Kosta - B.I.Z. - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kosta - B.I.Z.

Ko pomislš na rep, predstavli si tele stvari
When you think about rap, you imagine these things
Najkice, puma trene, šilti, dresi, begiji
Nikes, Puma sneakers, caps, tracksuits, hoodies
Podlage pelejo pogled na svet, k mece ga mc
The base is playing a view of the world that the MC is throwing at you
To je naš biz in cist vse to smo mi
This is our biz, and all of this is us
Predstavlam ti kafiče, barske priče in fičfiriče
Let me introduce you to the cafes, the barflies, and the hot chicks
Tlele te, če jim plačaš piče, čist vsak legenda kliče
Here, if you buy them drinks, they all call you a legend
Vidš karikature, tle čas ustavi vse ure
You see caricatures, time stops here
In ženske se tretira tko, k da so navadne kure
And women are treated as if they were common whores
Tle življenje preigrava bol mole, kokr pa dure
Life here plays more like dice than doors
Resni in ne tok trezni, ko si naročajo ture
Serious and not so sober as they order rounds
To so prostori, tle se alkoholik rodi
These are the places where an alcoholic is born
Tle preživi cele dneve, včasih tud vse noči
Here they spend their entire days, sometimes all night here
Sliš se, bla bla kerefeke tipične za vse fleke
You hear blah blah, typical gibberish for all the spots
Meke cure bare, face stare, brez prebite pare
Soft girls at the bar, old faces, no money left
K nimajo za erare, didumidu sam lešinare
Those who don't have any, didumidu, just scavengers
Ko zagledajo te, dej za štamprle care
When they see you, come on, my dear, give them a couple of bucks
Mare, brcn neki za vlado gospode jare
Wait, grumble something about the government, you angry sirs
Tale je za vas, tale je za vaše gare
This one is for you, this one is for your anger
Tle se mešajo temperamenti severa in juga
Here the temperaments of the north and south mix
In veš kaj se zgodi, ko folk čez mero ga cuga
And you know what happens when people drink too much?
Ujeti v dimu oblaka, uzrti v luknje v cevi
Caught in a cloud of smoke, staring into the holes in the pipe
Realnost je taka, ko si izpostavljen zadevi
Reality is what it is when you're exposed to the matter
To je tko ljubljana, z ulice lahko pogledam nate
That's how Ljubljana is; from the street, I can look at you
Glasu ne poznate, to je glas ki ga teptate
You don't know the voice; this is the voice you trample on
Glasu ne priznate, glas ki za norca ga mate
You don't recognize the voice, the voice you think is crazy
Glas, ki se vztrajno širi in nezadržno prodira vate
The voice that spreads persistently and penetrates you uncontrollably
Glas odmeva, ko prisluhneš zgodbi betona
The voice echoes when you listen to the story of concrete
Glas ki opeva, da enim tle odpadla bo krona
The voice that sings that one crown will fall here
Predstavli si, da se zgodi, da te šefe odpusti
Imagine that it happens, that the boss fires you
Ker si ti, tu doma, neprave narodnosti
Because you are here, at home, of the wrong nationality
Predstavli si, da ti poli, brez veze kr zateži
Imagine that the cops just hassle you for no reason
Ker nimaš pravega imena, kec u tebe leti
Because you don't have the right name; you talk funny
In to je tko, vedno bo in vedno je tko bilo
And that's how it is; it always will be and always has been
Sam da to, nikol ne bo, opravičilo za to
Except that this will never be an excuse for that
Potrebno bo, da se kdo, od pravice obrnu bo
It will be necessary for someone to turn away from the truth
Jasno bo, ko nekdo, resnico lansiru bo
It will be clear when someone launches the truth
Derem se to je to, sam oni zrejo in vejo
I'm yelling, this is it, but they just watch and know
Da morjo skrivat realnost, kr nam je kazat ne smejo
That they have to hide reality; they're not allowed to show it to us
Vzel bi nam, čist vse, tud če to, več ne gre
They would take everything from us, even if it's no longer possible
Sam jest ne dam, se o ne, čas pokazu bo vse
But I won't let them, oh no, time will show everything
To je za vodstvo uprave, marionetne države
This is for the leadership of the administration, the puppet state
Narcisoidne narave, ne spoštujem vaše zastave
Narcissistic nature, I don't respect your flag
Šteje vsaka napaka, zato so šteti vam dnevi
Every mistake counts; therefore, your days are numbered
Realnost je taka, ko si izpostavljen zadevi
Reality is what it is when you're exposed to the matter
Moj lajf je to kar živim in moj lajf je moj biz
My life is what I live, and my life is my biz
Zame neprecenljiv, tako k partenonski friz
Invaluable to me, just like the Parthenon frieze
Ko pomislm na sklize, se mi pokaže cel niz
When I think about the slips, I see a whole series
Pazm ko pride do krize, na vse moje k so mi bliz
I watch out when a crisis hits, all of mine who are close to me
Brez, par kolegov ostal, par stvari tle spoznal
Without a couple of friends left, I've learned a couple of things here
Pržgem si bat, ker se boj ne bo nikol končal
I light up a joint because the fear will never end
Ko sem zašel, ste vi umikal mi rame
When I went astray, you turned your shoulders away from me
Sej nism jezen na vas, no ja, kokr se uzame
I'm not mad at you; well, as it is taken
Zame, je važn da vsak od vas to dojame
For me, it's important that each of you understand this
Da name, noben od vas ne računa, naj kr verjame
That no one can count on me; let them believe it
Dvigujem glas, za vse k tiho živijo
I'm raising my voice for all those who live in silence
K energijo, dajo njim da loh oni grešijo
Who give their energy to them so they can sin
Na tuj račun blestijo, zato se človek pretrga
They shine at someone else's expense; therefore, a person breaks down
Poln delavnik za minimalac, fak loh se ti strga
A full-time worker for minimum wage, you can really tear yourself apart
Zato zdej pumpi sklece, tok da že padaš v nezavest
So now pump those pushups until you pass out
Ker ni vec cajta za hece, tle morš met jekleno pest
Because there's no more time for jokes, you have to have an iron fist here
Srce se mi trga, v mestu ki le redkokdaj spi
My heart breaks in a city that rarely sleeps
Tle redko kdo ve kva je, kva še da bi vedu kva bi
Here, few people know what is; what else would they know, what would they
In ni dolg tega nazaj, ko znanc je umrl v nezgodi
And it wasn't long ago that an acquaintance died in an accident
Vprašam se zakaj in kam vse to nas vodi
I ask myself why and where all this is leading us
Ne veš kaj te čaka, kaj ti prinesejo dnevi
You don't know what awaits you, what the days will bring you
Realnost je taka, ko si izpostavljen zadevi
Reality is what it is when you're exposed to the matter

Авторы: Kosta štok

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