Kylian feat. Monkey - DE CORAZÓN - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kylian feat. Monkey - DE CORAZÓN

Siento que todo se va, me rompo si tu ya no estas
I feel like everything is going away, I'll break if you're not here anymore
Me duele no verte despues de la lucha que hice con tal de no perderte
It hurts me not to see you after the fight I put up to not lose you
Me duele que beses a otro subnormal sabiendo que ese no te quiere
It hurts me that you kiss another idiot knowing that he doesn't love you
Te promete el cielo, te promete amor, pues venga que te lo demuestre
He promises you the sky, he promises you love, well come on, let him prove it to you
Al tipo dile que respete, donde no le llaman se mete,
Tell the guy to respect, he gets in where he's not called,
Que tenga cuidado, pero tu tambien, porque la gente esa te pierde
Be careful, but you too, because that kind of people will lose you
Y tu estás perdida, por una cartera, quee sta jugando con tu mente
And you're lost, for a wallet, that's playing with your mind
Ya llegara el dia, llegara el momento, que al fin te de por conocerle
The day will come, the moment will come, that you finally get to know him
Yo no soy tan bueno tengo mil errores pero te lo admito
I'm not that good, I have a thousand mistakes, but I admit it to you
No hay nada de plata no hay nada de flus, pero por ti yo lo consigo
There's no silver, there's no cash, but I'll get it for you
El otro un niño de papa, no sabe lo que es trabajar
The other one is a daddy's boy, he doesn't know what it's like to work
Lo unico que le falta, a ese feka ya, es ponerse a cantar raapp
The only thing he's missing, that feka, is to start rapping
Yo no quiero nada de ti, aunque te tire esté beef
I don't want anything from you, even though I'm throwing this beef at you
Antes que tu, ese culo yo, hace tiempo me lo comi
Before you, that ass, I ate it a long time ago
No estás pa fardar bro, tu no eres primero en naaaa
You're not here to brag, bro, you're not first in anything
Ese tumbao que tu me llevasss, te crees pablo emilio escobarrrr
That swagger you carry, you think you're Pablo Emilio Escobar
Y te digo de corazon, con el no te irá mejor
And I'm telling you from the heart, you won't be better with him
Pero si prefieres, dinero a cariño, esa ya es tu elección
But if you prefer, money to love, that's your choice

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