Kvelertak - Fanden ta dette hull! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kvelertak - Fanden ta dette hull!

Fanden ta dette hull!
The Devil's Own Hole!
Halslenka og livgjord
Rope and harness
Treve kilo jern slep
Seventy pounds of iron in tow
I helvetes forgård
In the yard of hell
Har kagstrygingå satt sitt preg
The flogging has left its mark
Hans siste time he komme, for seint te å gjør någe med
His last hour has come, too late to do anything about it
Kan bare takka seg sjøl for det her, men hjelpe vel det
He can only blame himself for this, but what good will that do
Tampen pisken
The end of the whip
Ein alen lang
A foot long
Innsmurt med tjæra
Smeared with tar
Dryles fallen mann
Beating the fallen man
Oljelampå kaste et lysskjær
The oil lamp casts a light
Over ein halvdaue sjel
Over a half-dead soul
håndå stenne tri bokstava
On his wrist three letters are carved
Tatovert EOT
Tattooed EOT
Hans siste time he komme, for seint te å gjør någe med
His last hour has come, too late to do anything about it
Kan bare takka seg sjøl, ånei, koss havna han her?
He can only blame himself, oh dear, how did he end up here?
Angrande, tynga ner i lenka
Repentant, weighed down in chains
Fora brød og vann
Fed on bread and water
For evig tid vansmekta
Tortured for eternity
Vokternes spyttklyser
The guards' spitting image
Ingen livsgnist der å spora
No spark of life there to be traced
Apatien har tatt overhånd
Apathy has taken over
Denna straffen han tåla
This punishment he must endure
Aua for aua, tann for tann
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Mørket falt
Darkness fell
Natten kom
Night came
Som en venn
Like a friend
Tok hans hånd
Took his hand
Mot et mål
Towards a goal
Uten krav
Without demands
Ingen Gud
No God
Ingen grav
No grave
Byberg, den jævelen
Byberg, that devil
Får aldri nok
Never gets enough
Bade i gryn
Bathing in gold
Men med brødet bakt av bark
But with bread baked from bark
The maid
Får aldri et takk
Never gets a thank you
Jobbe og slite, men e alltid blakk, huh!
Working hard, but always broke, huh!
Bibelsprengt asketikar
Bible-thumping ascetics
Joy-of-life allergy sufferers!
Ruge pengan! hu klekke ut ein slibrig plan;
Brooding over money; a slippery plan hatches;
Kakkas i skallen
Shit in the skull
Hengas låven
Hangs in the barn
Gamlingen kverkas
The old man is strangled
Formuen knabbas. Ough!
The fortune is stolen. Ouch!
Gjøymt i løå
Hidden in the barn
Tau og løkka
Rope and noose
Kjenn det strammer
Feel it tightens
flykta langt vekk her i fra
Must flee far away from here
For i Løten vente bøddelen
For in Løten, the executioner awaits
Har bare et sted her igjen han kan dra
Has only one place left here he can go
Hvis han fortsatt e velkommen
If he's still welcome
Snart gløyme han alt han gjorde
Soon he'll forget everything he did then
Når han framfor gården stenne
When he stands before the farm
Heile Stavanger er et vidåpent sår
The whole of Stavanger is an open wound
Det stinke haugianarblod
It stinks of Haugian blood
Ni menn går dystert opp i fjellet
Nine men walk somberly up into the mountains
Som det var jordeferd
As if it were a funeral
Og Gjøken gale, månen lyse
And the cuckoo sings, the moon shines
Opp Tagholdts skjulte verd
Up to Tagholdt's hidden world
Vigelandsvannet kjeme nærmar
Vigelandsvatnet is getting closer
Sjå, det e spinnerfall
Look, it's spinning water
Og heile juninottå skjelve
And the whole of the June night trembles
Byfogden har tatt sin mann
The bailiff has caught his man
Åran gikk
The years passed
Knoklan stod
The bones stood
For folk og fe
For people and cattle
Som attraksjon
As an attraction
Venta mer enn
Waited for more than
Hundre år
A hundred years
å bli senka
To be lowered
I vigsla jord
Into consecrated ground

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