Kronos Quartet - Fratres - перевод текста песни на русский

Текст и перевод песни Kronos Quartet - Fratres

Ex igne pertinacia
От огненной настойчивости
Lux nos defendit
Свет США защищает
Post tenebras lux
После мрака свет
Sub dio fortitudo et fides
Под руководством дио сила и вера
Alea iacta est
Жребий брошен
Luctor et emergo
Луктор и эмерго
Ad vitam aeternam
К вечной жизни
Salva veritate pro memoria
Сохраняю правду для памяти
Lux et veritas
Свет и истина
Pactum serva
Завет соблюдать
Ad vitam paramus
К жизни Кеннеди
In memoria vita
В память о своей жизни
Lux nos defendit
Свет США защищает
Aequitas enim lucet vita nos defendit
В идеале для сияющей жизни мы защищаем
Ex igne pertinacia
От огненной настойчивости
Lux nos defendit
Свет США защищает
Constantia fortis juvat
Последовательность сильная помогает
Luctor et emergo
Луктор и эмерго
Lux et veritas
Свет и истина
Pactum serva
Завет соблюдать
Ad vitam paramus
К жизни Кеннеди
In vertu te pax
Верту тебе мир
Vita nos defendit
Жизнь, которую мы защищаем
Constantia fortis juvat
Последовательность сильная помогает
Age quod agis
В каком возрасте ты занимаешься
Præmonitus, præmonitus
Премонитус, премонитус
Sit tibi terra levis
Пусть земля тебе будет пухом
Ex igne pertinacia
От огненной настойчивости
Lux nos defendit
Свет США защищает
Post tenebras lux
После мрака свет
Sub dio fortitudo et fides
Под руководством дио сила и вера
Lux et veritas
Свет и истина
Pactum serva
Завет соблюдать
Pax vobiscum
Да пребудет с вами мир
Ad vitam paramus
К жизни Кеннеди
In vertu te pax
Верту тебе мир
Pro memoria
Для памяти
Lux et veritas
Свет и истина
Pactum serva
Завет соблюдать

