Kunokini - Feeling In One - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kunokini - Feeling In One

Feeling In One
Feeling In One
Ini sedikit cerita tentang
This is a little story about
Yang hilang, kemerdekaannya
Which lost its independence
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Got away from here, nothing in this place
Got away from here, nothing in this place
Wa. move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Wa. move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Got away... yeayyy
Got away... yeayyy
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Got away from here, nothing in this place
Got away from here, nothing in this place
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Got away
Got away
Saya datang dari INDONESIA
I come from INDONESIA
Mencoba tuk dapat mengeluarkan rasa-rasa pedih
Trying to get out the pain
Yang ada, didalam jiwa
Which is, in the soul
Yang sudah lama terpendam dan tak terbersit karna mati, shit
Which has been long suppressed and not thought of because of death, shit
Kalian sama harus bergandengan tangan
You guys have to join hands
Tuk dapat menuju ketempat yang akan kita jelang
To get to the place we're going
Wo bersama tuk dapat menyerang dan menaklukan segala iblis-iblis
Wo together to be able to attack and conquer all the demons
Yang datang menghadang
Who stand in the way
Hayo kayuh kapalmu melaju
Come on, row your ship forward
Tiada batas ngarungi ruang dan waktu
There are no limits to navigating space and time
Bersama kita akan membela
Together we will defend
Yang akan berjaya
That will succeed
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Got away from here, nothing in this place
Got away from here, nothing in this place
Wa. move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Wa. move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Got away... yeayyy
Got away... yeayyy
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Got away from here, nothing in this place
Got away from here, nothing in this place
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Got away
Got away
Feelin' in one and be unities one
Feelin' in one and be unities one
Janganlah kau mau terpecahkan belah
Don't let yourself be broken apart
Itu salah satu cara dari siBabylonia
That's one of the ways of Babylon
Merusak dan mengakali dari dalam jiwa
To destroy and outsmart from within the soul
Feelin' in one and be unities one
Feelin' in one and be unities one
Camkan didalam jiwa dan didalam pikiran jangan sampai
Keep it in your soul and in your mind, don't let
Trusik otak-otak licik, picik
Slick, sly, stupid brains
Yang akan selalu mengulik, mengusik, mengkritik, ahahaha
That will always be poking, prodding, criticizing, ahahaha
Berisik ditelinga dan dijiwa
Noisy in the ears and in the soul
Oh takkan henti-hentinya mereka berkata-kata
Oh, they won't stop talking
Mengalihkan kita dari masalah yang ada
Diverting us from the problems at hand
Bawa negri ini kepada neraka...
Bring this country to hell...
Konsumtif... konsumtif...
Consumptive... consumptive...
Tanpa ada solusi
Without a solution
Kapitalisme. akan terus beraksi
Capitalism. will continue to act
Konsumtif... konsumtif...
Consumptive... consumptive...
Tanpa ada solusi
Without a solution
Kapitalisme. akan terus beraksi
Capitalism. will continue to act
Membutakan mata ini dari pintu hati
Blinding these eyes from the door of the heart
Dan jiwa-jiwa akan slalu dikotori
And souls will always be contaminated
Padahal kita dapat menyelsaikannya
Even though we can solve it
Bila kita berhati suci dan mulia
If we have pure and noble hearts
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Got away from here, nothing in this place
Got away from here, nothing in this place
Wa. move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Wa. move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Got away... alright.
Got away... alright.
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Got away from here, nothing in this place
Got away from here, nothing in this place
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Move babylon, got Jah move babylon
Got away
Got away

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