Fils cuisto dverre, mes frases cuisent tot et jlai dis dfacon cru si bien kjmemporte tanto,
Girl, glass cook, my phrases cook everything and I said it so raw that it matters so much,
Kan o mecs ki opere dans les maquis fo ki sache ke,
When it comes to guys who operate in the undergrowth, they need to know that,
L'algerino takine la rime juste mettre des tacles et claker des portes pour montrer kjve en ouvrir couvrir ...
L'Algerino teases the rhyme just to tackle and slam doors to show I'm going to open, cover...
Seulement si tu mavasi vu soufrir, trop faire le maxi,
Only if you had seen me suffer, doing the maximum,
Pouser un peu o maxi, mon truc c'est, mettre les gens a leur place tant kia pas dexcés,
Pushing a little to the max, my thing is, putting people in their place as long as there's no excess,
Véxé, tue les, excuse moi jai pas mesuré,
Offended, kill them, excuse me I didn't measure,
Limpact de mes mot ke certaines personnes iront censurés,
The impact of my words that some people will censor,
Au fur et, a mesure jcours comme un furet,
As time goes on, I run like a ferret,
Koi la vie mrend furax mais jreste serein est relax,
What, life makes me furious but I stay calm and relaxed,
Jsais plus faire bouger les corps ca cetait mon role ex,
I don't know how to move bodies anymore, that was my ex-role,
Maintenant jvais faire cogiter les cortex,
Now I'm going to make the cortex think,
Sexporter ma musike de part la france,
Export my music throughout France,
Decrire retranscrire ma vie ou plutot ckelle vaut,
Describe, transcribe my life or rather what it's worth,
Des experiences, voir cke les gens en pense,
Experiences, see what people think,
Jte jure, pke a force de pas echanger nos idées entre nous on voit knos difference
I swear, because by not exchanging our ideas among ourselves, we see our differences,
, France i parait ke tetouffe mais c ton systeme ki nous pousse vers les drogues douces
France, it seems you're suffocating but it's your system that pushes us towards soft drugs,
Jrelate tout et rien mais constate ke rien ne va ou plutot tres peu de choses,
I relate everything and nothing but notice that nothing is going well or rather very few things,
Pour lheure bonheur et beton seront jamais en osmose,
For now, happiness and concrete will never be in osmosis,
Mais la soirée est fait ...
But the evening is made...
Ke jprend le mic, diffuser mon message pourvu kce soir une lueur, pour toutes les sueurs couler sur les difficultés,
That I take the mic, spread my message so that tonight a glimmer, for all the sweat shed over difficulties.
Et jsuis dla maternele a luniversité. amertume,
And I'm there from kindergarten to university, bitterness,
A mort jtue les cons celle des sorts, nette heuresement rapidement
To death I kill idiots, that of spells, clear fortunately quickly
Et sconsume et kon sache avec mes gars kon saime et on et on seme la verité chose ki est rare dans notre domaine,
And we consume and let it be known with my guys that we love each other and we sow the truth, something that is rare in our domain,
Repete parfoi la verité on lentend jamais assez et merde a tous ces politiciens kon entend jackasser, puisse kon sest ke tout casser, sacager tous cki strouve mais pour ces cachés,
Repeat sometimes the truth, we never hear it enough and screw all these politicians we hear jabbering, may we know that we break everything, ransack everything that is found but for these hidden ones,
Des munitions bien chargés,
Well-loaded ammunition,
Jsuis desemparé jsais plus mcontroler,
I'm distraught, I don't know how to control myself anymore,
Jsais pas si tu entend la rumeur, lalgerino sbalade armée,
I don't know if you hear the rumor, L'Algerino walks around armed,
Mais pas nimporte kel arme,
But not just any weapon,
Celle dla parole, celle kifait taire ou ragir certain peu importe tant tant kca fait cogiter,
That of speech, the one that silences or makes some react, it doesn't matter as long as it makes you think,
La pour faire agiter les foules ... marre de voir pleurer celle ki ns ont allaiter, dcette societé, crime et pourrir cette societé ...
There to stir up the crowds... tired of seeing those who nursed us cry, so of this society, crime and rot this society ...
On es issu dcette generation ...
We are from this generation ...
Et ceux dans les coups durs,
And those in hard times,
Cest trop durs...
It's too hard...
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