Авторы: Arvo Paert

Kronos Quartet - 25 Years
25 Years
дата релиза

1 String Quartet No. 3 "Mishima": 1934-Grandmother and Kimitake
2 String Quartet No. 2 (Company): IV.
3 String Quartet No. 5: IV.
4 Five Tango Sensations: Despertar- Anxiety
5 Adams: John's Book Of Alleged Dances: Judah to Ocean (reprise)
6 Cadenza on the Night Plain: The Night Cry of Black Buffalo Woman
7 Cadenza on the Night Plain: Tuning to Rolling Thunder
8 Cadenza on the Night Plain: Violin ll
9 Cadenza on the Night Plain: March of the Oldtimers Reefer Division
10 Cadenza on the Night Plain: Cadenza, Viola
11 Cadenza on the Night Plain: Where Was Wisdom When We Went West?
12 Cadenza on the Night Plain: Violin l
13 Cadenza on the Night Plain: Introduction
14 Black Angels: III. Return
15 Cadenza on the Night Plain: Cadenza, Cello
16 Black Angels: II. Absence
17 Different Trains: III. After the War
18 Different Trains: II. Europe-During the War
19 Different Trains: I. America-Before the War
20 String Quartet No. 1, Op. 62 "Already It Is Dusk"
21 String Quartet No. 2, Op. 64 "Quasi Una Fantasia": IV. Allegro - Sempre Con Grand
22 String Quartet No. 2, Op. 64 "Quasi Una Fantasia": III. Arioso. Adagio Cantabile
23 String Quartet No. 2, Op. 64 "Quasi Una Fantasia": II. Deciso - Energico. Furioso
24 String Quartet No. 2, Op. 64 "Quasi Una Fantasia": I. Largo Sostenuto - Mesto
25 Mugam Sayagi
26 Black Angels: I. Departure
27 Quartet No. 4
28 Cadenza on the Night Plain: Gathering of the Spiral Clan
29 G-Song
30 Quartet No. 8: V. Con Dolore
31 Quartet No. 8: IV. Con Precisione
32 Quartet No. 8: III. Con Dolore
33 Quartet No. 8: II. Risoluto, Calmo
34 Quartet No. 8: I. Con Dolore
35 Quartet No. 11: Jabiru Dreaming II
36 Quartet No. 11: Jabiru Dreaming I
37 Collected Songs Where Every Verse is Filled with Grief
38 String Quartet No. 4: V. Lento
39 Cadenza on the Night Plain: Captain Jack has the Last Word
40 String Quartet No. 4: IV. Vivace
41 String Quartet No. 4: II. Allegro
42 String Quartet No. 4: I. Lento
43 String Quartet No. 2: IV. Moderato
44 String Quartet No. 2: III. Mesto
45 String Quartet No. 2: II. Agitato
46 String Quartet No. 2: I. Moderato
47 Good Medicine, Good Medicine Dance
48 The Gift, Mongolian Winds
49 The Gift, Echoes of Primordial Time
50 String Quartet No. 4: III. Lento
51 The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind: Postlude. Lento, Libermente
52 The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac The Blind: III. Calmo, Sospeso - Allegro Pesante
53 The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac The Blind - II. Teneramente-Ruvido-Presto
54 Traveling Music: II. —
55 Traveling Music: I. Gentle, Easy
56 Missa Sillabica: Ite missa est
57 Missa Sillabica: Agnus Dei
58 Missa Sillabica: Sanctus
59 Missa Sillabica: Credo
60 Missa Sillabica: Gloria
61 Missa Sillabica: Kyrie
62 Summa
63 Traveling Music: III. Driving
64 Psalom
65 Adams: John's Book Of Alleged Dances - Standchen: The Little Serenade
66 John's Book Of Alleged Dances: Alligator Escalator
67 Adams: John's Book Of Alleged Dances: Hammer and Chisel
68 Adams: John's Book Of Alleged Dances: Stubble Crotchet
69 John's Book Of Alleged Dances: Habanera
70 Adams: John's Book Of Alleged Dances: Rag the Bone
71 John's Book Of Alleged Dances: Pavane - She's So Fine
72 John's Book Of Alleged Dances: Dogjam
73 Adams: John's Book Of Alleged Dances: Toot Nipple
74 Fratres
75 Song of 20 Shadows
76 Five Tango Sensations: Asleep - Dreaming
77 Five Tango Senstations: Loving
78 The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac The Blind: I. Agitato- Con Fuoco - Maestos - Senz
79 The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind: Prelude: Calmo, Sospeso
80 String Quartet No. 5: V.
81 String Quartet No. 5: III.
82 String Quartet No. 5: II.
83 String Quartet No. 5: I.
84 String Quartet No. 2 (Company): III.
85 String Quartet No. 2 (Company): II.
86 String Quartet No. 2 (Company): I.
87 String Quartet No. 3 [Mishima]: Mishima/Closing
88 String Quartet No. 3 [Mishima]: Blood Oath
89 String Quartet No. 3 [Mishima]: 1962-Body Building
90 String Quartet No. 3 [Mishima]: November 25-Ichigaya
91 String Quartet No. 3 [Mishima]: 1957-Award Montage
92 String Quartet No. 4 "Buzcak": III. —
93 String Quartet No. 4 "Buzcak": II. —
94 String Quartet No. 4 (Buzcak): I.
95 Piano and String Quartet
96 Four for Tango
97 Five Tango Sensations: Fear
98 Five Tango Sensations: Anxiety
99 Ubirr: Quartet No. 12
100 White Man Sleeps: I. —
101 White Man Sleeps: II. —
102 White Man Sleeps: III. —
103 White Man Sleeps: IV. —
104 White Man Sleeps: V. —

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