Liga - Du Er Ikke Alene - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Liga - Du Er Ikke Alene

Du Er Ikke Alene
You Are Not Alone
Når du ta'r afsted
When you leave
vend dig ikke om
Don't you look back
Der' ingen vej tilbage,
There is no way back
Hvorfra du kom
Where you came from
Alle deres remser
All their lines
Dem kan du uden ad
You know them by heart
Du kender deres mistro og had
You know their mistrust and hatred
Og du som intet ved
And if you know nothing,
Men dog har fået alt
You have it all,
Du ved som nok det hele
You know all the answers,
Det' dyrt betalt
It comes at a price,
Hvis der er en sandhed
If there is a truth,
Skrevet sort hvidt
Written in black and white,
er det den at ingenting er dit
It is that nothing is yours.
Du er ikke alene
You are not alone,
Der er en der følger dig
There is someone following you,
Og det'helt det rene
And it's clear
Han har det li'som dig - li'som dig
He feels the same as you - just like you.
De som kaster sten
Those who throw stones
Gemmer sig bag glas
Are hiding behind glass
De ku' ha' fået dit hjerte
They could have won your heart
De havde ikke plads
But they had no room
For du flytter deres grænser
Because you move their borders
Du kapper deres tov
You cut their ropes
Men du skal frifindes for deres lov
But you will be acquitted of their law
For de står selv for skud
Because they stand to be shot,
Som ejer lov og ret
As the owners of the law and the right
Og de burde dømmes
And they should be judged
Lige nu er du træt
Right now, you are so tired
Men alle deres sønner
But all their sons
Og døtre ligeså
And daughters too
Vidner mod den verden de har fået
Witness against the world they have been given
Du er ikke alene
You are not alone
Der'en der følger dig
There is someone following you
Og det helt det rene
And it is completely clear
Han har det li'som dig - li'som dig
He feels the same as you - just like you.
Du er ikke alene - du ikke alene
You are not alone - you are not alone
Der'en der følger dig
There is someone following you
Og det helt det rene
And it is completely clear
Han har det li'som dig - li'som dig
He feels the same as you - just like you.
Og bli'r du hentet ind
And if you are taken in
Og mærker du en hånd
And you feel a hand
bliv ikke bange
Don't be afraid
Du ved hvorfor den kom
You know why it came
Der er ikke megen varme
There is not much warmth
Lige her omkring
Right here
Men jeg tror nok i finder vejen frem - lige som os
But I think we will find our way - just like us.
Vi er ikke alene - vi ikke alene
We are not alone - we are not alone
Der er fler der viser trods - der viser trods
There are more who have shown defiance - shown defiance
Og det helt det rene
And it is completely clear
De har det li'som os - li'som os li'som os
They feel the same as us - the same as us the same as us
Men du er ikke alene - li'som os
But you are not alone - like us
Men du er ikke alene - li'som os
But you are not alone - like us
Nej du er ikke alene - li'som os li'som os li'som os
No, you are not alone - like us like us like us

Авторы: sebastian

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