L'Elfo feat. Niah Steiner - Gig Robot (feat. Niah Steiner) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни L'Elfo feat. Niah Steiner - Gig Robot (feat. Niah Steiner)

Gig Robot (feat. Niah Steiner)
Gig Robot (feat. Niah Steiner)
Anche se sorrido non mi puoi capire, no
Even if I smile, you can't understand me, no
Fra′, l'amore mi ha deluso e mi comporto come un gigolò
Dude, love has let me down and I behave like a gigolo
Torno a pezzi, Jeeg Robot, impallato con l′iPhone
I come back in pieces, Jeeg Robot, stuffed with an iPhone
Lei mi aspetta fino a tardi, sa già che non dormirò
She waits up for me until late, she already knows that I won't sleep
Gli occhi sempre spenti e mi sento un bimbo speciale
My eyes are always dull and I feel like a special child
Perdere neuroni mi ha reso meno sociale
Losing neurons has made me less social
Mi stringi la mano, ma non mi voglio fidare
You hold my hand, but I don't want to trust you
La mia mente ha sviluppato un antivirus per l'infame
My mind has developed an antivirus for the infamous
Se mi chiedi come sto, ti rispondo: "Tutto okay"
If you ask me how I am, I'll tell you: "Everything's okay"
Ad essere sincero bro, non ti fare i cazzi miei
To be honest bro, don't get into my business
Ho scelto come morire, morirò con i ricordi
I have chosen how to die, I will die with the memories
Vecchie foto rovinate testimoniano le notti
Old ruined photos bear witness to the nights
La pazienza è la virtù di chi non ha vita veloce
Patience is the virtue of those who don't have a fast life
Siamo tutti coi problemi ed abbellisco la mia croce
We all have problems and I embellish my cross
Mamma mia quanto mi manca, quell'adolescenza pazza
My God, how much I miss that crazy adolescence
Ancora il cuore mi batteva se volevo una ragazza
My heart would still beat if I wanted a girl
I had the world in my hand, then I want it all to end
I had the world in my hand, then I want it all to end
It′s good until you see clear, and by then it′s not as surreal
It's good until you see clear, and by then it's not as surreal
Can't feel your touch anymore, I thought I loved you, but no
Can't feel your touch anymore, I thought I loved you, but no
It′s good until you see clear, and by then it's not as surreal
It's good until you see clear, and by then it's not as surreal
Sono in giro con i diavoli che lottano con gli angeli
I'm hanging out with the devils that fight the angels
Non c′è più la tua voce a dirmi: "Luca forse esageri"
Your voice is no longer there to tell me: "Luca, maybe you're exaggerating"
Volevo solamente stare bene veramente
I just wanted to be really okay
Invece sto bene per finta come fa tutta la gente
Instead I'm pretending to be okay like everyone else
L'ignoto, io lo conosco bene come quando sento il vuoto
The unknown, I know it well like when I feel the void
Si sgretola il terreno sotto i piedi è resto solo
The ground crumbles beneath my feet and I am left alone
Mi aggrappo a ciò che conta, che tu sia cattivo o buono
I cling to what matters, whether you are bad or good
Ricorda, errare è umano e perdonare è un dono
Remember, to err is human and to forgive is a gift
Ora, che un quarto d′ora assomiglia ad un millennio
Now, that a quarter of an hour feels like a millennium
Che mi vogliono dormiente, ma io sogno anche da sveglio
That they want me asleep, but I dream even when I'm awake
Noto che gennaio è freddo come quello del romanzo
I notice that January is cold like the one in the novel
Poi mi passa l'appetito e pure oggi fra' non pranzo
Then I lose my appetite and don't eat lunch today either
Adesso che a Catania la mia stella fratè brilla
Now that in Catania my star shines, bro
Ed io mi sento un po′ il protagonista della Bibbia
And I feel a bit like the protagonist of the Bible
La gente chiede foto e cattura questo momento
People ask for photos and capture this moment
Ed io sorrido pure se non mi sento contento
And I smile even if I don't feel happy
I had the world in my hand, then I want it all to end
I had the world in my hand, then I want it all to end
It′s good until you see clear, and by then it's not as surreal
It's good until you see clear, and by then it's not as surreal
Can′t feel your touch anymore, I thought I loved you, but no
Can't feel your touch anymore, I thought I loved you, but no
It's good until you see clear, and by then it′s not as surreal
It's good until you see clear, and by then it's not as surreal
I had the world in my hand, then I want it all to end
I had the world in my hand, then I want it all to end
It's good until you see clear, and by then it′s not as surreal
It's good until you see clear, and by then it′s not as surreal
Can't feel your touch anymore, I thought I loved you, but no
Can't feel your touch anymore, I thought I loved you, but no
It's good until you see clear, and by then it′s not as surreal
It's good until you see clear, and by then it′s not as surreal

Авторы: Grasso Francesco Maria Ennio

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