L.O.C. - Marquis - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни L.O.C. - Marquis

Gi' mig 1, 2 og en mikrofon
Give me 1, 2 and a microphone
Chanel svøbt om mit fjæs som en autonom
Chanel wrapped around my face like an anarchist
Vi' autobahn blæst uden tag
We're Autobahn blown without a roof
Høj livet for min division er douchebag
High on life for my division is douchebag
Salutér en libertiner, det moderne marquis
Salute a libertine, the modern marquis
Fuck en gang, vi lever for 10
Fuck once, we live for 10
Silikone selværd dykker i min swimmingpool
Silicone self-esteem diving in my swimming pool
C.V. han sagde det, skru' det pis op en smule
C.V. he said it, so turn it up a bit
Du fester nu med de Infamøse
You're partying now with the Infamous
Mens folk de skåler for at glem' de blir forældreløse
While people toast to forget that they become orphans
Det' vådeskud for ikke at glip af noget
It's a wild shot for not missing anything
lad den og sæt den imod hovedet
So let it go and put it against your head
Vi sigter fornemt
We aim so proudly
Men vi er langt fra ramt
But we're so far from hitting
vi blir stående
So we'll keep standing
Indtil hele festen styrter sammen
Until the whole party collapses
Vi skal ha' det hele med
We'll have it all with us
Lad os det hele med
Let us have it all with us
Min' damer og det der værre, Vi ekstraordinære
My ladies and the rest, We extraordinary
Det ignorante og fuckt-up i vores savoir-affære
The ignorant and fucked-up in our savoir-affair
For hænderne mod himlen er det tætteste vi kommer dem
Because our hands towards heaven are the closest we come to it
Vi' midt i sodoma og gomorra med hjertet åben
We're in the midst of sodom and gomorrah with open hearts
Fragmenter af fuck-up det blir fanget i struben
Fragments of fuck-up that get caught in the throat
Glem at tag hjem, hun sir' vi bar kan knep i garderoben
Forget about going home, she says we can just fuck in the wardrobe
Danser rundt til billie-Jean, splitter fucking nøgen
Danced around to Billie Jean, completely fucking naked
Og varmer op til vi skal fuck i 2 døgn
And warming up until we fuck for 2 days
Hun sir' hun hader måden hun ved at alle går bort
She says she hates the way she knows that everyone goes away
Og det faktum at ingen af os er født til noget stort
And that fact that none of us are born to become something great
Men det betyder intet når vi først er sendt afsted
But that doesn't mean anything when we're sent away
For hun gør ikk det samme når byen den lukker ned
Because she doesn't do the same when the city shuts down
Hun skal ha' det hele med
She'll have it all with her
Lad os det hele med
Let us have it all with us
Vi ligeglad med at se endnu en dag
We don't care about seeing another day
Slå i bordet dit hjerte og tag tøjet af
Hit the table so your heart and take your clothes off
Vi starter med at fra hinanden
We begin to move away from each other
Og du ikke fantastisk plads fem
And you're not fantastic in fifth place
Vi ligeglade med at se endnu en dag
We don't care about seeing another day
Slå et kors over dit hjerte og tag tøjet af
Cross a crucifix over your heart and take your clothes off
Vi starter med at fra hinanden
We begin to move away from each other
Og du ik fantastisk plads fem
And you're not fantastic in fifth place
Vi sigter fornemt
We aim so proudly
Men vi er langt fra ramt
But we're so far from hitting
vi blir stående
So we'll keep standing
Indtil hele festen styrter sammen
Until the whole party collapses

Авторы: Liam O'connor

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