L.O.C. - Derfor Banger Jeg - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни L.O.C. - Derfor Banger Jeg

Derfor Banger Jeg
Why I Hustle
sig velkommen til en voksen dreng de kalder for primitiv
So welcome to a grown man they call primitive
Der altid er aggressiv når han er pisse stiv
Who's always aggressive when he's piss drunk
Spørg om du ik′ lige sporter ham en fiv
Ask if you wouldn't mind spotting him a five
Tager et billede af sit liv og sælger dig sit negativ
Takes a picture of his life and sells you his negative
Og siger ja til det første tilbud uden at fatte han er naiv
And says yes to the first offer without realizing he's naive
Søger religion men gør ting som gud ik ka' tilgive
Seeks religion but does things God can't forgive
Hopper ind i mængden når han skulle holde sig passiv
Jumps into the crowd when he should stay passive
Og hellere vil leve i en 3 gange 3 i stedet for at angive
And would rather live in a 3 by 3 than snitch
En der skal drik′ sig stiv når han skal skriv'
One who needs to get drunk to write
Og laver en masse dumt lort uden noget motiv
And does a lot of stupid shit without any motive
Og i sin paranoia ligger stranden og snakker med siv
And in his paranoia lies on the beach talking to reeds
En der skylder i baren og ik' kan fatte at han skal blive
One who owes at the bar and can't understand that he has to stay
Og har en anderledes adfærd
And has a different behavior
Og laver sine penge i et mørkt gadeskær
And makes his money in a dark streetlight
Ja jeg ved sgu godt at den er vanskelig at fortære
Yeah, I know it's hard to swallow
Men med mindre du er nede for alt forslår jeg jer I lader den mand være
But unless you're down for everything, I suggest you leave that man alone
For at stå en scene
To stand on a stage
For at stå egne ben
To stand on my own two feet
For at I ikke skal fucke med min′
So you don't mess with mine
For ikke at stene
To not get stoned
Ha penge nok til at løse et hvert problem
Have enough money to solve any problem
For at sikre fremtiden for mit gen
To secure the future for my genes
Derfor banger jeg
That's why I hustle
For at stå en scene
To stand on a stage
For at stå egne ben
To stand on my own two feet
For at I ikke skal fucke med min′
So you don't mess with mine
For ikke at stene
To not get stoned
Ha penge nok til at løse et hvert problem
Have enough money to solve any problem
For at sikre fremtiden for mit gen
To secure the future for my genes
Derfor banger jeg
That's why I hustle
En af den slags der skider et hul i bling bling
One of those who doesn't give a damn about bling bling
Og altid prøver at ramme med den skarpe ende af sværdets klinge
And always tries to hit with the sharp end of the sword's blade
Og aldrig snakker lort men bare forsøger at gøre sin ting
And never talks shit but just tries to do his thing
Ramme præcist og eksploderer som en sting
Hits precisely and then explodes like a sting
Og gerne vil ændre hvad fremtiden har at bringe
And wants to change what the future holds
Ud af loyalitet og tillid råber højt om sit slæng
Out of loyalty and trust shouts loudly about his crew
Alting går ned nu yo fuck at vente længe
Everything goes down now yo fuck waiting long
Ham der nægter at forlade lokalet før han har væltet ting
The one who refuses to leave the room until he's knocked things over
Og ikke turde sove i frygt for at falde gennem sin seng
And didn't dare sleep for fear of falling through his bed
Og derfor modstanderen i gulvet før klokken når at ring'
And therefore the opponent on the floor before the bell rings
Ham de fleste folk ikke helt syntes at forstå
The one most people don't quite understand
Ham man til et offentligt arrangement bare syntes skal
The one you just think should leave at a public event
Og spyt i nakken er det eneste i bitches kan
And spit in the neck is the only thing bitches can get
Ham der banger jer ho′s til hans pikhår er grå
The one who bangs on you hoes until his pubes are grey
Ham der lærte jer alle sammen at synge Hey Ho
The one who taught you all to sing Hey Ho
Ham der smadrer hele hylden hvis han ik' selv kan
The one who smashes the whole shelf if he can't reach it himself
Ham der drikker som et svin og aldrig siger fra
The one who drinks like a pig and never says no
Ham der vader om en løgn og aldrig gir sig
The one who wades around a lie and never gives in
Ham du ønsker der var død når han generer dig
The one you wish was dead when he bothers you
Stikker dig en flad til din egen fest og skider hvad du siger nar
Slaps you in the face at your own party and shits on what you say fool
fuck hvad I har at sige for jeg reagerer bare
So fuck what you have to say because I just react
Slikker din tøs bag øret so og jeg ler nar
Lick your girl behind the ear and I laugh fool
Og ber bar′ til at næste gang I fucking hos I ser mig
And just pray that the next time you fucking hoes see me
vandrer I andre videre uanset hvordan jeg ter mig
So you others walk on regardless of how I behave
For at stå en scene
To stand on a stage
For at stå egne ben
To stand on my own two feet
For at I ikke skal fucke med min'
So you don't mess with mine
For ikke at stene
To not get stoned
Ha penge nok til at løse et hvert problem
Have enough money to solve any problem
For at sikre fremtiden for mit gen
To secure the future for my genes
Derfor banger jeg
That's why I hustle
For at stå en scene
To stand on a stage
For at stå egne ben
To stand on my own two feet
For at I ikke skal fucke med min′
So you don't mess with mine
For ikke at stene
To not get stoned
Ha penge nok til at løse et hvert problem
Have enough money to solve any problem
For at sikre fremtiden for mit gen
To secure the future for my genes
Derfor banger jeg
That's why I hustle

Авторы: Rune L Rask, Liam Nygaard O'connor, Troels W P Nielsen

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