Kosta - Morm Povedat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kosta - Morm Povedat

Morm Povedat
Gotta Tell You
Grdi si, ne maram te veè!
You're ugly, I don't like you anymore!
Mam jezik prestrupen, ker povem vse kar leži na njem,
My tongue is overflowing, 'cause I say everything that’s on it,
In nism veè èlovek, ker ne pustim, da hodte po men,
And I'm not a human anymore, 'cause I don't let you walk all over me,
špilite pošten, loh pa tud zamenamo vloge,
Play it fair, or we can switch roles,
Dons bom jest prfoks, talam minuse za naloge.
Today I'm the prof, handing out failing grades for assignments.
Maš zlato žlico v ustih, raj jih hitr zapri,
You have a golden spoon in your mouth, close it quickly,
Zlato pa skrij, da se ta v železo ne spremeni,
And hide the gold, so it doesn’t turn into iron,
Ker starih veè ni, sej si kul, nikar ne tul,
'Cause the old folks are gone, yeah you're cool, don’t you cry,
Zdej te bomo sezul, si tvoje èevlje obul.
Now we’re going to take off your shoes, and put them on.
Ker ti si kul, lepo se v teh èevljih sprehaja,
Because you’re cool, you walk around nicely in these shoes,
A to je kaj ti dogaja, tko se pogoje podaja,
But is this what’s happening to you, that's how conditions are given,
Izkorišèaš ljudi za 250 na uro
You exploit people for 250 an hour
In veèina teh modelov je nardila maturo,
And most of these models have graduated high school,
èekiram datum in uro, ko padem v šok.
I’m checking the date and time, when I go into shock.
Smo šli res sto let nazaj, gre za èasovni preskok?
Did we really go back a hundred years, is it a time jump?
Ni res, zgleda da se zgodovina ponavlja,
No, it seems history is repeating itself,
Elita svoje opravlja, folk pa na zavod odpravlja.
The elite does its thing, and the folk go to the unemployment office.
In modeli so raj tih, ne govorijo preveè,
And the models are rather quiet, they don’t talk too much,
Ker dobr vejo, da je loh beseda ena preveè,
Because they know very well that one word can be too many,
Službe ni veè, nestrpno zadržijo svoj dih,
There’s no more work, they anxiously hold their breath,
Dons je tišina zlato, zato so èist vsi tih,
Silence is golden today, that's why everyone is quiet,
Zato pa pišem ta stih, zanima me kaj se zgodi,
That's why I'm writing this verse, I'm wondering what happens,
Ko se pravljica v kruto realnost spremeni.
When a fairy tale turns into a harsh reality.
Kok jih živi, kok jih trpi in kok jih sam vegetira,
How many of them are alive, how many of them are suffering, and how many are just vegetating,
Kok jih je v leru, kok se jih sekira, kok jih nima mira,
How many are in the mud, how many are being chopped down, how many have no peace,
To je moj monolog in èutim, morm razpredat,
This is my monologue, and I feel it, I gotta tell it,
O stvareh, kire sm vidu, tole morm povedat!
About the things, I've seen, I gotta tell you this!
Vsi modeli, k so z mano, vem stojijo za mano,
All the models, that are with me, I know they stand behind me,
Vsak od njih, tko k jest, vsi predstavljamo Ljubljano,
Each of them, just like me, we all represent Ljubljana,
Kaj dogaja, vem, da zdej prihaja moj èas,
What's happening, I know, now my time is coming,
Morm povedat, kar me mot, morm povedat naglas!
I gotta tell you, what bothers me, I gotta say it out loud!
Vem, da me razumete, ker se vse pove direkt,
I know, that you understand me, 'cause everything is said directly,
Tko vam loh dam sporoèilo, s tem dosežem efekt
That's how I can give you a message, with this I achieve an effect
In dobr vidm vse okoli sebe, ker opazujem,
And I see everything around me well, 'cause I'm observing,
Vedno mislim in se zberem, ker sam tko loh delujem
I always think and collect myself, 'cause that's the only way I can function
In stvari res niso takšne, kot se vam mogoèe zdijo.
And things really aren't what they seem to you.
Ne nasedam lažem, ko èeknem televizijo,
I don't fall for lies, when I check the TV,
Vlada dela se gluho, prikrit se fura represijo,
The government plays deaf, covertly pushes repression,
Ni èudn, da folk zdej gleda drugaè na policijo,
No wonder, folks now look differently at the police,
Male ribe lovijo, velke pa pr mir pustijo,
They catch the small fish, but leave the big ones alone,
Za ses ti morijo in pol ga sami kadijo.
They’re killing for weed, and then they smoke half of it themselves.
To je adijo, modeli mi pravjo, ja tko je.
This is goodbye, the models tell me, yeah that's how it is.
