Kontrafakt - Nechcel by si - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kontrafakt - Nechcel by si

Nechcel by si
Wouldn't You Like To
3 spinave mena,
3 dirty names,
My sme tu zas
We are here again,
Tvoj tatko records
Your daddy records,
Dj Wich,
Dj Wich,
Smradlavy bozk
Smelly kiss.
Nechcel by si zazit krasnu mladost
Wouldn’t you like to experience a beautiful youth,
Kupat sa v lovoch nemat starost slnko brcko a radost
Bathing in love with no worries, sun, drink and joy?
Nechcel by si aby sa ti strkali seci sladke keci
Wouldn't you like everyone to tell you sweet little lies,
Zavri picu stary uvolni sa let si
Shut your mouth old man, let yourself go,
Aspon cas od casu prestat secko riesit
At least from time to time stop worrying about everything,
Z picovin sa tesit bracho ja vim ze vies zit
Enjoy little things, bro, I know you know how to live.
Je to pica vediet zahodit secky predsudky
It's awesome to be able to throw away all prejudices,
Ukazat anál do časaku nemyslet na nasledky
Show your ass to the magazine, not thinking about the consequences.
Nechcel by si zarabat jak prezident
Wouldn't you like to earn like a president,
Minut milion korun naco? uz ani neviem piceee
Spend a million crowns, on what? I don't even know anymore, bitchhhh.
Nechcel by si aby ti secky love boli nadarmo
Wouldn't you like all your money to be worthless
Lebo veci žradlo travu chlast mas zadarmo
Because you have food, weed, booze for free?
Nechcel by si bracho aby tvoj kokot mohol byt v hube
Wouldn't you like, bro, for your dick to be in the mouth
Seckych suk co budu dneska vecer v tomto drblom klube
Of all the chicks that will be in this lousy club tonight?
Nechcel by si aby ich bolo tolko vela ze ti zacnu liezt na nervy
Wouldn't you like there to be so many of them that they start to get on your nerves?
Presne tak som sa citil vcera kurvyyy
That's exactly how I felt yesterday, bitches.
Nechcel by si dakedy prestat mysliet na pocity
Wouldn't you like to stop thinking about feelings sometime,
Uchlastat sa jako buran na vypadnut z reality
Get drunk like a brute, fall out of reality?
Nechcel by si aby to zalezalo iba na tebe
Wouldn't you like it to depend only on you?
Je to moj zivot nech sa sem nikto nejebe
It's my life, don't anyone fuck with it.
Jedine co by som chcel je vediet zit sam ze sebou
The only thing I would like is to know how to live by myself,
S cistym svedomim sa kukat dopredu (dopredu)
Look ahead with a clear conscience (ahead).
Nevim ci ta svatska slava neni k nicomu
I don't know if this festive glory is for nothing,
Neviem ci mi dava alebo bere slobodu (bracho)
I don't know if it gives me or takes away my freedom (bro).
Nechcel by si ukazat seckym kto je tu pan
Wouldn't you like to show everyone who's the boss here,
Nechcel by si ukazat seckym v pici vas mam
Wouldn't you like to show everyone that you don't give a fuck,
Nechcel by si zabudnut na secko minule
Wouldn't you like to forget everything in the past,
Spravit daco velke zavret seckym papule
Do something big, shut everyone up?
Nechcel by si ukazat seckym kto je tu pan
Wouldn't you like to show everyone who's the boss here,
Nechcel by si ukazat ze si najvasci kral
Wouldn't you like to show that you're the biggest king,
Nechcel by si zabudnut na casy studeneho dna
Wouldn't you like to forget the times of the cold day
A zazit jebly pocit splneneho sna
And experience the fucking feeling of a fulfilled dream?
Nechcem sa utapat ve svojich slovach
I don't want to drown in my own words,
Odjakziva som bol realny v mojich osnovach
I've always been real in my plans.
Clovek meni nazory bracho to je vyvoj
Man changes his views, bro, that's evolution,
Prisposob sa dobe lebo chycis prasaci mor
Adapt to the times or you'll catch swine fever.
Boli casy ked som nemal love povim pravdu
There were times when I didn't have money, I'll tell you the truth,
Zil som z potlesku a skurveneho undergroundu
I lived on applause and the fucking underground.
Hip-hop nebol o penazoch to uz davno vieme
Hip-hop wasn't about money, we all know that by now,
Vsetci okolo zarabali na mojom mene
Everyone around was making money off my name.
Ludia boli mimo tato doba bola pica
People were out of it, those times were awesome,
Za dva litre som si mohol hlasivky vykricat
For two liters I could scream my lungs out.
Vtedy zaostalci hovorili ze som komercny
Back then, the losers said I was commercial,
Pritom hral som iba za cestu jak cisty pocestny
But I was only playing for the road like a pure honest man.
Nevedeli co je undergronud ani komercia
They didn't know what the underground was or what commerce was,
Vsetci boli mudri ako nase slovenske radia
Everyone was as wise as our Slovak radio.
Zebral sem to do svojich ruk spravili sme hit
I took it into my own hands, we made a hit,
Po tych dlhych rokoch chcel som z toho nieco zarobit
After all those years, I wanted to make some money from it.
Mal som silu mien a pytal som si vacsie love
I had the power of names and I asked for more money,
Popritom som chodil do roboty na kere more
Meanwhile I was going to work for peanuts.
Zarabal som vacej ako moji manageri
I was making more money than my managers,
Mal som pokoru a uctu to mi mozes verit
I had humility and respect, you can believe me.
Po case som moju pracu ale pustil k vode
After a while, however, I let go of my work,
Nechcel som aby moj zivot ostal na jednom bode
I didn't want my life to stay at one point.
Rap ma zacal zivit co si vacej mozes priat
Rap started to feed me, what more could you ask for?
Nechcel by si robit co ta bavi a sa smiat
Wouldn't you like to do what you love and laugh,
Oblecenie zadarmo drahe veci, sponzori
Free clothes, expensive things, sponsors,
Testujem najnovsie hry na hracie konzoly
Testing the latest games on game consoles?
Nechcel by si drahe sperky nechcel by si love?
Wouldn't you like expensive jewelry, wouldn't you like money?
Nechcel by si zdravie nechcel by si auto nove?
Wouldn't you like health, wouldn't you like a new car?
Nechcel by si vlastne vydavatelstvo a predaj?
Wouldn't you like your own publishing house and sales?
Cakat na vyplatu kurva sef ta zas ojebal
Waiting for your paycheck, the fucking boss screwed you again.
Ber si priklad ze mna bracho zajeb si svoj ciel
Take my example, bro, fuck your goal,
Zarobit si vela love to som vzdicky chcel
Making a lot of money is what I've always wanted.
Nechcel by si ukazat seckym kto je tu pan
Wouldn't you like to show everyone who's the boss here,
Nechcel by si ukazat seckym v pici vas mam
Wouldn't you like to show everyone that you don't give a fuck,
Nechcel by si zabudnut na secko minule
Wouldn't you like to forget everything in the past,
Spravit daco velke zavret seckym papule
Do something big, shut everyone up?
Nechcel by si ukazat seckym kto je tu pan
Wouldn't you like to show everyone who's the boss here,
Nechcel by si ukazat ze si najvasci kral
Wouldn't you like to show that you're the biggest king,
Nechcel by si zabudnut na casy studeneho dna
Wouldn't you like to forget the times of the cold day
A zazit jebly pocit splneneho sna
And experience the fucking feeling of a fulfilled dream?

Авторы: Wich Wich, Michal Straka, Patrick Vrbovsky

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