej to bude bolieť
The more you want it, the more it will hurt
To čo viem to ma nenaučili v škole
What I know, I didn't learn in school
Na sebe drip, nemáme oblek
Drip on me, we don't wear suits
Chceme len dobyť svet
We just want to conquer the world
Mať veci čo sme chceli ale nemali nikdy
To have things that we wanted but never had
Na stage-i žiarim jak o pol noci tvoje city
On stage I shine like your emotions at midnight
Žiara na celý blok
A glow for the whole block
Sekám sample, chop chop
I cut samples, chop chop
Hitami naplním comp
I fill my computer with hits
Lietame nemáme strop, nemáme stop
We fly, we have no ceiling, no stop
Jediné čo viem je hudba
The only thing I know is music
Jediné čo viem je poriadny drop
The only thing I know is a real drop
Preto som opustil job
That's why I quit my job
Opustil systém, nikdy som od neho nepoznal kód
Left the system, I never knew the code for it
Bol som pre nich len chybný kus
I was just a defective piece for them
Chceš byť ako my tak to skús
If you want to be like us, try it
Chceš byť ako ja tak sa
If you want to be like me, learn
Na mojich chybách
From my mistakes
Bolo ich toľko, nevrátim čas
There were so many, I can't turn back time
Všetko čo mám je mic
All I have is the mic
Všetko čo mám je hlas
All I have is the voice
A všetko čo mám moji ľudia
And all I have is my people
Po nociach v posteli vymýšľam flows
At night in bed, I come up with flows
Po nociach sa vonku smejeme s bros
At nights we laugh with bros outside
Vieš jak to je, bros before hoes
You know how it is, bros before hoes
Vieš jak to je, drž si ich close
You know how it is, keep them close
Dneska to je zase noc
Tonight it's that night again
Blesky na oblohe, žiaria hviezdy na oblohe
Lightnings in the sky, stars shine in the sky
Vieš jak to je keď spáliš most
You know how it is when you burn a bridge
Asi si toho mal dosť
You probably had enough
Blesky na oblohe
Lightnings in the sky
Ti ukážu kade máš ísť aj keď je noc
They will show you where to go, even if it's night

Авторы: Daniel Galovic

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