Kontra - Nesto Za Klimanje - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kontra - Nesto Za Klimanje

Nesto Za Klimanje
Something to Vibe To
Dlan Beats nema prebahato za nas
Dlan Beats has nothing left to prove to us
Stanem na vrh svijeta imam maraton do sna.
I'll reach the top of the world, my marathon to dreams.
Našamaram to rutinski butinski hladno
I insult it routinely, cold-heartedly
Suštinski uništim k'o dubinski hladno
I destroy it essentially, cold-heartedly
Uzvisim rep na visinu iznad oblaka
I elevate rap to a height above the clouds
I kad rep umre, rep krv će da vas pokapa
And when rap dies, rap blood will bury you
Unuče hip hopa sam, nisam ničiji otpadak
I am hip hop's grandson, not some nobody's trash
K'o mali tape dil'o rep mi dao dječiji doplatak
Like a little tape dealer, rap gave me a child's allowance
Furam sebe još od petneste (petneste)
I've been driving myself since I was fifteen (fifteen)
Ne voliš mi pjesme? Uspjet ću i bez tebe
Don't like my songs? I'll succeed without you
U igri velik rizik, ali nisam pizda
The stakes are high in the game, but I'm not a pussy
Kvota k'o za kreditnom chiza bliza
My odds are like a guarantor's for a loan
Imam vrh na nišanu, a ruke nisu drhtave
I have the summit in my sights, and my hands are not shaking
Neispavane noći pa oči su mi krvave
Sleepless nights, my eyes are bloodshot
Noćni šetač i pisac,
A night walker and writer,
Pa ono što vidim je jedino o čemu mogu pisat
So what I see is the only thing I can write about
(Hooo) Ovo je nešto za klimanje,
(Hooo) This is something to vibe to,
SA grmljavina, pali mi snimanje
SA thunder, start recording
(Hooo) Kol'ko snage još imate?
(Hooo) How much strength do you still have?
Dušmani nek' nas se dobro pripaze 2x
May our enemies beware of us 2x
Mahala me ne voli
The neighborhood doesn't like me
Jer sam previše dogur'o
Because I've come too far
Slabo vjerujem u čopore,
I barely believe in packs,
U njima bi trun'o
I would wither in them
Nisam pljun'o pa polizo,
I didn't spit on and then lick,
Izd'o pa se izvin'o,
Betrayed and then apologized,
Sjedem glavu okrenem,
I turn my head and sit,
Sje*u?, radim isto
Remember?, I do the same
Ti stoj za hrđu,
You stand behind the rust,
Al' sam vuk s istim krznom,
But I'm a wolf with the same fur,
Daju mi etikete,
They give me labels,
Al' se na to nisam trz'o
But I didn't flinch at that
Brzo daj mi beat,
Give me a beat quickly,
To je jedino što znam,
That's the only thing I know,
Čak me klošari ne diraju
Even hobos don't bother me
Osjete mi glad
They sense my hunger
Svoj grad na dlanu držim
I hold my city in the palm of my hand
U ljubavi i mržnji
In love and hate
Znam o čemu pričam
I know what I'm talking about
Stav mi nikad čvršći
My position is stronger than ever
Flow mi nikad luđi,
My flow is crazier than ever,
A jezik nikad oštriji,
And my tongue sharper than ever,
Nemojte se lagat,
Don't lie to yourselves,
Znate šta je rep u Bosni
You know what rap is in Bosnia
Mačka - padam na noge
Cat - I fall to my feet
Ovakvi se ne predaju,
People like this don't give up,
"Lave đeš' na Rusiju?" - dječica mi repaju
"Why'd you go to Russia?" - the kids rap to me
Mojih pet minuta, neka hvala, eto vam
My five minutes, thank you very much, here you go
Hoću cijelu vječnost, tu sam malo neskroman
I want the whole eternity, I'm a little immodest here
(Hooo) Ovo je nešto za klimanje,
(Hooo) This is something to vibe to,
SA grmljavina, pali mi snimanje
SA thunder, start recording
(Hooo) Kol'ko snage još imate?
(Hooo) How much strength do you still have?
Dušmani nek' nas se dobro pripaze 2x
May our enemies beware of us 2x

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