Ne pozabit na oblast, kdo jo je postavu ke,
Don't forget about the government, who put it there,
Mi vem, da nismo brez moèi,
We know, we’re not powerless,
Sam celotno situacijo furajo lobiji,
But the whole situation is run by the beans,
A noben nima pravice, da bo tak do nas,
But nobody has the right, to be like that to us,
Do vidu en, bo vidu drug, tret, odkliku bo vaš èas.
One will see, another will see, a third, your time will come.
Ne maram lažnih nasmehov, ne maram dvojne morale,
I don't like fake smiles, I don’t like double standards,
Ne maram takih ljudi, k furajo te ideale,
I don't like people like that, who push these ideals,
Ne maram ksenofobije, tle je preveè nestrpnosti,
I don't like xenophobia, there is too much intolerance here,
Ne maram homofobije, vzdušje tle je polno trpkosti
I don't like homophobia, the atmosphere here is full of bitterness
In arogance do veliko ljudi.
And arrogance towards many people.
To doživel sem sam, zarad poševnih oèi,
I’ve experienced this myself, because of my slanted eyes,
Tle obleka èloveka naredi in ne on nje,
Here the clothes make the man, and not the man the clothes,
Pomembn je sam kok maš keša, kup se loh vse
The only thing that matters is how much cash you have, you can buy anything
In ko pogledam nazaj, Cankar zgleda je mel prav,
And when I look back, Cankar seems to have been right,
èe si hlapec enkrat, boš hlapec vedno tud ostal.
If you're a servant once, you'll always be a servant.
Vcasih mi je žal, k tle živim, glede na te stvari,
Sometimes I'm sorry, I live here, considering these things,
O.K., èe te kej mot pa pejt, boste rekl vi,
Okay, if something bothers you, then leave, you’ll say,
A-a, sori par stvari me še tle gor drži
But, sorry, a few things are still holding me up here
Zaprem oèi vidm tebe, vse kar rabm si ti
I close my eyes, I see you, you're everything I need
In ni lepo bit del, tele zafurane predstave,
And it's not nice to be a part, of this messed up performance,
Ne zdej, sam enkrat bodo padale glave!
Not now, but one day heads will roll!
Upam da sem bil jasen, ker morm bit še bolj glasen,
I hope I was clear, 'cause I gotta be even louder,
Jezen sem na državo, ker je šla Juga narazen,
I'm angry at the state, because Yugoslavia fell apart,
Cajt je šel mim, z leti se je slika zbistrila,
Time has passed, over the years the picture has become clearer,
življenja so se spremenila, nov polet so dobila,
Lives have changed, they’ve got a new flight,
Meje, ki so jih postavil, so prerasle korenine,
The borders, that they set up, the roots have overgrown,
Zdej te sežejo do moje družine,
Now they're reaching my family,
Kri ni voda bom govoru do takrat ko ne izdihnem,
Blood is thicker than water, I will speak until I exhale,
Komadu žalost privdihnem, dušo si navdihnem...
I breathe sadness into the song, I inspire my soul...
Naj odmeva naš melos in slovanski ponos,
May our melos and Slavic pride resound,
Temu jest pripadam to mi daje velik zanos,
This is what I belong to, this gives me great enthusiasm,
Spoznal ste me, èe èutite me, do dna mojega srca,
You’ve gotten to know me, if you feel me, to the bottom of my heart,
Nisem ta, ki se loh kupi al pa tujcu proda.
I'm not the one, who can be bought or sold to a foreigner.
Moj svet je kot mozaik, poln slik,
My world is like a mosaic, full of pictures,
Dogodkov in ljudi, ki stal so mi ob strani skozi moje dni,
Events and people, who stood by me through my days,
Mi sam živimo, dobr vem da se dostikrat borimo,
We live ourselves, I know we fight often,
Ni lahko, èeprav se tega kar mamo res veselimo.
It's not easy, even though we’re really happy to have this.
Življenje ni na izi, z leti morm bit bolj odgovoren,
Life is not easy, over the years I gotta be more responsible,
Dam vse od sebe, vèasih zdi se da ne zmorem
I give it my all, sometimes it seems like I can't do it
In se zlomim, postanem kot model k stran od vsega sklizne,
And I break down, I become like a model, who slips away from everything,
Poèutim se k pes s steklino, paz da te ne ugrizne.
I feel like a dog with rabies, careful not to get bitten.
Sam to je tko, ko vse želje zbledijo,
But that's how it is, when all desires fade,
Ko fantazije zgorijo, cilji svojo smer zgubijo,
When fantasies burn, goals lose their direction,
Generacija X, je generacija kiks
Generation X, is the generation that kicks
In veèina nje tlele išèe sam še dobr,
And most of it here is just looking for a good,
Sam še dobr, sam še dobr fiks!
Just a good, just a good fix!

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