Kriska - Flow Barrio - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kriska - Flow Barrio

Flow Barrio
Flow Barrio
Ese sabor tuyo mami es puro Cali Cali
That flavor of yours, mami, is pure Cali Cali
Y ese cuerpazo no le envidia nada Cardi
And that body doesn't envy Cardi at all
De verte lejitos me da un paro casi casi
Seeing you from afar almost gives me a heart attack
Entro en un cortocircuito como Wally
I short-circuit like Wally
Esa mirada tan sensual dime qué tramas
That sensual look, tell me what you're up to
Tus ojos me llaman (oh), están en llamas (ah)
Your eyes call to me (oh), they're on fire (ah)
No parece santa pero si toda una dama
You don't look like a saint, but you're a true lady
De esas prohibidas, que gustan pero te dañan
One of those forbidden ones, the kind you like but they're bad for you
Ese movimiento tuyo me trae tonton
Your moves make me dizzy
Me gusta que la miren esto un bombón
I like that they look at her, she's a bombshell
Le encanta el Rap pero baila reggaeton
She loves Rap but dances Reggaeton
No le ofrezcas aguardiente que ella prefiere el ron
Don't offer her aguardiente, she prefers rum
No usa Channel es sencilla Flow del barrio
She doesn't wear Chanel, she's simple, Barrio Flow
Si está comprometida saberlo no es necesario
If she's taken, knowing it isn't necessary
Si vienes sola no hace falta preguntar
If you come alone, there's no need to ask
Es independiente y no le tiene miedo a na'
She's independent and isn't afraid of anything
Esa mujer me tiene loco como lo mueve
That woman drives me crazy with the way she moves
Muchos la quieren tener pero no la tiene
Many want her but don't have her
Me ha robado el corazón y no lo devuelve
She's stolen my heart and won't give it back
(Tiene puro flow de barrio y no se contiene)
(She's got pure barrio flow and can't contain it)
Esa mujer me tiene loco como lo mueve
That woman drives me crazy with the way she moves
Muchos la quieren tener pero no la tiene
Many want her but don't have her
Me ha robado el corazón y no lo devuelve
She's stolen my heart and won't give it back
(Tiene puro flow de barrio, siempre va y viene)
(She's got pure barrio flow, always coming and going)
Me gusta que no le copia cualquiera
I like that she doesn't copy anyone
Y que no anda pendiente cuánto llevo en mi cartera
And that she doesn't care how much I have in my wallet
Es impaciente y por nadie espera
She's impatient and doesn't wait for anyone
Y odia que le pregunten el por qué sigue soltera (yow)
And she hates being asked why she's still single (yow)
Está como quiere y no como quieras
She's how she wants to be, not how you want her to be
Siempre se está cambiando el look de 1000 maneras
She's always changing her look in 1000 ways
No le gusta hacer la misma de ayer
She doesn't like doing the same thing as yesterday
Y ni se te ocurra preguntar el por qué
And don't even think about asking why
Cuando baila lo mueve rico no le falta nitro
When she dances she moves it so good, she's got that extra something
Ay mamá moverlo así debería ser delito
Oh mama, moving it like that should be a crime
Caigo ante ella facilito
I fall for her easily
Hay mama brota puro Flow bendito
Oh mama, pure blessed Flow is sprouting
Si reacciono a sus historias le da igual
If I react to her stories, she doesn't care
No se hace rogar y qué más da
She doesn't play hard to get, and so what
No por qué eres así Mamá
I don't know why you're like this, Mama
Ella sabe que le clavan las miradas
She knows they're all staring at her
Es la sensación en cualquier lugar
She's the sensation wherever she goes

Авторы: Cristian Camilo Peña Martinez

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