LEGADO 7 - Inmigrante - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни LEGADO 7 - Inmigrante

Inmigrante en este gran pais
Immigrant in this great country
Como va a venir a decirme
How dare you tell me
Que yo no le he batallado
That I haven't struggled
Muchas cosas duras me han quebrado
Many hard things have broken me
Dos años sin ver a mi abuelita
Two years without seeing my grandmother
Vieran como la he extrañado
You should see how much I have missed her
A los once años brinque pa'ca
At eleven years old, I jumped over here
La emocion me logro cegar
Emotion made me blind
De todo lo que habia dejado
Of all that I had left behind
Era solo un niño ilusionado
I was just an excited child
Que se dejo llevar por el brio
Who got carried away by the excitement
De este sueño americano
Of this American dream
Me di cuenta de la jaula de oro
I realized the golden cage
Cuando a un tio le dieron plomo
When an uncle was shot
Y no pude ir ni a enterrarlo
And I couldn't even go to bury him
Ay Mi Michoacan como te extraño
Oh, my Michoacan, how I miss you
Quisiera volver ahi con los mios
I wish I could go back to my people
Que el tiempo no haya pasado
May time have not passed
Aca la cosa no es nada facil
Here, things are not easy at all
Pa' empezar hay un desmadre
To begin with, it's a mess
De politicos imparables
Of unstoppable politicians
Por mi color de piel soy indeseable
Because of my skin color, I am undesirable
Y por mas que le chingo maciso
And no matter how hard I work
A veces hasta en los jales
Sometimes even at work
Esta va para toda mi gente chambiadora
This goes out to all my hard-working people
Que le chinga dia a dia maciso
Who work hard every day
Pa salirle hacia adelante
To get ahead
Y asi suena puro Legado 7
And so it sounds like pure Legacy 7
Mi madrecita a veces triste esta
My little mother is sometimes sad
Yo se lo noto en su mirada
I can see it in her eyes
Que se esconde sin quebrarse
That she hides without breaking down
Los años no pueden remediarse
Years cannot be undone
Tengo la esperanza de que un dia
I hope that one day
Vuelva a abrazar a su madre
She will hug her mother again
Me mira y me dice me va bien
She looks at me and says I'm fine
Mira que bonito se ve
Look how beautiful it looks
El carrito que trae paseando
The little car she drives around
El dia que usted quiera se lo cambio
Whenever you want, I'll trade it in
Por una noche buena en familia
For a nice family Christmas
Los de aqui y del otro lado
Those here and on the other side
Inmigrante en este gran pais
Immigrant in this great country
La cosa no es facil aqui
Things are not easy here
Hay muchos que nunca llegaron
There are many who never arrived
Familias el desierto ha marcado
Families the desert has marked
Todo por la horrible pesadilla
All because of the horrible nightmare
Que es el sueño americano
That is the American dream

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