Kontrafakt - Ujeb tomu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kontrafakt - Ujeb tomu

Ujeb tomu
You Up That, Baby!
Kontrafakt, ty drbo! Ego, Anys, Rytmus
Kontrafakt, you ass! Ego, Anys, Rytmus
Šlapem na pedál, sedlák ujebem zvuk
I'm pushing down on the pedal, I'll deafen you peasants with the sound
Dneska nemáš nárok na kľud
You're not entitled to peace and quiet tonight
Dychovka, metal. Načo máš chuť?
Classical, metal. What do you want to hear?
S nami môžeš všetko, dávam ti sľub
You can do anything with us, I promise you that
Zavri hubu na sekundu
Shut up for a second
Zavri chrup, zavri kundu
Close your mouth, shut your trap
Udrbem hudbu za sekundu
I'll drop a beat in a second
Zbúram klub, aha! Bum-bum
I'll tear down the club, aha! Boom-boom
Explózia, masaker, prdzím napalm
Explosion, massacre, I'm farting napalm
Tlakova vlna, prúdi mestom, fatal!
Pressure waves, flowing through the city, deadly!
Všade počujem len "stop", "né" a "áá"
All I hear everywhere is "stop", "no" and "ah"
Moja jediná odpoveď znie "haha-haha"
My only response is "haha-haha"
Toto mesto je moje, toto je môj kraj
This city is mine, this is my country
Toto mesto je môj, jediný raj
This city is my one and only paradise
Hudba v ňom je môj život, je to to naj
The music in it is my life, it's the best
Je dokonalá. Ujeb tomu, drbo! Nevahaj, jebo!
It's perfect. You up that, bitch! Don't hesitate, hoe!
Ujeb tomu! Chcem to počuť hrať
You up that! I want to hear it blasting!
Ujeb tomu! Na maximum, presne tak
You up that! At max volume, exactly like that
Ujeb tomu! Dneska máš zákaz ísť spať
You up that! You're not allowed to sleep tonight
Ujeb tomu! Tento dom musíme rozjebať
You up that! We have to destroy this building
Ujeb tomu, tomu, nech to hrá, hrá
You up that, that, let it play, play
Nech to postupuje, tak presne ako má,
Let it rise, just like it's supposed to, supposed to
Nech počuť basy čo silné ako King-Kong
Let the bass be heard, strong like King Kong
Ujeb tomu vác a vác alebo
You up that more and more or
Choď hrať radšej ping-pong
Go play ping pong instead
Ujeb tomu, tomu, nech ma je počuť, počuť
You up that, that, let me be heard, heard
Nech všetci vidia, že počúvaš moju stoku, stoku
Let everyone see that you're listening to my filth, filth
Daj dole okná, nehambi sa, tvár sa ako pán
Roll down your windows, don't be ashamed, act like a man
Tak to robím ja, keď vám do hlavy jebem hlavolam
That's what I do when I'm fucking with your mind
Dneska ma čakaj prídem zajebať do tvojho klubu
I'm coming to fuck up your club tonight
Všetci čo ma nemali radi so mnou spievať budú
Everyone who hated me will be singing along with me
Tvoj tatko je drbnutý, všetci víme, že je jebnutý
Your daddy's crazy, we all know he's fucked up
Vidíš ma vo VIP, tak poj sem nech ti vylepím
You see me in the VIP, come here so I can slap you
Dneska sme tu my a ty a môj kokot je chlpatý
We're here today, you and me, and my dick is hairy
Ujeb tomu naplno a nebuď z toho vysratý
You up that to the max and don't be a pussy about it
Vysratý, žebračí, vyjebaný, sedlačí
Pussy, beggar, fucked-up, redneck
Dedinári pojebaný, rap vám asi nestačí
Fucking country bumpkins, rap probably isn't enough for you
Stokáry netancuju, očumuju cundry, cundry
Hood rats don't dance, they just ogle sluts, sluts
Stokáry kývu iba hlavami do hudby, hudby
Hood rats just nod their heads to the music, music
Pittbuly z ulice silný, keď to hrá, hrá
Pit bulls from the street are strong when this plays, plays
Ujeb to do maxima, najviac čo to dá,
You up that to the max, the loudest it can go, go
Ujeb tomu! Chcem to počuť hrať
You up that! I want to hear it blasting!
Ujeb tomu! Na maximum, presne tak
You up that! At max volume, exactly like that
Ujeb tomu! Dneska máš zákaz ísť spať
You up that! You're not allowed to sleep tonight
Ujeb tomu! Tento dom musíme rozjebať
You up that! We have to destroy this building

Авторы: Rytmus

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