Kriska - La Trampa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kriska - La Trampa

La Trampa
The Trap
Cuando tienen dinero solo les falta poder
When they have money, all they lack is power
Y cuando lo consiguen al pueblo quieren joder
And when they get it, they want to screw the people over
Con su politiquería barata engañan a la gente
With their cheap politicking, they deceive the people
Pero yo no copio e nada pues ninguno me da de comer
But I don't copy anyone, because no one feeds me
Aunque puedan evitar que yo pueda tener
Although they can prevent me from having
Y que mi familia y la de muchos puedan sostener
And that my family and many others can sustain
Con bajos salarios por la explotación del ser
With low wages due to the exploitation of the being
Que trabaja y que por ello no se le pueda reconocer
Who works and therefore cannot be recognized
Hay que ver que tras del echo son conchudos
You have to see that after the fact they are shameless
Hacen la que hacen y a la hora del se quedan mudos
They do what they do and at tea time they remain silent
Y al cantar esto, en la garganta se me hacen nudos
And singing this, knots form in my throat
Por ver tantos que de sus derechos están desnudos
To see so many who are stripped of their rights
Pero claro como tu estas seguro el resto te vale un ...
But of course, since you're safe, the rest doesn't matter to you...
Como estas alejado de la vaina te haces el mas duro
Since you're far from the trouble, you act tough
Tu aquí chilling en tu ambiente citadino
You here chilling in your city environment
Y que se vayan pal monte los hijos de los campesinos
And let the children of the peasants go to the countryside
Y quédate quieto que pal falso traigo positivo
And stay still, 'cause I have something for the fake one
El mensaje pal que come del bobo y se cree vivo
The message is for the one who takes advantage of the fool and thinks he's clever
Y si crees que es pura ... lo que te digo
And if you think it's pure ... what I'm telling you
Mira la diferencia entre un estrato bajo y un mendigo
Look at the difference between a low-income person and a beggar
Y como exigir si por partidos nos odiamos
And how to demand if we hate each other because of parties
Y por defender a unos políticos peleamos
And we fight to defend politicians
Al que piensa diferente lo insultamos
We insult those who think differently
Quieren cambiar al mundo y nosotros mismos no cambiamos
They want to change the world and we don't change ourselves
Aquí hay mucho gañan que busca robar el pan
Here there are many fools who seek to steal bread
Que se cree el man y que por llegar tiene el fan
Who thinks he's the man and that by arriving he has the fan
Que quiere actuar cual Robin Hood y que tal
Who wants to act like Robin Hood and such
Pero roba a los pobres pal rico poder brindar
But steals from the poor to toast the rich
Mi viejo mas de 30 años que ha tenido que trabajar
My old man has had to work for more than 30 years
Y por no cumplir la edad no se ha podido pensionar
And because he hasn't reached the age, he hasn't been able to retire
Y cuantos otros padres muertos en un hospital
And how many other parents have died in a hospital
Porque una EPS un tratamiento no quiso aprobar
Because an EPS didn't want to approve a treatment
Y estoy cansado de tanta quejadera sin sentido en redes
And I'm tired of so much meaningless complaining on social media
Que solo buscan moda y presumir con quienes pueden
That only seek fashion and to show off with those who can
Todos encerrados en cuatro paredes
All locked up within four walls
Y se creen superiores, que carajos les sucede
And they think they are superior, what the hell is wrong with them
Brinde un vaso de agua, o haga donaciones
Offer a glass of water, or make donations
Que esto no mejora solo con Twitter es con acciones
This doesn't improve just with Twitter, it's with actions
No voy con ninguno de ellos pues son fanfarrones
I don't side with any of them because they are braggarts
Porqué aquí solo hay un rey y el resto somos peones
Because here there is only one king and the rest of us are pawns
En primera quedo claro que ninguno quiere un cambio
First of all, it's clear that no one wants a change
Todos van hacerlo, pero solo si es de su propia mano
Everyone is going to do it, but only if it's by their own hand
Después se tuercen y toman la decisión
Then they twist and make the decision
Por el mejor postor y de inmediato cambian de opinión
For the highest bidder and immediately change their mind
Ustedes sigan en televisión no hay problema
You guys keep watching television, no problem
Sigan su vida des infórmese cambien el tema
Go on with your life, get uninformed, change the subject
Sigan pensando que seremos Venezuela
Keep thinking we'll become Venezuela
Que eso lo dice el que sale en comercial de telenovela
That's what the guy in the soap opera commercial says

Авторы: Cristian Peña, Jorge Betancourt

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